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Data-driven Attribution Modeling

In the world of commerce, companies often face the temptation to reduce their marketing spending, especially during times of economic uncertainty or when planning to cut costs. However, this short-term strategy can lead to long-term consequences that may hinder a company’s growth and competitiveness in the market.

Maintaining a consistent marketing presence is crucial for businesses, as it helps to keep the company at the forefront of their target audience’s minds. By reducing marketing efforts, companies risk losing visibility and brand awareness among potential clients, which can be difficult and expensive to regain later. Moreover, a strong marketing strategy is essential for building trust and credibility with prospective customers, as it demonstrates the company’s expertise, values, and commitment to their industry.

Given a fixed budget, companies apply economic principles for marketing efforts and need to spend a given marketing budget as efficient as possible. In this view, attribution models are an essential tool for companies to understand the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and optimize their strategies for maximum return on investments (ROI). By assigning optimal credit to various touchpoints in the customer journey, these models provide valuable insights into which channels, campaigns, and interactions have the greatest impact on driving conversions and therefore revenue. Identifying the most important channels enables companies to distribute the given budget accordingly in an optimal way.

1. Combining business value with attribution modeling

The true value of attribution modeling lies not solely in applying the optimal theoretical concept – that are discussed below – but in the practical application in coherence with the business logic of the firm. Therefore, the correct modeling ensures that companies are not only distributing their budget in an optimal way but also that they incorporate the business logic to focus on an optimal long-term growth strategy.

Understanding and incorporating business logic into attribution models is the critical step that is often overlooked or poorly understood. However, it is the key to unlocking the full potential of attribution modeling and making data-driven decisions that align with business goals. Without properly integrating the business logic, even the most sophisticated attribution models will fail to provide actionable insights and may lead to misguided marketing strategies.

Figure 1 – Combining the business logic with attribution modeling to generate value for firms

Figure 1 – Combining the business logic with attribution modeling to generate value for firms

For example, determining the end of a customer journey is a critical step in attribution modeling. When there are long gaps between customer interactions and touchpoints, analysts must carefully examine the data to decide if the current journey has concluded or is still ongoing. To make this determination, they need to consider the length of the gap in relation to typical journey durations and assess whether the gap follows a common sequence of touchpoints. By analyzing this data in an appropriate way, businesses can more accurately assess the impact of their marketing efforts and avoid attributing credit to touchpoints that are no longer relevant.

Another important consideration is accounting for conversions that ultimately lead to returns or cancellations. While it’s easy to get excited about the number of conversions generated by marketing campaigns, it’s essential to recognize that not all conversions should be valued equal. If a significant portion of conversions result in returns or cancellations, the true value of those campaigns may be much lower than initially believed.

To effectively incorporate these factors into attribution models, businesses need to important things. First, a robust data platform (such as a customer data platform; CDP) that can integrate data from various sources, such as tracking systems, ERP systems, e-commerce platforms to effectively perform data analytics. This allows for a holistic view of the customer journey, including post-conversion events like returns and cancellations, which are crucial for accurate attribution modeling. Second, as outlined above, businesses need a profound understanding of the business model and logic.

2. On the Relevance of Attribution Models in Online Marketing

A conversion is a point in the customer journey where a recipient of a marketing message performs a somewhat desired action. For example, open an email, click on a call-to-action link or go to a landing page and fill out a registration. Finally, the ultimate conversion would be of course buying the product. Attribution models serve as frameworks that help marketers assess the business impact of different channels on a customer’s decision to convert along a customer´s journey. By providing insights into which interactions most effectively drive sales, these models enable more efficient resource allocation given a fixed budget.

Figure 2 - A simple illustration of one single customer journey. Consider that from the company’s perspective all journeys together result into a complex network of possible journey steps.

Figure 2 – A simple illustration of one single customer journey. Consider that from the company’s perspective all journeys together result into a complex network of possible journey steps.

Companies typically utilize a diverse marketing mix, including email marketing, search engine advertising (SEA), search engine optimization (SEO), affiliate marketing, and social media. Attribution models facilitate the analysis of customer interactions across these touchpoints, offering a comprehensive view of the customer journey.

  • Comprehensive Customer Insights: By identifying the most effective channels for driving conversions, attribution models allow marketers to tailor strategies that enhance customer engagement and improve conversion rates.

  • Optimized Budget Allocation: These models reveal the performance of various marketing channels, helping marketers allocate budgets more efficiently. This ensures that resources are directed towards channels that offer the highest return on investment (ROI), maximizing marketing impact.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Attribution models empower marketers to make informed, data-driven decisions, leading to more effective campaign strategies and better alignment between marketing and sales efforts.

In the realm of online advertising, evaluating media effectiveness is a critical component of the decision-making process. Since advertisement costs often depend on clicks or impressions, understanding each channel’s effectiveness is vital. A multi-channel attribution model is necessary to grasp the marketing impact of each channel and the overall effectiveness of online marketing activities. This approach ensures optimal budget allocation, enhances ROI, and drives successful marketing outcomes.

What types of attribution models are there? Depending on the attribution model, different values are assigned to various touchpoints. These models help determine which channels are the most important and should be prioritized. Each channel is assigned a monetary value based on its contribution to success. This weighting then determines the allocation of the marketing budget. Below are some attribution models commonly used in marketing practice.

2.1. Single-Touch Attribution Models

As it follows from the name of the group of these approaches, they consider only one touchpoint.

2.1.1 First Touch Attribution

First touch attribution is the standard and simplest method for attributing conversions, as it assigns full credit to the first interaction. One of its main advantages is its simplicity; it is a straightforward and easy-to-understand approach. Additionally, it allows for quick implementation without the need for complex calculations or data analysis, making it a convenient choice for organizations looking for a simple attribution method. This model can be particularly beneficial when the focus is solely on demand generation. However, there are notable drawbacks to first touch attribution. It tends to oversimplify the customer journey by ignoring the influence of subsequent touchpoints. This can lead to a limited view of channel performance, as it may disproportionately credit channels that are more likely to be the first point of contact, potentially overlooking the contributions of other channels that assist in conversions.

Figure 3 - The first touch is a simple non-intelligent way of attribution.

Figure 3 – The first touch is a simple non-intelligent way of attribution.

2.1.2 Last Touch Attribution

Last touch attribution is another straightforward method for attributing conversions, serving as the opposite of first touch attribution by assigning full credit to the last interaction. Its simplicity is one of its main advantages, as it is easy to understand and implement without the need for complex calculations or data analysis. This makes it a convenient choice for organizations seeking a simple attribution approach, especially when the focus is solely on driving conversions. However, last touch attribution also has its drawbacks. It tends to oversimplify the customer journey by neglecting the influence of earlier touchpoints. This approach provides limited insights into the full customer journey, as it focuses solely on the last touchpoint and overlooks the cumulative impact of multiple touchpoints, missing out on valuable insights.

Figure 4 - Last touch attribution is the counterpart to the first touch approach.

Figure 4 – Last touch attribution is the counterpart to the first touch approach.

2.2 Multi-Touch Attribution Models

We noted that single-touch attribution models are easy to interpret and implement. However, these methods often fall short in assigning credit, as they apply rules arbitrarily and fail to accurately gauge the contribution of each touchpoint in the consumer journey. As a result, marketers may make decisions based on skewed data. In contrast, multi-touch attribution leverages individual user-level data from various channels. It calculates and assigns credit to the marketing touchpoints that have influenced a desired business outcome for a specific key performance indicator (KPI) event.

2.2.1 Linear Attribution

Linear attribution is a standard approach that improves upon single-touch models by considering all interactions and assigning them equal weight. For instance, if there are five touchpoints in a customer’s journey, each would receive 20% of the credit for the conversion. This method offers several advantages. Firstly, it ensures equal distribution of credit across all touchpoints, providing a balanced representation of each touchpoint’s contribution to conversions. This approach promotes fairness by avoiding the overemphasis or neglect of specific touchpoints, ensuring that credit is distributed evenly among channels. Additionally, linear attribution is easy to implement, requiring no complex calculations or data analysis, which makes it a convenient choice for organizations seeking a straightforward attribution method. However, linear attribution also has its drawbacks. One significant limitation is its lack of differentiation, as it assigns equal credit to each touchpoint regardless of their actual impact on driving conversions. This can lead to an inaccurate representation of the effectiveness of individual touchpoints. Furthermore, linear attribution ignores the concept of time decay, meaning it does not account for the diminishing influence of earlier touchpoints over time. It treats all touchpoints equally, regardless of their temporal proximity to the conversion event, potentially overlooking the greater impact of more recent interactions.

Figure 5 - Linear uniform attribution.

Figure 5 – Linear uniform attribution.

2.2.2 Position-based Attribution (U-Shaped Attribution & W-Shaped Attribution)

Position-based attribution, encompassing both U-shaped and W-shaped models, focuses on assigning the most significant weight to the first and last touchpoints in a customer’s journey. In the W-shaped attribution model, the middle touchpoint also receives a substantial amount of credit. This approach offers several advantages. One of the primary benefits is the weighted credit system, which assigns more credit to key touchpoints such as the first and last interactions, and sometimes additional key touchpoints in between. This allows marketers to highlight the importance of these critical interactions in driving conversions. Additionally, position-based attribution provides flexibility, enabling businesses to customize and adjust the distribution of credit according to their specific objectives and customer behavior patterns. However, there are some drawbacks to consider. Position-based attribution involves a degree of subjectivity, as determining the specific weights for different touchpoints requires subjective decision-making. The choice of weights can vary across organizations and may affect the accuracy of the attribution results. Furthermore, this model has limited adaptability, as it may not fully capture the nuances of every customer journey, given its focus on specific positions or touchpoints.

Figure 6 - The U-shaped attribution (sometimes known as "bathtube model" and the W-shaped one are first attempts of weighted models.

