The Basics of Logistic Regression in Data Science

Data science is a field that is growing by leaps and bounds. A couple decades ago, using a machine learning program to make predictions about datasets was the purview of […]

Process Mining mit Fluxicon Disco – Artikelserie

Dieser Artikel der Artikelserie Process Mining Tools beschäftigt sich mit dem Anbieter Fluxicon. Das im Jahr 2010 gegründete Unternehmen, bis heute geführt von den zwei Gründern Dr. Anne Rozinat und Dr. […]

Why Your Data Science Team Needs Separate Testing, Validation & Training Sets

Automated testing of machine learning models can help to dramatically reduce the amount of time and effort that your team has to dedicate to debugging them. Not applying these techniques […]

My elaborate study notes on reinforcement learning

This article is going to be composed of the following contents.

Understanding the “simplicity” of reinforcement learning: comprehensive tips to take the trouble out of RL
Graphical understanding of dynamic programming and the Bellman equation: taking a typical approach at first

AI Platforms – A Comprehensive Guide

A comprehensive guide compiled to introduce readers to AI platforms, their types, and benefits. A concluding section to discuss AI platform selection strategy with Attri’s Best of Breed approach to […]

Predictive Maintenance – Konzept und Chancen

(Maschinen)Zeit ist kostbar. Das trifft besonders auf produzierende Unternehmen zu. Denn hier gilt, jeder Stillstand einer Anlage kostet wertvolle Produktionskapazität. Stillstände einer Maschine lassen sich nicht 100%ig vermeiden, nur können […]

How to Successfully Perform a Data Quality Assessment (DQA)

People generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every single day. That’s 1.7 megabytes generated every second for each of the 7.8 billion residents of Earth. A lot of that information […]

Coffee Shop Location Predictor

As part of this article, we will explore the main steps involved in predicting the best location for a coffee shop in Vancouver. We will also take into consideration that […]

What Is Data Lake Architecture?

The volume of information produced by everyone in the world is growing exponentially. To put it in perspective, it’s estimated that by 2023 the big data analytics market will reach […]

Artikelserie: BI Tools im Vergleich – Qlik Sense

Dies ist ein Artikel der Artikel-Serie “BI Tools im Vergleich – Einführung und Motivation“, zu der auch die vorab sehr lesenswerten einführenden Worte und die Ausführungen zur Datenbasis gehören. Auf Grundlage derselben […]