DIE Konferenz für Digital Analysts

Optimieren Sie den Einsatz von Daten für Ihr Marketing Lernen Sie am 16. und 17. November 2020 auf der Marketing Analytics Summit in Berlin alles, was wichtig ist, um datengetriebenes Marketing zu meistern und treffen […]

How the Pandemic is Changing the Data Analytics Outsourcing Industry

While media pundits have largely focused on the impact of COVID-19 as far as human health is concerned, it hasn’t been particularly good for the health of automated systems either. […]

How Tech Helps Keep You Safe Throughout the Day

Safety is always a primary concern for people no matter what is happening in the world, but there are certain times when it’s pushed firmly to the front of our […]

In-memory Data Grid vs. Distributed Cache: Which is Best?

Distributed caching has been a boon for IT professionals in the past due to its ability to make data always available even when offline. However, with the growing popularity of […]

5 Data Privacy Predictions for 2021

2020 has been a significant year for data management. As businesses face new technological challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, issues of privacy have spent some time in the spotlight. In […]

Data Science in Engineering Process - Product Lifecycle Management

How to develop digital products and solutions for industrial environments?

In this article, we substantiate why Data Science and Engineering should be introduced as new engineering discipline in the Product Lifecycle Management process.

Process Mining mit PAFnow – Artikelserie

Artikelserie zu Process Mining Tools – PAFnow Der zweite Artikel der Artikelserie Process Mining Tools beschäftigt sich mit dem Anbieter PAFnow. 2014 in Deutschland gegründet kann das Unternehmen PAF, dessen […]

Test-data management  support in Test Automation Development

Data is centric in testing of several applications because data is critical to organizations. Businesses are becoming more data-driven, and hence it is imperative that as Automation Test developers, the […]

Simple RNN

LSTM back propagation: following the flows of variables

First of all, the summary of this article is: please just download my Power Point slides which I made and be patient, following the equations. I am not supposed to […]

Hypothesis Test for real problems

A statistical hypothesis is a belief made about a population parameter. This belief may or might not be right. In other words, hypothesis testing is a proper technique utilized by scientist to support or reject statistical hypotheses. The foremost ideal approach to decide if a statistical hypothesis is correct is examine the whole population.