Figure 6 – The U-shaped attribution (sometimes known as “bathtube model” and the W-shaped one are first attempts of weighted models.

2.2.3 Time Decay Attribution

Time decay attribution is a model that primarily assigns most of the credit to interactions that occur closest to the point of conversion. This approach has several advantages. One of its key benefits is temporal sensitivity, as it recognizes the diminishing impact of earlier touchpoints over time. By assigning more credit to touchpoints closer to the conversion event, it reflects the higher influence of recent interactions. Additionally, time decay attribution offers flexibility, allowing organizations to customize the decay rate or function. This enables businesses to fine-tune the model according to their specific needs and customer behavior patterns, which can be particularly useful for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies. However, time decay attribution also has its drawbacks. One challenge is the arbitrary nature of the decay function, as determining the appropriate decay rate is both challenging and subjective. There is no universally optimal decay function, and choosing an inappropriate model can lead to inaccurate credit distribution. Moreover, this approach may oversimplify time dynamics by assuming a linear or exponential decay pattern, which might not fully capture the complex temporal dynamics of customer behavior. Additionally, time decay attribution primarily focuses on the temporal aspect and may overlook other contextual factors that influence touchpoint effectiveness, such as channel interactions, customer segments, or campaign-specific dynamics.

Figure 7 - Time-based models can be configurated by according to the first or last touch and weighted by the timespan in between of each touchpoint.

Figure 7 – Time-based models can be configurated by according to the first or last touch and weighted by the timespan in between of each touchpoint.

2.3 Data-Driven Attribution Models

2.3.1 Markov Chain Attribution

Markov chain attribution is a data-driven method that analyzes marketing effectiveness using the principles of Markov Chains. Those chains are mathematical models used to describe systems that transition from one state to another in a chain-like process. The principles focus on the transition matrix, derived from analyzing customer journeys from initial touchpoints to conversion or no conversion, to capture the sequential nature of interactions and understand how each touchpoint influences the final decision. Let’s have a look at the following simple example with three channels that are chained together and leading to either a conversion or no conversion.

Figure 8 - Example of four customer journeys

Figure 8 – Example of four customer journeys

The model calculates the conversion likelihood by examining transitions between touchpoints. Those transitions are depicted in the following probability tree.

Figure 9 - Example of a touchpoint network based on customer journeys

Figure 9 – Example of a touchpoint network based on customer journeys

Based on this tree, the transition matrix can be constructed that reveals the influence of each touchpoint and thus the significance of each channel.

This method considers the sequential nature of customer journeys and relies on historical data to estimate transition probabilities, capturing the empirical behavior of customers. It offers flexibility by allowing customization to incorporate factors like time decay, channel interactions, and different attribution rules.

Markov chain attribution can be extended to higher-order chains, where the probability of transition depends on multiple previous states, providing a more nuanced analysis of customer behavior. To do so, the Markov process introduces a memory parameter 0 that is assumed to be zero here. Overall, it offers a robust framework for understanding the influence of different marketing touchpoints.

2.3.2 Shapley Value Attribution (Game Theoretical Approach)

The Shapley value is a concept from game theory that provides a fair method for distributing rewards among participants in a coalition. It ensures that both gains and costs are allocated equitably among actors, making it particularly useful when individual contributions vary but collective efforts lead to a shared outcome. In advertising, the Shapley method treats the advertising channels as players in a cooperative game. Now, consider a channel coalition consisting of different advertising channels . The utility function describes the contribution of a coalition of channels .

In this formula, is the cardinality of a specific coalition and the sum extends over all subsets of that do not contain the marginal contribution of channel to the coalition . For more information on how to calculate the marginal distribution, see Zhao et al. (2018).

The Shapley value approach ensures a fair allocation of credit to each touchpoint based on its contribution to the conversion process. This method encourages cooperation among channels, fostering a collaborative approach to achieving marketing goals. By accurately assessing the contribution of each channel, marketers can gain valuable insights into the performance of their marketing efforts, leading to more informed decision-making. Despite its advantages, the Shapley value method has some limitations. The method can be sensitive to the order in which touchpoints are considered, potentially leading to variations in results depending on the sequence of attribution. This sensitivity can impact the consistency of the outcomes. Finally, Shapley value and Markov chain attribution can also be combined using an ensemble attribution model to further reduce the generalization error (Gaur & Bharti 2020).

2.33. Algorithmic Attribution using binary Classifier and (causal) Machine Learning

While customer journey data often suffices for evaluating channel contributions and strategy formulation, it may not always be comprehensive enough. Fortunately, companies frequently possess a wealth of additional data that can be leveraged to enhance attribution accuracy by using a variety of analytics data from various vendors. For examples, companies might collect extensive data, including customer website activity such as clicks, page views, and conversions. This data includes features like for example the Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) information such as source, medium, campaign, content and term as well as campaign, device type, geographical information, number of user engagements, and scroll frequency, among others.

Utilizing this information, a binary classification model can be trained to predict the probability of conversion at each step of the multi touch attribution (MTA) model. This approach not only identifies the most effective channels for conversions but also highlights overvalued channels. Common algorithms include logistic regressions to easily predict the probability of conversion based on various features. Gradient boosting also provides a popular ensemble technique that is often used for unbalanced data, which is quite common in attribution data. Moreover, random forest models as well as support vector machines (SVMs) are also frequently applied. When it comes to deep learning models, that are often used for more complex problems and sequential data, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks or Transformers are applied. Those models can capture the long-range dependencies among multiple touchpoints.

Figure 10 - Attribution Model based on Deep Learning / AI

Figure 10 – Attribution Model based on Deep Learning / AI

The approach is scalable, capable of handling large volumes of data, making it ideal for organizations with extensive marketing campaigns and complex customer journeys. By leveraging advanced algorithms, it offers more accurate attribution of credit to different touchpoints, enabling marketers to make informed, data-driven decisions.

All those models are part of the Machine Learning & AI Toolkit for assessing MTA. And since the business world is evolving quickly, newer methods such as double Machine Learning or causal forest models that are discussed in the marketing literature (e.g. Langen & Huber 2023) in combination with eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) can also be applied as well in the DATANOMIQ Machine Learning and AI framework.

3. Conclusion

As digital marketing continues to evolve in the age of AI, attribution models remain crucial for understanding the complex customer journey and optimizing marketing strategies. These models not only aid in effective budget allocation but also provide a comprehensive view of how different channels contribute to conversions. With advancements in technology, particularly the shift towards data-driven and multi-touch attribution models, marketers are better equipped to make informed decisions that enhance quick return on investment (ROI) and maintain competitiveness in the digital landscape.

Several trends are shaping the evolution of attribution models. The increasing use of machine learning in marketing attribution allows for more precise and predictive analytics, which can anticipate customer behavior and optimize marketing efforts accordingly. Additionally, as privacy regulations become more stringent, there is a growing focus on data quality and ethical data usage (Ethical AI), ensuring that attribution models are both effective and compliant. Furthermore, the integration of view-through attribution, which considers the impact of ad impressions that do not result in immediate clicks, provides a more holistic understanding of customer interactions across channels. As these models become more sophisticated, they will likely incorporate a wider array of data points, offering deeper insights into the customer journey.

Unlock your marketing potential with a strategy session with our DATANOMIQ experts. Discover how our solutions can elevate your media-mix models and boost your organization by making smarter, data-driven decisions.


  • Zhao, K., Mahboobi, S. H., & Bagheri, S. R. (2018). Shapley value methods for attribution modeling in online advertising. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.05327.
  • Gaur, J., & Bharti, K. (2020). Attribution modelling in marketing: Literature review and research agenda. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 24(4), 1-21.
  • Langen H, Huber M (2023) How causal machine learning can leverage marketing strategies: Assessing and improving the performance of a coupon campaign. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0278937. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0278937

Benjamin Aunkofer - Podcast - KI in der Wirtschaftsprüfung

Podcast – KI in der Wirtschaftsprüfung

Die Verwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Wirtschaftsprüfung, wie Sie es beschreiben, klingt in der Tat revolutionär. Die Integration von KI in diesem Bereich könnte enorme Vorteile mit sich bringen, insbesondere in Bezug auf Effizienzsteigerung und Genauigkeit.

Benjamin Aunkofer - KI in der WirtschaftsprüfungDie verschiedenen von Ihnen genannten Lernmethoden wie (Un-)Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning und Federated Learning bieten unterschiedliche Ansätze, um KI-Systeme für spezifische Anforderungen der Wirtschaftsprüfung zu trainieren. Diese Methoden ermöglichen es, aus großen Datenmengen Muster zu erkennen, Vorhersagen zu treffen und Entscheidungen zu optimieren.

Der Artificial Auditor von AUDAVIS, der auf einer Kombination von verschiedenen KI-Verfahren basiert, könnte beispielsweise in der Lage sein, 100% der Buchungsdaten zu analysieren, was mit herkömmlichen Methoden praktisch unmöglich wäre. Dies würde nicht nur die Genauigkeit der Prüfung verbessern, sondern auch Betrug und Fehler effektiver aufdecken.

Der Punkt, den Sie über den Podcast Unf*ck Your Datavon Dr. Christian Krug und die Aussagen von Benjamin Aunkofer ansprechen, ist ebenfalls interessant. Es scheint, dass die Diskussion darüber, wie Datenautomatisierung und KI die Wirtschaftsprüfung effizienter gestalten können, bereits im Gange ist und dabei hilft, das Bewusstsein für diese Technologien zu schärfen und ihre Akzeptanz in der Branche zu fördern.

Es wird dabei im Podcast betont, dass die Rolle des menschlichen Prüfers durch KI nicht ersetzt, sondern ergänzt wird. KI kann nämlich dabei helfen, Routineaufgaben zu automatisieren und komplexe Datenanalysen durchzuführen, während menschliche Experten weiterhin für ihre Fachkenntnisse, ihr Urteilsvermögen und ihre Fähigkeit, den Kontext zu verstehen, unverzichtbar bleiben.

