Must-have Skills to Master Data Science

The need to process a massive amount of data sets is making Data Science the most-demanded job across diverse industry verticals. In today’s times, organizations are actively looking for Data […]

Simple RNN

Understanding LSTM forward propagation in two ways

*This article is only for the sake of understanding the equations in the second page of the paper named “LSTM: A Search Space Odyssey”. If you have no trouble understanding […]

Process Mining mit Celonis – Artikelserie

Insgesamt stellt Celonis ein unabhängiges und leistungsstarkes Process Mining Tool bereit, wobei der Anwender die Wahl zwischen einer on-Premise-Lösung sowie einer Cloud-Lösung hat. Die „prebuild Process-Connectors“ und die vordefinierten Analysen können ein Process Mining Projekt signifikant beschleunigen und somit die Time-to-Value lukrativ verkürzen. Die Analyse Tools sind leicht bedienbar und schaffen dank integrierter Machine Learning Algorithmen Optimierungspotentiale. 

AI Voice Assistants are the Next Revolution: How Prepared are You?

According to Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO, he says we’re already living in the golden era of artificial intelligence as such where the voice assistant flagship already exists, i.e. Alexa.

Data Science – A Beautiful Data Driven Journey

Data Science is a profession related to processing algorithms and extracting deep insights from raw data. It depicts the importance of data and how it can be used in business […]

How Data Science Can Benefit Nonprofits

Image Source: Data science is the poster child of the 21st century and for good reason. Data-based decisions have streamlined, automated, and made businesses more efficient than ever before, […]

Interview: Data Science in der Finanzbranche

Interview mit Torsten Nahm von der DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank AG) über Data Science in der Finanzbranche Torsten Nahm ist Head of Data Science bei der DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank AG) in […]

Simple RNN

A brief history of neural nets: everything you should know before learning LSTM

This series is not a college course or something on deep learning with strict deadlines for assignments, so let’s take a detour from practical stuff and take a brief look […]

Sechs Eigenschaften einer modernen Business Intelligence

Völlig unabhängig von der Branche, in der Sie tätig sind, benötigen Sie Informationssysteme, die Ihre geschäftlichen Daten auswerten, um Ihnen Entscheidungsgrundlagen zu liefern. Diese Systeme werden gemeinläufig als sogenannte Business […]

Data Analytics and Mining for Dummies

Data Analytics and Mining is often perceived as an extremely tricky task cut out for Data Analysts and Data Scientists having a thorough knowledge encompassing several different domains such as […]