Deep Generative Modelling

Nowadays, we see several real-world applications of synthetically generated data, for example solving the data imbalance problem in classification tasks, performing style transfer for artistic images, generating protein structure for scientific analysis, etc. In this blog, we are going to explore synthetic data generation using deep neural networks with the mathematical background.

How Deep Learning drives businesses forward through automation – Infographic

In cooperation between DATANOMIQ, my consulting company for data science, business intelligence and process mining, and Pixolution, a specialist for computer vision with deep learning, we have created an infographic about a very special use case for companies with deep learning: How to protect the corporate identity of any company by ensuring consistent branding with automated font recognition.

What is Portfolio Risk Management in Python?

Data science is a crucial industry, with multiple processes today relying on it. One of its more helpful and intriguing applications is in investing, where it helps investors make more informed decisions. Practices like portfolio management in Python help take the guesswork out of this notoriously risky undertaking.

Vorstellung des Verbundforschungsprojekts “What can AI do for me?”

Die wenigen Forschungsarbeiten stellen positive Auswirkungen, wie Produktoptimierung, Kosteneinsparung durch Optimierung des Ressourcenmanagements, Steigerung der allgemein Unternehmensperformance, etc. fest. Allerdings bleibt unerforscht welchen individuellen Beitrag spezifische Anwendungsfälle leisten. Dieses Wissen wird jedoch für strategische Entscheidungen bezüglich der Implementierung von AI benötigt, um beispielsweise den ROI von AI-Projekten schätzen zu können. Dazu soll die vorliegende Studie Einsicht bringen.

Kubernetes – der Steuermann für dein Big Data Projekt!

Kubernetes ist ein Container-Orchestrierungssystem. Damit lassen sich also Anwendungen auf verschiedene Container aufteilen, wodurch sie effizient und ausfallsicher ausgeführt werden können.

Wie kann man sich zum/r Data Scientist ausbilden lassen?

Anzeige Das allgegenwärtige Internet und die Digitalisierung haben heutzutage viele Veränderungen in den Geschäften überall auf der Welt mit sich gebracht. Aus diesem Grund wird Data Science immer wichtiger. In […]

How To Perform High-Quality Data Science Job Assessments in 4 Steps

In 2009, Google Chief Economist Hal Varian said to the McKinsey Quarterly that “the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.” At the time, it was hard […]

How To Perform High-Quality Data Science Job Assessments in 4 Steps

So, you’ll want to choose your data scientists carefully, but how do you do that? Resumes and portfolios might seem impressive, but how do you actually find out if someone has the skills you’re looking for—especially if you don’t have anyone on board yet that knows what to ask.

10 Best Resources To Learn Data Science Online in 2022

Increasing technology and big data mean that organizations must leverage their data in order to deliver more powerful products and services to the world by analyzing that data and gaining insight, which is what the term “Data Science” means. You can jumpstart your career in Data Science by utilizing any of the resources listed above. Make sure you have the right resources and certifications. Now is the time to work in the data industry.

Mainframe Modernization: Making It Happen

Mainframe modernization is a major undertaking that presents a host of options for every organization. These options will vary depending on a number of factors, including business size, tenure, and industry. The following, however, are a few of the key considerations in modernization.