Insgesamt spricht Benjamin Aunkofer darüber, dass die Integration von KI in die Wirtschaftsprüfung bzw. konkret in der Jahresabschlussprüfung ein aufregender Schritt in Richtung einer effizienteren und effektiveren Zukunft sei, der sowohl Unternehmen als auch die gesamte Volkswirtschaft positiv beeinflussen wird.

Benjamin Aunkofer - Podcast - KI in der Wirtschaftsprüfung

Benjamin Aunkofer – Podcast – KI in der Wirtschaftsprüfung

Data Science – Weiterbildungen mit Coursera


Data Science und AI sind aufstrebende Arbeitsfelder, die sich mit der Gewinnung von Wissen aus Daten beschäftigen. Die Nachfrage nach Fähigkeiten im Bereich Data Science, aber auch in angrenzenden Bereichen wie Data Engineering oder Data Analytics, ist in den letzten Jahren explodiert, da Unternehmen versuchen, die Vorteile von Big Data und künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zu nutzen. Es lohnt sich sehr, sich in diesen Bereich weiter zu entwickeln. Dafür eignen sich die Kurse von Coursera.org.

Online-Kurse lohnen sich dann, wenn eine Karriere im Bereich der Datenanalyse oder des maschinellen Lernens angestrebt oder einfach nur ihr Wissen in diesem Bereich erweitert werden soll.

Spezialisierungskurs – Google Data Analytics

Data Science hilft dabei, Entscheidungen auf Basis von Daten zu treffen, komplexe Probleme effektiver zu lösen und Karrierechancen zu verbessern. Die Tools von Google Cloud und Jupyter Notebook sind dafür geeignet, da sie eine leistungsstarke und skalierbare Infrastruktur sowie eine interaktive Entwicklungsplattform bieten.

Google Data Analytics Zertifikatskurs

Das Google Zertifikat für Datenanalyse behandelt neben dem Handwerkszeug für jeden Data Analyst – wie etwa SQL – auch die notwendige Datenbereinigung und Datenvisualisierung mit den Tools von Google. Es werden weder Erfahrung noch Vorkenntnisse vorausgsetzt.

Spezialisierungskurs – Google Advanced Data Analytics

Der Zertifikatskurs der erweiterten Datenanalyse von Google baut auf dem zuvorgenannten Data Analytics Kurs auf, kann jedoch auch direkt besucht werden. Hier werden grundlegende Fähigkeiten wie SQL vorausgesetzt und vertiefende Fähigkeiten vermittelt, die für einen Data Analysten nützlich sind und auch in die Data Science eintauchen.

Google Advanced Data Analytics
Dieses Kursangebot zum Aufbau erweiterter Datenanalyse-Fähigkeiten von Coursera wird ebenfalls von Google angeboten. Hier werden die Tools der Datenanalyse sowie der statistischen Handwerkzeuge für Data Science eingeführt, bis hin zum ersten Einstieg in Machine Learning.

Spezialisierungskurs – SQL für Data Science (Generalistisch)

SQL ist wichtig für etablierte und angehende Data Scientists, da es eine grundlegende Technologie für die Arbeit mit Datenbanken und relationalen Datenbankmanagementsystemen ist. SQL für Data Science ermöglicht, Daten effektiv zu organisieren und schnell Abfragen zu erstellen, um Antworten auf komplexe Fragen zu finden. Es ist auch relevant für die Arbeit mit nicht-relationalen Datenbanken und hilft Data Scientists, wertvolle Erkenntnisse aus großen Datenmengen zu gewinnen.

Auch wenn Python als Skill für einen Data Scientist ganz vorne steht, ist eine Karriere als Data Scientist ohne SQL-Kenntnisse nicht vorstellbar und dieser Kurs daher der richtige, wenn Nachbolbedarf besteht.

Spezialisierungskurs – Data Analyst Zertifikat (IBM)

Eine Karriere als Data Analyst ist attraktiv, da ihr eine hohe Nachfrage am Arbeitsmarkt gegenüber steht, die Arbeit vielfältig und herausfordernd ist, viele Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten (z. B. zum Data Scientist) bietet und oft flexibel ist.

Der Online-Kurs von IBM bietet die Ausbildung der beruflichen Qualifikation zum Data Analyst. Ein weiterer Vorteil dieses Kurses ist, dass er für alle geeignet ist – unabhängig von ihrem Hintergrund oder der Vorbildung. Es sind keine Abschlüsse oder Vorkenntnisse erforderlich, was bedeutet, dass jeder, der sich für das Thema interessiert, am Kurs teilnehmen und von ihm profitieren kann.

Spezialisierungskurs – Datenverarbeitung mit Python & SQL (IBM)

Dieser Kurs bietet den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, ihre Kenntnisse in der Datenverarbeitung zu verbessern, eine Programmiersprache wie Python zu erlernen und grundlegende Kenntnisse in SQL zu erwerben. Diese Fähigkeiten sind für die Arbeit mit Daten unerlässlich und in der heutigen Arbeitswelt sehr gefragt. Darüber hinaus bietet der Kurs für Datenverarbeitung mit Python und SQL auch Schulungen zur Analyse und Visualisierung von Daten sowie zur Erstellung von Modellen für Maschinelles Lernen. Diese Fähigkeiten sind besonders wertvoll für die Entwicklung von Anwendungen und Systemen im Bereich der KI.

Dieser Kurs ist eine großartige Möglichkeit für alle, die ihre Kenntnisse im Bereich der Datenverarbeitung und des maschinellen Lernens verbessern möchten. Zwar werden auch hier keine Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, jedoch geht der Kurs inhaltlich mehr in die Richtung Data Science als der zuvorgenannte Kurs zum Data Analyst und bietet ein umfassendes Training und Schulungen zu grundlegenden Fähigkeiten, die in der heutigen Arbeitswelt gefragt sind, und ist für jeden zugänglich, unabhängig von Hintergrund oder Erfahrung.

Spezialisierungskurs – Maschinelles Lernen (DeepLearning.AI)

Das Erlernen der Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens (Machine Learning) ist von großer Bedeutung, da es eine der am schnellsten wachsenden und wichtigsten Technologien in der heutigen Zeit ist. Maschinelles Lernen ermöglicht es Computern, aus Erfahrung zu lernen, ohne explizit programmiert zu werden. Die Teilnehmer lernen, dem Computer das lernen zu ermöglichen.

Machinelles Lernen ist der Schlüssel zur Entwicklung von Anwendungen und Systemen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und hat Anwendungen in vielen Bereichen, von der Gesundheitsversorgung und der Finanzindustrie bis hin zur Unterhaltungsbranche und der Automobilindustrie.

Der Kurs für Maschinelles Lernen ist nicht nur ein sinnvoller Einstieg in diese Materie, sondern kann darauf aufbauend mit dem Thema Deep Learning in der Qualifikation erweitert werden.

Spezialisierungskurs – Deep Learning (DeepLearning.AI)

Das Verständnis von Deep Learning ist wichtig, da es eine Unterkategorie des maschinellen Lernens ist und viele noch mächtigere Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen hat. Die populäre Applikation ChatGPT ist ein Produkt des Deep Learning. Deep Learning kann mit AI gleichgesetzt werden. Es ist eine gefragte Fähigkeit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt mit Job-Garantie.

Der Spezialisierungskurs für Deep Learning steht unabhängig für sich und erfordert keine speziellen Vorkenntnisse, darf jedoch auch als sinnvolle Ergänzung zum vorgenannten Einführungskurs in Machine Learning betrachtet werden.

Weitere Kursangebote für Data & AI auf Coursera

Die Entscheidung für ein bestimmtes Thema eines Kurses in den Bereichen Data Analytics, Data Science und AI ist eine persönliche und abhängig von den eigenen Vorkenntnissen und Vorlieben, sowie den eigenen Karrierezielen. Für die Karriere des Data Analyst sind SQL sowie allgemeine Kenntnisse rund um Data Analytics bzw. Datenverarbeitung wichtig. Von einem Data Scientist wird ferner erwartet, die theoretischen Grundlagen sowie die praktische Anwendung von Machine Learning und Deep Learning als trainierte Fähigkeit abrufbar zu haben.

Weitere Kurse von Coursera zum Thema Data & AI (link).

Dieser Artikel wurde gesponsored von Coursera.

Big Data – Das Versprechen wurde eingelöst

Big Data tauchte als Buzzword meiner Recherche nach erstmals um das Jahr 2011 relevant in den Medien auf. Big Data wurde zum Business-Sprech der darauffolgenden Jahre. In der Parallelwelt der ITler wurde das Tool und Ökosystem Apache Hadoop quasi mit Big Data beinahe synonym gesetzt. Der Guardian verlieh Apache Hadoop mit seinem Konzept des Distributed Computing mit MapReduce im März 2011 bei den MediaGuardian Innovation Awards die Auszeichnung “Innovator of the Year”. Im Jahr 2015 erlebte der Begriff Big Data in der allgemeinen Geschäftswelt seine Euphorie-Phase mit vielen Konferenzen und Vorträgen weltweit, die sich mit dem Thema auseinandersetzten. Dann etwa im Jahr 2018 flachte der Hype um Big Data wieder ab, die Euphorie änderte sich in eine Ernüchterung, zumindest für den deutschen Mittelstand. Die große Verarbeitung von Datenmassen fand nur in ganz bestimmten Bereichen statt, die US-amerikanischen Tech-Riesen wie Google oder Facebook hingegen wurden zu Daten-Monopolisten erklärt, denen niemand das Wasser reichen könne. Big Data wurde für viele Unternehmen der traditionellen Industrie zur Enttäuschung, zum falschen Versprechen.

Von Big Data über Data Science zu AI

Einer der Gründe, warum Big Data insbesondere nach der Euphorie wieder aus der Diskussion verschwand, war der Leitspruch “Shit in, shit out” und die Kernaussage, dass Daten in großen Mengen nicht viel wert seien, wenn die Datenqualität nicht stimme. Datenqualität hingegen, wurde zum wichtigen Faktor jeder Unternehmensbewertung, was Themen wie Reporting, Data Governance und schließlich dann das Data Engineering mehr noch anschob als die Data Science.

Google Trends - Big Data (blue), Data Science (red), Business Intelligence (yellow) und Process Mining (green).

Google Trends – Big Data (blue), Data Science (red), Business Intelligence (yellow) und Process Mining (green). Quelle: https://trends.google.de/trends/explore?date=2011-03-01%202023-01-03&geo=DE&q=big%20data,data%20science,Business%20Intelligence,Process%20Mining&hl=de

Small Data wurde zum Fokus für die deutsche Industrie, denn “Big Data is messy!”1 und galt als nur schwer und teuer zu verarbeiten. Cloud Computing, erst mit den Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Angeboten von Amazon, Microsoft und Google, wurde zum Enabler für schnelle, flexible Big Data Architekturen. Zwischenzeitlich wurde die Business Intelligence mit Tools wie Qlik Sense, Tableau, Power BI und Looker (und vielen anderen) weiter im Markt ausgebaut, die recht neue Disziplin Process Mining (vor allem durch das deutsche Unicorn Celonis) etabliert und Data Science schloss als Hype nahtlos an Big Data etwa ab 2017 an, wurde dann ungefähr im Jahr 2021 von AI als Hype ersetzt. Von Data Science spricht auf Konferenzen heute kaum noch jemand und wurde hype-technisch komplett durch Machine Learning bzw. Artificial Intelligence (AI) ersetzt. AI wiederum scheint spätestens mit ChatGPT 2022/2023 eine neue Euphorie-Phase erreicht zu haben, mit noch ungewissem Ausgang.

Big Data Analytics erreicht die nötige Reife

Der Begriff Big Data war schon immer etwas schwammig und wurde von vielen Unternehmen und Experten schnell auch im Kontext kleinerer Datenmengen verwendet.2 Denn heute spielt die Definition darüber, was Big Data eigentlich genau ist, wirklich keine Rolle mehr. Alle zuvor genannten Hypes sind selbst Erben des Hypes um Big Data.

Während vor Jahren noch kleine Datenanalysen reichen mussten, können heute dank Data Lakes oder gar Data Lakehouse Architekturen, auf Apache Spark (dem quasi-Nachfolger von Hadoop) basierende Datenbank- und Analysesysteme, strukturierte Datentabellen über semi-strukturierte bis komplett unstrukturierte Daten umfassend und versioniert gespeichert, fusioniert, verknüpft und ausgewertet werden. Das funktioniert heute problemlos in der Cloud, notfalls jedoch auch in einem eigenen Rechenzentrum On-Premise. Während in der Anfangszeit Apache Spark noch selbst auf einem Hardware-Cluster aufgesetzt werden musste, kommen heute eher die managed Cloud-Varianten wie Microsoft Azure Synapse oder die agnostische Alternative Databricks zum Einsatz, die auf Spark aufbauen.

Die vollautomatisierte Analyse von textlicher Sprache, von Fotos oder Videomaterial war 2015 noch Nische, gehört heute jedoch zum Alltag hinzu. Während 2015 noch von neuen Geschäftsmodellen mit Big Data geträumt wurde, sind Data as a Service und AI as a Service heute längst Realität!

ChatGPT und GPT 4 sind King of Big Data

ChatGPT erschien Ende 2022 und war prinzipiell nichts Neues, keine neue Invention (Erfindung), jedoch eine große Innovation (Marktdurchdringung), die großes öffentliches Interesse vor allem auch deswegen erhielt, weil es als kostenloses Angebot für einen eigentlich sehr kostenintensiven Service veröffentlicht und für jeden erreichbar wurde. ChatGPT basiert auf GPT-3, die dritte Version des Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Modells. Transformer sind neuronale Netze, sie ihre Input-Parameter nicht nur zu Klasseneinschätzungen verdichten (z. B. ein Bild zeigt einen Hund, eine Katze oder eine andere Klasse), sondern wieder selbst Daten in ähnliche Gestalt und Größe erstellen. So wird aus einem gegeben Bild ein neues Bild, aus einem gegeben Text, ein neuer Text oder eine sinnvolle Ergänzung (Antwort) des Textes. GPT-3 ist jedoch noch komplizierter, basiert nicht nur auf Supervised Deep Learning, sondern auch auf Reinforcement Learning.
GPT-3 wurde mit mehr als 100 Milliarden Wörter trainiert, das parametrisierte Machine Learning Modell selbst wiegt 800 GB (quasi nur die Neuronen!)3.

ChatGPT basiert auf GPT3.5 und wurde in 3 Schritten trainiert. Neben Supervised Learning kam auch Reinforcement Learning zum Einsatz.

ChatGPT basiert auf GPT-3.5 und wurde in 3 Schritten trainiert. Neben Supervised Learning kam auch Reinforcement Learning zum Einsatz. Quelle: openai.com

GPT-3 von openai.com war 2021 mit 175 Milliarden Parametern das weltweit größte Neuronale Netz der Welt.4 

Größenvergleich: Parameteranzahl GPT-3 vs GPT-4

Größenvergleich: Parameteranzahl GPT-3 vs GPT-4 Quelle: openai.com

Der davor existierende Platzhirsch unter den Modellen kam von Microsoft mit “nur” 10 Milliarden Parametern und damit um den Faktor 17 kleiner. Das nun neue Modell GPT-4 ist mit 100 Billionen Parametern nochmal 570 mal so “groß” wie GPT-3. Dies bedeutet keinesfalls, dass GPT-4 entsprechend 570 mal so fähig sein wird wie GPT-3, jedoch wird der Faktor immer noch deutlich und spürbar sein und sicher eine Erweiterung der Fähigkeiten bedeuten.

Was Big Data & Analytics heute für Unternehmen erreicht

Auf Big Data basierende Systeme wie ChatGPT sollte es – der zuvor genannten Logik folgend – jedoch eigentlich gar nicht geben dürfen, denn die rohen Datenmassen, die für das Training verwendet wurden, konnten nicht im Detail auf ihre Qualität überprüft werden. Zum Einen mittelt die Masse an Daten die in ihnen zu findenden Fehler weitgehend raus, zum Anderen filtert Deep Learning selbst relevante Muster und unliebsame Ausreißer aus den Datenmassen heraus. Neuronale Netze, der Kern des Deep Learning, können durchaus als große Filter verstanden und erklärt werden.

Davon abgesehen, dass die neuen ChatBot-APIs von den Cloud-Providern Microsoft, Google und auch Amazon genutzt werden können, um Arbeitsprozesse und Kommunikation zu automatisieren, wird Big Data heute in vielen Unternehmen dazu eingesetzt, um Unternehmens-/Finanzkennzahlen auszuwerten und vorherzusagen, um Produktionsqualität zu überwachen, um Maschinen-Sensordaten mit den Geschäftsdaten aus ERP-, MES- und CRM-Systemen zu verheiraten, um operative Prozesse über mehrere IT-Systeme hinweg zu rekonstruieren und auf Schwachstellen hin zu untersuchen und um Schlussendlich auch den weiteren Datenhunger zu stillen, z. B. über Text-Extraktion aus Webseiten (Intelligence Gathering), die mit NLP und Computer Vision mächtiger wird als je zuvor.

Big Data hält sein Versprechen dank AI

Die frühere Enttäuschung aus Big Data resultierte aus dem fehlenden Vermittler zwischen Big Data (passive Daten) und den Applikationen (z. B. Industrie 4.0). Dieser Vermittler ist der aktive Part, die AI und weiterführende Datenverarbeitung (z. B. Lakehousing) und Analysemethodik (z. B. Process Mining). Davon abgesehen, dass mit AI über Big Data bereits in Medizin und im Verkehrswesen Menschenleben gerettet wurden, ist Big Data & AI längst auch in gewöhnlichen Unternehmen angekommen. Big Data hält sein Versprechen für Unternehmen doch noch ein und revolutioniert Geschäftsmodelle und Geschäftsprozesse, sichert so Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Zumindest, wenn Unternehmen sich auf diesen Weg tatsächlich einlassen.


  1. Edd Dumbill: What is big data? An introduction to the big data landscape. (Memento vom 23. April 2014 im Internet Archive) auf: strata.oreilly.com.
  2. Fergus Gloster: Von Big Data reden aber Small Data meinen. Computerwoche, 1. Oktober 2014
  3. Bussler, Frederik (July 21, 2020). “Will GPT-3 Kill Coding?”. Towards Data Science. Retrieved August 1, 2020.2022
  4. developer.nvidia.com, 1. Oktober 2014

How to speed up claims processing with automated car damage detection

AI drives automation, not only in industrial production or for autonomous driving, but above all in dealing with bureaucracy. It is an realy enabler for lean management!

One example is the use of Deep Learning (as part of Artificial Intelligence) for image object detection. A car insurance company checks the amount of the damage by a damage report after car accidents. This process is actually performed by human professionals. With AI, we can partially automate this process using image data (photos of car damages). After an AI training with millions of photos in relation to real costs for repair or replacement, the cost estimation gets suprising accurate and supports the process in speed and quality.

AI drives automation and DATANOMIQ drives this automation with you! You can download the Infographic as PDF.

How to speed up claims processing with automated car damage detection

How to speed up claims processing
with automated car damage detection

Download this Infographic as PDF now by clicking here!

We wrote this article in cooperation with pixolution, a company for computer vision and AI-bases visual search. Interested in introducing AI / Deep Learning to your organization? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us!

DATANOMIQ is the independent consulting and service partner for business intelligence, process mining and data science. We are opening up the diverse possibilities offered by big data and artificial intelligence in all areas of the value chain. We rely on the best minds and the most comprehensive method and technology portfolio for the use of data for business optimization.

Interview – Mehr Business-Nerds, bitte!

Die Haufe Akademie im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Stephan Matzka, Hochschulprofessor an der HTW Berlin und Trainer der Haufe Akademie darüber, wie Data Science und KI verdaulich vermittelt werden können und was eigentlich passiert, wenn man es nicht tut.

Sie beschäftigen sich mit Data Science, Algorithmen und Machine Learning – Hand aufs Herz: Sind Sie ein Nerd, Herr Prof. Matzka?   

Stephan Matzka: (lacht) Ich bin ein neugieriger Mensch und möchte gerne mehr über die Menschen und Dinge erfahren, die mich umgeben. Dafür benötige ich Informationen, die ich einordnen und bewerten kann und nichts anderes macht Data Science. Wenn Neugier also einen Nerd ausmacht, bin ich gerne ein Nerd.

Aber all die Buzzwords, die Sie gerade genannt haben, wie Machine Learning oder Algorithmen, blenden mehr als sie helfen. Ich spreche lieber von menschlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz. Deren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede sind gut zu erklären und dieses Verständnis ist der Schlüssel für alles Weitere.

Ist das Verständnis für Data Science und Machine Learning auch der Schlüssel für den Zukunftserfolg von Unternehmen oder wird die Businessrelevanz von Data Science überschätzt?

Stephan Matzka: Zunächst mal ist Machine Learning größtenteils einfach Statistik, die sehr clever angewandt wird. Damit wir Benutzer:innen nicht wie in der Schule mit der Hand rechnen müssen, gibt es Algorithmen, die uns die Arbeit abnehmen. Die Theorie ist also altbekannt. Aber die technischen Möglichkeiten haben sich geändert.

Sie können das mit Strom vergleichen, den gibt es schon länger. Aber erst mit einem Elektromotor können Sie Power auf die Straße bringen. Daten sind also altbekannte Rohstoffe, die Algorithmen und Rechenleistung von heute aber ein völlig neuer Motor.

Wenn Sie sehen, wie radikal die Dampfmaschine und der Elektromotor die Wirtschaft beeinflusst haben, dann gewinnen Sie einen Eindruck, was gerade im Bereich künstliche Intelligenz abgeht, und das über alle Unternehmensgrößen und Branchen hinweg.

So eine Dampfmaschine ist für viele wahrscheinlich deutlich einfacher zu greifen als das tech-lastige Universum Data Science. Das ist schon sehr abstrakt. Ist es so schwierig, wie es aussieht?

Stephan Matzka: Data Science kann man, wie alle Dinge im Leben, kompliziert oder einfach machen. Und es gibt auch auf diesem Feld Menschen, die Schwieriges einfach aussehen lassen. Das sind die Vorbilder, von denen wir alle lernen können.

Künstliche Intelligenz, oder kurz KI, bietet Menschen und Unternehmen große Chancen, wenn Sie sich rechtzeitig damit beschäftigen. Dabei geht es um nicht weniger als die Frage, ob wir in unserer Arbeitswelt zukünftig KI für uns arbeiten lassen oder abwarten, bis uns ein Algorithmus vorgibt, was wir als Nächstes tun sollen. Mit der richtigen Unterstützung ist der Aufwand jedoch überschaubar und der Nutzen für Unternehmen und Organisationen enorm.

Viele Mitarbeiter:innen hören nach „Wir sind jetzt agil“ neuerdings „Mach‘ mal KI“ – was raten Sie den Kolleg:innen und Entscheider:innen in mittelständischen Unternehmen für den Umgang mit dem Thema?

Stephan Matzka: Es braucht zum einen Impulse „von außen“, um sich mit diesem wichtigen Thema auseinanderzusetzen und einen Start zu finden. Und zum anderen braucht es Mitarbeiter:innen, die datenaffin sind, sich mit dem Thema bereits auseinandergesetzt haben und Use Cases entwickeln sowie hinterfragen können. Meine Berufserfahrung zeigt: Gerade am Anfang ist es noch sehr leicht, bei den klassischen „Low Hanging Fruits“ Erfolge zu erzielen. Das motiviert für das nächste Projekt und schon ist das Momentum im Unternehmen.

Was sind die Minimalanforderungen in einem Unternehmen, um mit Data Science und Machine Learning einen echten Mehrwert zu schaffen und die „Low Hanging Fruits“ zu ernten?  

Stephan Matzka: Der Rohstoff sind Daten in digitaler Form, ob in Excel-Listen, in SAP oder einer Datenbank ist erst mal zweitrangig. Für die Auswertung brauchen Sie passende Software und Menschen, die diese Software bedienen können.

In jedem Unternehmen gibt es solche Daten, die Software ist häufig kostenlos, der eigentliche Engpass sind aktuell die Expert:innen.

Könnte ich mir nicht die Arbeit sparen und Beratungsunternehmen einsetzen?

Stephan Matzka: Das könnten Sie, und Beratungsunternehmen können Ihnen oft auch die richtigen Themen aufzeigen. Gleichzeitig wirft dies zwei wesentliche Fragen auf: Wie können Sie die Qualität und den Preis einer Lösung beurteilen, die Ihnen ein externer Dienstleister anbietet? Und zweitens, wie verankern Sie nachhaltig das Wissen in Ihrem Unternehmen?

Damit die Beratungsleistung Ihnen also wirklich weiterhilft, benötigen Sie Beurteilungskompetenz auf dem Gebiet der künstlichen Intelligenz im eigenen Unternehmen. Diese Beurteilungskompetenz im Businesskontext zu schaffen ist aus meiner Sicht ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen und sollte eher kurz- als mittelfristig angegangen werden.

Haufe Akademie: Nochmal zurück zu den Daten: Woher weiß ich, ob ich genug Daten habe? Sonst bilde ich jemanden aus oder stelle jemanden ein, der mich Geld kostet, aber nichts zu tun hat.

Stephan Matzka: Mit den Daten ist es ein wenig so wie mit den Finanzen, kann ich jemals „genug Budget“ im Unternehmen haben? Natürlich ist es mit großen Datenmengen leichter möglich, bessere Resultate zu erzielen, genauso wie mit mehr Projektbudget. Aber wir alle haben schon erlebt, wie kleine Projekte Erstaunliches bewegt haben und Großprojekte spektakulär gescheitert sind.

Genau wie Budgets sind Daten meist in dem Umfang vorhanden, in dem sie eben verfügbar sind. Die vorhandenen Daten klug zu nutzen: Das ist das Ziel.

Ein Beispiel aus der Praxis: Es gibt sehr große Firmen mit riesigen Datenmengen, die mir, nachdem ich bei ihnen einen Drucker gekauft habe, weiter Werbung für andere Drucker zeigen anstatt Werbung für passende Toner. So eine KI würde mir kein mittelständisches Unternehmen abnehmen.

Gleichzeitig werden Sie sich wundern, welches Wissen oft schon in einfachen Excel-Tabellen schlummert. Wissen Sie zum Beispiel, was Ihnen der höchste Umsatz eines Kunden in den letzten zwölf Monaten und die Zeitabstände der letzten drei Bestellungen schon jetzt über die nächste Bestellung verraten?

In meinen Recherchen zum Thema bin ich oft an hohen Einstiegshürden gescheitert. Trotzdem habe ich gespürt, dass das Thema wichtig ist. Das war mitunter frustrierend. Welche Fragen sollte ich mir als Mitarbeiter:in stellen, wenn ich mich für Data Science interessiere, aber keine Vorkenntnisse habe?

Stephan Matzka: Das Wichtigste ist erstmal, sich nicht abschrecken zu lassen. 80% der Themen lassen sich zum Beispiel komplett ohne Mathematik erklären. Nochmal 15% sind Stoff der Sekundarstufe, bleiben noch 5% übrig. Die haben es tatsächlich in sich und dann können Sie sich immer noch entscheiden: Finde ich das Thema so spannend (und habe ich die Zeit), dass ich mich auch da noch reinarbeite. Oder reichen mir die 95% Verständnis für die zuverlässige Lösung meiner Business-Fragestellungen aus. Viel entscheidender ist für mich, sich dem Thema mutig anzunehmen, die ersten Erfolge zu feiern und mit diesem Rückenwind die nächsten Schritte zu tun.

Vielen Dank für das Gespräch, Herr Prof. Matzka!

Was ist eigentlich der Beruf des Quants? Vergleich zum Data Scientist.

Quants kennt man aus Filmen wie Margin Call, The Hummingbird Project oder The Big Short. Als coole Typen oder introvertierte Nerds dargestellt, geht es in diesen Filmen im Kern um sogenannte Quantitative Analysts, oder kurz Quants, die entweder die großen Trading Deals abschließen oder Bankenpleiten früher als alle anderen Marktteilnehmer erkennen, stets mit Computern und Datenzugriffen ausgestattet, werfen Sie tiefe Blicke in die Datenbestände von Finanzinstituten und Märken, das alles unter Einsatz von Finanzmathematik.

Quants sind in diesen und anderen Filmen (eine Liste für das persönliche Abendprogramm füge ich unten hinzu) die Helden, manchmal auch die Gangster oder eine Mischung aus beiden. Den Hackern nicht unähnlich, scheinen sie in Filmen geradezu über Super-Kräfte zu verfügen, dem normalen Menschen, ja sogar dem erfahrenen Banken-Manager gegenüber deutlich überlegen zu sein. Nicht von ungefähr daher auch “Quant”, denn die Kurzform gefällt mit der namentlichen Verwechslungsgefahr gegenüber der kaum verstandenen Quantenphysik, mit der hier jedoch kein realer Bezug besteht.
Auf Grundlage der Filme zu urteilen, scheint der Quant dem Data Scientist in seiner Methodik dem Data Scientist ebenbürtig zu sein, wenn auch mit wesentlich prominenterer Präsenz in Kinofilmen.

Kleiner Hinweis zu den Geschlechtern: Mit Quant, Analyst und Scientist sind stets beide biologische Geschlechter gemeint. In den Filmen scheinen diese nahezu ausschließlich männlich zu sein, in der Realität aber habe ich in etwa genauso viele weibliche wie männliche Quants und Data Scientists kennenlernen dürfen.

Was unterscheidet also einen Quant von einem Data Scientist?

Um es gleich vorweg zu nehmen: Gar nicht so viel, aber dann doch ganze Welten.

Während die Bezeichnung des Berufes Data Scientists bereits ausführlich erläutert wurde – siehe den Data Science Knowledge Stack – haben wir uns auf dieser Seite noch gar nicht mit dem Quantitative Analyst befasst, der ausgeschriebenen Bezeichnung des Quants. Vom Wortlaut der Berufsbezeichnung her betrachtet gehören Quants zu den Analysten oder genauer zu den Financial Analysts. Sie arbeiten oft in Banken oder auch Versicherungen. In letzteren arbeiten sie vor allem an Analysen rund um Versicherungs- und Liquiditätsrisiken. Auch andere Branchen wie der Handel oder die Energiebranche arbeiten mit Quantitativen Analysten, z. B. bei der Optimierung von Preisen und Mengen.

Aus den Filmen kennen wir Quants beinahe ausschließlich aus dem Investmentbanking und Risikomanagement, hier sind sie die Ersten, die Finanzschwierigkeiten aufdecken oder neue Handelschancen entdecken, auf die andere nicht kommen. Die Außenwahrnehmung ist denen der Hacker gar nicht so unähnlich, tatsächlich haben sie auch Berührungspunkte (nicht aber Überlappungen in ihren Arbeitsbereichen) zumindest mit forensischen Analysten, wenn es um die Aufdeckung von Finanzskandalen bzw. dolose Handlungen (z. B. Bilanzmanipulation, Geldwäsche oder Unterschlagung) geht. Auch bei Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften arbeiten Quants, sind dort jedoch eher als Consultants für Audit oder Forensik bezeichnet. Diese setzen ebenfalls vermehrt auf Data Science Methoden.

In ihrer Methodik sind sie sowohl in Filmen als auch in der Realität der Data Science nicht weit entfernt, so analysieren Sie Daten oft direkt auf der Datenbank oder in ihrem eigenen Analysesystem in einer Programmiersprache wie R oder Python. Sie nutzen dabei die Kunst der Datenzusammenführung und -Visualisierung, arbeiten auf sehr granularen Daten, filtern diese entsprechend ihres Analysezieles, um diese zu einer Gesamtaussage z. B. über die Liquiditätssituation des Unternehmens zu verdichten. Im Investmentbanking nutzen Quants auch Methoden aus der Statistik und des maschinellen Lernens. Sie vergleichen Daten nach statistischen Verteilungen und setzen auf Forecasting-Algorithmen zur Optimierung von Handelsstrategien, bis hin zum Algorithmic Trading.

Quants arbeiten, je nach Situation und Erfahrungsstufe, auch mit den Methoden aus der Data Science. Ein Quant kann folglich ein Data Scientist sein, ist es jedoch nicht zwingend. Ein Data Scientist ist heutzutage darüber hinaus jedoch ein genereller Experte für Statistik und maschinelles Lernen und kann dies nahezu branchenunabhängig einbringen. Andererseits spezialisieren sich Data Scientists mehr und mehr auf unterschiedliche Themenbereiche, z. B. NLP, Computer Vision, Maschinen-Sensordaten oder Finanz-Forecasts, womit wir bei letzterem wieder bei der quantitativen Finanz-Analyse angelangt sind. Die Data Science tendiert darüber hinaus jedoch dazu, sich nahe an die Datenbereitstellung (Data Engineering) – auch unstrukturierte Daten – sowie an die Modell-Bereitstellung (Deployment) anzuknüpfen (MLOp).

Fazit zum Vergleich beider Berufsbilder

Der Vergleich zwischen Quant und Data Scientist hinkt, denn beide Berufsbezeichnungen stehen nicht auf der gleichen Ebene, ein Quant kann auch ein Data Scientist sein, muss es jedoch nicht. Beim Quant handelt es sich, je nach Fähigkeit und Tätigkeitsbedarf, um einen Data Analyst oder Scientist, der insbesondere Finanzdaten auf Chancen und Risiken hin analysiert. Dies kann ich nahezu allen Branchen erfolgen, haben in Hollywood-Filmen ihre Präsenz dem Klischee entsprechend in einer Investmentbank und sind dort tiefer drin als alle anderes (was der Realität durchaus entsprechen kann).

Quants in Kino + TV

Lust auf abgehobene Inspiration aus Hollywood? Hier Liste an Filmen mit oder sogar über Quants [in eckigen Klammern das Kernthema des Films]:

  • The Hummingbird Project (2018)  [High Frequency Trading & Forensic Analysis]
  • Money Monster (2016) [Drama, hat Bezug zu Algorithmic Trading]
  • The Big Short (2015) [Finanzkrisen – Financial Risk Analysis]
  • The Wall Street Code (2013) [Dokumentation über Algorithmic Trading]
  • Limitless (2011) [nur kurze Szenen mit leichtem Bezug zu Financial Trading Analysis]
  • Money and Speed: Inside the Black Box (2011) [Dokumentation zu Financial Analysis bzgl. des Flash Crash]
  • Margin Call (2011) [Bankenkrise, Vorhersage dank Financial Risk Analysis]
  • Too Big To Fail (2011) [Bankenkrise, Vorhersage dank Financial Risk Analysis]
  • The Bank (2001) [Algorithmic Trading & Financial Risk Analysis]

Meine besondere Empfehlung ist “Margin Call” von 2011. Hier kommt die Bedeutung der Quants im Investment Banking besonders eindrucksvoll zur Geltung.

Data Scientists in Kino + TV

Data Scientists haben in Hollywood noch nicht ganz die Aufmerksamkeit des Quants bekommen, ein bisschen etwas gibt es aber auch hier zur Unterhaltung, ein Auszug:

  • The Imitation Game (2014) [leichter Bezug zur Data Science, Entschlüsselung von Texten, leichter Hacking-Bezug]
  • Moneyball (2011) [Erfolg im Baseball mit statistischen Analysen – echte Data Science!]
  • 21 (2008) [reale Mathematik wird verwendet, etwas Game Theory und ein Hauch von Hacking]
  • Clara – A Billion Stars (2018) [Nutzung von Datenanalysen zur Suche nach Planeten in der Astronomie]
  • NUMB3RS (2005 – 2010) [Serie über die Aufklärung von Verbrechen mit Mathematik, oft mit Data Science]

Meine persönliche Empfehlung ist Moneyball von 2011. Hier wurde zum ersten Mal im Kino deutlich, dass Statistik kein Selbstzweck ist, sondern sogar bei Systemen (z. B. Spielen) mit hoher menschlicher Individualität richtige Vorhersagen treffen kann.

Data Dimensionality Reduction Series: Random Forest

Hello lovely individuals, I hope everyone is doing well, is fantastic, and is smiling more than usual. In this blog we shall discuss a very interesting term used to build many models in the Data science industry as well as the cyber security industry.


Random forest is a form of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm that operates on the majority rule. For example, if we have a number of different algorithms working on the same issue but producing different answers, the majority of the findings are taken into account. Random forests, also known as random selection forests, are an ensemble learning approach for classification, regression, and other problems that works by generating a jumble of decision trees during training.

When it comes to regression and classification, random forest can handle both categorical and continuous variable data sets. It typically helps us outperform other algorithms and overcome challenges like overfitting and the curse of dimensionality.


Uncle John wants to see a doctor for his acute abdominal discomfort, so he goes to his pals for recommendations on the top doctors in town. After consulting with a number of friends and family members, Atlas chooses to visit the doctor who received the highest recommendations.

So, what does this mean? The same is true for random forests. It builds decision trees from several samples and utilises their majority vote for classification and average for regression.


  1. BIAS
  • The algorithm’s accuracy or quality is measured.
  • High bias means a poor match
  • The accuracy or specificity of the match is measured.
  • A high variance means a weak match

We would like to minimise each of these. But, unfortunately we can’t do this independently, since there is a trade-off


Bias vs Variance Tradeoff


Every other data dimensionality reduction method, such as missing value ratio and principal component analysis, must be built from the scratch, but the best thing about random forest is that it comes with built-in features and is a tree-based model that uses a combination of decision trees for non-linear data classification and regression.

Without wasting much time, let’s move to the main part where we’ll discuss the working of RANDOM FOREST:


As we saw in the analogy, RANDOM FOREST operates on the basis of ensemble technique; however, what precisely does ensemble technique mean? It’s actually rather straightforward. Ensemble simply refers to the combination of numerous models. As a result, rather than a single model, a group of models is utilised to create predictions.


Ensemble Learning: Bagging and Boosting



Let’s dive deep to understand things better:



Bagging simply helps us to reduce the variance in a loud datasets. It works on an ensemble technique.

  1. Algorithm independent : general purpose technique
  2. Well suited for high variance algorithms
  3. Variance reduction is achieved by averaging a group of data.
  4. Choose # of classifiers to build (B)


  1. Sample Training Data with Replacement
  2. Same algorithm on different subsets of training data


  1. Use with high variance algorithms (DT, NN)
  2. Easy to parallelize
  3. Limitation: Loss of Interpretability
  4. Limitation: What if one of the features dominates?


  1. Ensemble approach = Bootstrap Aggregation.
  2. In bagging a random dataset is selected as shown in the above figure and then a model is built using those random data samples which is termed as bootstrapping.
  3. Now, when we train this random sample data it is not mendidate to select data points only once, while training the sample data we can select the individual data point more then once.
  4. Now each of these models is built and trained and results are obtained.
  5. Lastly the majority results are being considered.

We can even calculate  the error from this thing know as random forest OOB error:


▪ From each bootstrapped sample, 1/3rd of it is kept aside as “Test”

▪ Tree built on remaining 2/3rd

▪ Average error from each of the “Test” samples is called “Out-of-Bag Error”

▪ OOB error provides a good estimate of model error

▪ No need for separate cross validation


Boosting in short helps us to improve our prediction by reducing error in predictive data analysis.

Weak Learner: only needs to generate a hypothesis with a training accuracy greater than 0.5, i.e., < 50% error over any distribution.


  1. Strong learners are very difficult to construct
  2. Constructing weaker Learners is relatively easy influence with the empirical squared improvement when assigned to the model


  1. Start with a ML algorithm for finding the rough rules of thumb (a.k.a. “weak” or “base” algorithm)
  2. Call the base algorithm repeatedly, each time feeding it a different subset of the training examples
  3. The basic learning algorithm creates a new weak prediction rule each time it is invoked.
  4. After several rounds, the boosting algorithm must merge these weak rules into a single prediction rule that, hopefully, is considerably more accurate than any of the weak rules alone.


  1. In each round, how is the distribution selected ?
  2. What is the best way to merge the weak rules into a single rule?

BOOSTING is classified into two types:



As far as the Random forest is concerned it is said that it follows the bagging method, not a boosting method. As the name implies, boosting involves learning from others, which in turn increases learning. Random forests have trees that run in parallel. While creating the trees, there is no interaction between them.

Boosting helps us reduce the error by decreasing the bias whereas, on other hand, Bagging is a manner to decrease the variance within the prediction with the aid of generating additional information for schooling from the dataset using mixtures with repetitions to provide multi-sets of the original information.

How Bagging helps with variance – A Simple Example


  1. Decision Trees have high variance
  2. The resultant tree (model) is determined by the training data.
  3. (Unpruned) Decision Trees tend to overfit
  4. One option: Cost Complexity Pruning


  1. Sample with replacement (1 Training set → Multiple training sets)
  2. Train model on each bootstrapped training set
  3. Multiple trees; each different : A garden ☺
  4. Each DT predicts; Mean / Majority vote prediction
  5. Choose # of trees to build (B)


Reduce model variance / instability.



▪ Each time a tree is split due to a variable m, Gini impurity index of the parent node is higher than that of the child nodes

▪ Adding up all Gini index decreases due to variable m over all trees in the forest, gives a measure of variable importance


  1. Diversity :
  2. Immunity to the curse of dimensionality :
  3. Parallelization :
  4. Train-Test split :
  5. Stability :
  6. Gini significance (or mean reduction impurity) :
  7. Mean Decrease Accuracy :


  1. maximum_features :

Increasing max features often increases model performance since each node now has a greater number of alternatives to examine.

  1. n_estimators :

The number of trees you wish to create before calculating the maximum voting or prediction averages. A greater number of trees improves speed but slows down your code.

  1. min_sample_leaf :

If you’ve ever designed a decision tree, you’ll understand the significance of the minimal sample leaf size. A leaf is the decision tree’s last node. A smaller leaf increases the likelihood of the model collecting noise in train data.

  1. n_jobs :

This option instructs the engine on how many processors it is permitted to utilise.

  1. random_state :

This argument makes it simple to duplicate a solution. If given the same parameters and training data, a definite value of random state will always provide the same results.

  1. oob_score:

A random forest cross validation approach is used here. It is similar to the leave one out validation procedure, except it is significantly faster.


Step1: Choose T- number of trees to grow

Step2: Choose m<p (p is the number of total features) —number of features used to calculate the best split at each node (typically 30% for regression, sqrt(p) for classification)

Step3: For each tree, choose a training set by choosing N times (N is the number of training examples) with replacement from the training set

Step4: For each node, calculate the best split, Fully grown and not pruned.

Step5: Use majority voting among all the trees

Following is a full case study and implementation of all the principles we just covered, in the form of a jupyter notebook including every concept and all you ever wanted to know about RANDOM FOREST.

GITHUB Repository for this blog article: https://gist.github.com/Vidhi1290/c9a6046f079fd5abafb7583d3689a410

AI for games, games for AI

1, Who is playing or being played?

Since playing Japanese video games named “Demon’s Souls” and “Dark Souls” when they were released by From Software, I had played almost no video games for many years. During the period, From Software established one genre named soul-like games. Soul-like games are called  死にゲー in Japanese, which means “dying games,” and they are also called マゾゲー, which means “masochistic games.”  As the words imply, you have to be almost masochistic to play such video games because you have to die numerous times in them. And I think recently it has been one of the most remarkable times for From Software because in November of 2021 “Dark Souls” was selected the best video game ever by Golden Joystick Awards. And in the end of last February a new video game by From Software called “Elden Ring” was finally released. After it proved that Miyazaki Hidetaka, the director of Soul series, collaborated with George RR Martin, the author of the original of “Game of Thrones,” “Elden Ring” had been one of the most anticipated video games. In spite of its notorious difficulty as well as other soul-like games so far, “Elden Ring” became a big hit, and I think Miyazak Hidetaka is now the second most famous Miyazaki in the world.  A lot of people have been playing it, raging, and screaming. I was no exception, and it took me around 90 hours to finish the video game, breaking a game controller by the end of it. It was a long time since I had been so childishly emotional last time, and I was almost addicted to trial and errors the video game provides. At the same time, one question crossed my mind: is it the video game or us that is being played?

The childhood nightmare strikes back. Left: the iconic and notorious boss duo Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls (2011), right: Godskin Duo in Elden Ring (2022).

Miyazaki Hidetaka entered From Software in 2004 and in the beginning worked as a programmer of game AI, which controls video games in various ways. In the same year an AI researcher Miyake Youichiro also joined From Software, and I studied a little about game AI by his book after playing “Elden Ring.” I found that he also joined “Demon’s Souls,” in which enemies with merciless game AI were arranged, and I had to conquer them to reach the demon in the end at every dungeon. Every time I died, even in the terminal place with the boss fight, I had to restart from the start, with all enemies reviving. That requires a lot of trial and errors, and that was the beginning of soul-like video games today.  In the book by the game AI researcher who was creating my tense and almost traumatizing childhood experiences, I found that very sophisticated techniques have been developed to force players to do trial and errors. They were sophisticated even at a level of controlling players at a more emotional level. Even though I am familiar with both of video games and AI at least more than average, it was not until this year that I took care about this field. After technical breakthroughs mainly made Western countries, video game industry showed rapid progress, and industry is now a huge entertainment industry, whose scale is now bigger that those of movies and music combined. Also the news that Facebook changed its named to Meta and that Microsoft announced to buy Activision Blizzard were sensational recently. However media coverage about those events would just give you impressions that those giant tech companies are making uses of the new virtual media as metaverse or new subscription services. At least I suspect these are juts limited sides of investments on the video game industry.

The book on game AI also made me rethink AI technologies also because I am currently writing an article series on reinforcement learning (RL) as a kind of my study note. RL is a type of training of an AI agent through trial-and-error-like processes. Rather than a labeled dataset, RL needs an environment. Such environment receives an action from an agent and gives the consequent state and next reward. From a view point of the agent, it give an action and gets the consequent next state and a corresponding reward, which looks like playing a video game. RL mainly considers a more simplified version of video-game-like environments called a Markov decision processes (MDPs), and in an MDP at a time step t an RL agents takes an action A_t, and gets the next state S_t and a corresponding reward R_t. An MDP is often displayed as a graph at the left side below or the graphical model at the right side.

Compared to a normal labeled dataset used for other machine learning, such environment is something hard to prepare. The video game industry has been a successful manufacturer of such environments, and as a matter of fact video games of Atari or Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) are used as benchmarks of theoretical papers on RL. Such video games might be too primitive for considering practical uses, but researches on RL are little by little tackling more and more complicated video games or simulations. But also I am sure creating AI that plays video games better than us would not be their goals. The situation seems like they are cultivating a form of more general intelligence inside computer simulations which is also effective to the real world. Someday, experiences or intelligence grown in such virtual reality might be dragged to our real world.

Testing systems in simulations has been a fascinating idea, and that is also true of AI research. As I mentioned, video games are frequently used to evaluate RL performances, and there are some tools for making RL environments with modern video game engines. Providing a variety of such sophisticated computer simulations will be indispensable for researches on AI. RL models need to be trained in simulations before being applied on physical devices because most real machines would not endure numerous trial and errors RL often requires. And I believe the video game industry has a potential of developing such experimental fields of AI fueled by commercial success in entertainment. I think the ideas of testing systems or training AI in simulations is getting a bit more realistic due to recent development of transfer learning.

Transfer learning is a subfield of machine learning which apply intelligence or experiences accumulated in datasets or tasks to other datasets or tasks. This is not only applicable to RL but also to more general machine learning tasks like regression or classification. Or rather it is said that transfer learning in general machine learning would show greater progress at a commercial level than RL for the time being. And transfer learning techniques like using pre-trained CNN or BERT is already attracting a lot of attentions. But I would say this is only about a limited type of transfer learning. According to Matsui Kota in RIKEN AIP Data Driven Biomedical Science Team, transfer learning has progressed rapidly after the advent of deep learning, but many types of tasks and approaches are scattered in the field of transfer learning. As he says, the term transfer learning should be more carefully used. I would like to say the type of transfer learning discussed these days are a family of approaches for tackling lack of labels. At the same time some of current researches on transfer learning is also showing possibilities that experiences or intelligence in computer simulations are transferable to the real world. But I think we need to wait for more progress in RL before such things are enabled.

Source: https://ruder.io/transfer-learning/

In this article I would like to explain how video games or computer simulations can provide experiences to the real world in two ways. I am first going to briefly explain how video game industry in the first place has been making game AI to provide game users with tense experiences. And next I will explain how RL has become a promising technique to beat such games which were originally invented to moderately harass human players. And in the end, I am going to briefly introduce ideas of transfer learning applicable to video games or computer simulations. What I can talk in this article is very limited for these huge study areas or industries. But I hope you would see the video game industry and transfer learning in different ways after reading this article, and that might give you some hints about how those industries interact to each other in the future. And also please keep it in mind that I am not going to talk so much about growing video game markets, computer graphics, or metaverse. Here I focus on aspects of interweaving knowledge and experiences generated in simulation or real physical worlds.

2, Game AI

The fact that “Dark Souls” was selected the best game ever at least implies that current video game industry makes much of experiences of discoveries and accomplishments while playing video games, rather than cinematic and realistic computer graphics or iconic and world widely popular characters. That is a kind of returning to the origin of video games. Video games used to be just hard because the more easily players fail, the more money they would drop in arcade games. But I guess this aspect of video games tend to be missed when you talk about video games as a video game fan. What you see in advertisements of video games are more of beautiful graphics, a new world, characters there, and new gadgets. And it has been actually said that qualities of computer graphics have a big correlation with video game sales. In the third article of my series on recurrent neural networks (RNN), I explained how video game industry laid a foundation of the third AI boom during the second AI winter in 1990s. To be more concrete, graphic cards developed rapidly to realize more photo realistic graphics in PC games, and the graphic card used in Xbox was one of the first programmable GPU for commercial uses. But actually video games developed side by side with computer science also outside graphics. Thus in this section I am going to how video games have developed by focusing on game AI, which creates intelligence in video games in several ways. And my explanations on game AI is going to be a rough introduction to a huge and great educational works by Miyake Youichiro.

Playing video games is made up by decision makings, and such decision makings are made in react to game AI. In other words, a display is input into your eyes or sight nerves, and sequential decision makings, that is how you have been moving fingers are outputs. Complication of the experiences, namely hardness of video games, highly depend on game AI.  Game AI is mainly used to design enemies in video games to hunt down players. Ideally game AI has to be both rational and human. Rational game AI implemented in enemies frustrate or sometimes despair users by ruining users’ efforts to attack them, to dodge their attacks, or to use items. At the same time enemies have to retain some room for irrationality, that is they have to be imperfect. If enemies can perfectly conquer players’ efforts by instantly recognizing their commands, such video games would be theoretically impossible to beat. Trying to defeat such enemies is nothing but frustrating. Ideal enemies let down their guard and give some timings for attacking and trying to conquer them. Sophisticated game AI is inevitable to make grownups all over the world childishly emotional while playing video games.

These behaviors of game AI are mainly functions of character AI, which is a part of game AI. In order to explain game AI, I also have to explain a more general idea of AI, which is not the one often called “AI” these days. Artificial intelligence (AI) is in short a family of technologies to create intelligence, with computers. And AI can be divided into two types, symbolism AI and connectionism AI. Roughly speaking, the former is manual and the latter is automatic. Symbolism AI is described with a lot of rules, mainly “if” or “else” statements in code. For example very simply “If the score is greater than 5, the speed of the enemy is 10.” Or rather many people just call it “programming.”

*Note that in contexts of RL, “game AI” often means AI which plays video games or board games. But “game AI” in video games is a more comprehensive idea orchestrating video games.

This meme describes symbolism AI well.

What people usually call “AI” in this 3rd AI boom is the latter, connictionism AI. Connectionism AI basically means neural networks, which is said to be inspired by connections of neurons. But the more you study neural networks, the more you would see such AI just as “functions capable of universal approximation based on data.” That means, a function f, which you would have learned in school such as y = f(x) = ax + b is replaced with a complicated black box, and such black box f is automatically learned with many combinations of (x, y). And such black boxes are called neural networks, and the combinations of (x, y) datasets. Connectionism AI might sound more ideal, but in practice it would be hard to design characters in AI based on such training with datasets.

*Connectionism, or deep learning is of course also programming. But in deep learning we largely depend on libraries, and a lot of parameters of AI models are updated automatically as long as we properly set datasets. In that sense, I would connectionism is more automatic. As I am going to explain, game AI largely depends on symbolism AI, namely manual adjustment of lesser parameters, but such symbolism AI would behave much more like humans than so called “AI” these days when you play video games.

Digital game AI today is application of the both types of AI in video games. It initially started mainly with symbolism AI till around 2010, and as video games get more and more complicated connectionism AI are also introduced in game AI. Video game AI can be classified to mainly navigation AI, character AI, meta AI, procedural AI, and AI outside video games. The figure below shows relations of general AI and types of game AI.

Very simply putting, video game AI traced a history like this: the initial video games were mainly composed of navigation AI showing levels, maps, and objects which move deterministically based on programming.  Players used to just move around such navigation AI. Sooner or later, enemies got certain “intelligence” and learned to chase or hunt down players, and that is the advent of character AI. But of course such “intelligence” is nothing but just manual programs. After rapid progress of video games and their industry, meta AI was invented to control difficulties of video games, thereby controlling players’ emotions. Procedural AI automatically generates contents of video games, so video games are these days becoming more and more massive. And as modern video games are too huge and complicated to debug or maintain manually, AI technologies including deep learning are used. The figure below is a chronicle of development of video games and AI technologies covered in this article. Let’s see a brief history of video games and game AI by taking a closer look at each type of game AI a little more precisely.

Navigation AI

Navigation AI is the most basic type of game AI, and that allows character AI to recognize the world in video games. Even though I think character AI, which enables characters in video games to behave like humans, would be the most famous type of game AI, it is said navigation AI has an older history. One important function of navigation AI is to control objects in video games, such as lifts, item blocks, including attacks by such objects. The next aspect of navigation AI is that it provides character AI with recognition of worlds. Unlike humans, who can almost instantly roughly recognize circumstances, character AI cannot do that as we do. Even if you feel as if the character you are controlling are moving around mountains, cities, or battle fields, sometimes escaping from attacks by other AI, for character AI that is just moving on certain graphs. The figure below are some examples of world representations adopted in some popular video games. There are a variety of such representations, and please let me skip explaining the details of them. An important point is, relatively wide and global recognition of worlds by characters in video games depend on how navigation AI is designed.

Source: Youichiro Miyake, “AI Technologies in Game Industry”, (2020)

The next important feature of navigation AI is path finding. If you have learned engineering or programming, you should be already familiar with pathfiniding algorithms. They had been known since a long time ago, but it was not until “Counter-Strike” in 2000 the techniques were implemented at an satisfying level for navigating characters in a 3d world. Improvements of pathfinding in video games released game AI from fixed places and enabled them to be more dynamic.

*According to Miyake Youichiro, the advent of pathfinding in video games released character AI from staying in a narrow space and enable much more dynamic and human-like movements of them. And that changed game AI from just static objects to more intelligent entity.

Navigation meshes in “Counter-Strike (2000).” Thanks to these meshes, continuous 3d world can be processed as discrete nodes of graphs. Source: https://news.denfaminicogamer.jp/interview/gameai_miyake/3

Character AI

Character AI is something you would first imagine from the term AI. It controls characters’ actions in video games. And differences between navigation AI and character AI can be ambiguous. It is said Pac-Man is one of the very first character AI. Compared to aliens in Space Invader deterministically moved horizontally, enemies in Pac-Man chase a player, and this is the most straightforward difference between navigation AI and character AI.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Invaders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac-Man

Character AI is a bunch of sophisticated planning algorithms, so I can introduce only a limited part of it just like navigation AI. In this article I would like to take an example of “F.E.A.R.” released in 2005. It is said goal-oriented action planning (GOAP) adopted in this video game was a breakthrough in character AI. GOAP is classified to backward planning, and if there exists backward ones, there is also forward ones. Using a game tree is an examples of forward planning. The figure below is an example of a tree game of tic-tac-toe. There are only 9 possible actions at maximum at each phase, so the number of possible states is relatively limited.


But with more options of actions like most of video games, forward plannings have to deal much larger sizes of future action combinations. GOAP enables realistic behaviors of character AI with a heuristic idea of planning backward. To borrow Miyake Youichiro’s expression, GOAP processes actions like sticky notes. On each sticky note, there is a combination of symbols like “whether a target is dead,” “whether a weapon is armed,” or “whether the weapon is loaded.” A sticky note composed of such symbols form an action, and each action comprises a prerequisite, an action, and an effect. And behaviors of character AI is conducted with planning like pasting the sticky notes.

Based on: Youichiro Miyake, “AI Technologies in Game Industry”, (2020)

More practically sticky notes, namely actions are stored in actions pools. For a decision making, as displayed in the left side of the figure below, actions are connected as a chain. First an action of a goal is first set, and an action can be connected to the prerequisite of the goal via its effect. Just as well corresponding former actions are selected until the initial state.  In the example of chaining below, the goal is “kSymbol_TargetIsDead,” and actions are chained via “kSymbol_TargetIsDead,” “kSymbol_WeaponLoaded,” “kSymbol_WeaponArmed,” and “None.” And there are several combinations of actions to reach a certain goal, so more practically each action has a cost, and the most ideal behavior of character AI is chosen by pathfinding on a graph like the right side of the figure below. And the best planning is chosen by a pathfinding algorithm.

Based on: Youichiro Miyake, “AI Technologies in Game Industry”, (2020)

Even though many of highly intelligent behaviors of character AI are implemented as backward plannings as I explained, planning forward can be very effective in some situations. Board game AI is a good example. A searching algorithm named Monte Carlo tree search is said to be one breakthroughs in board game AI. The searching algorithm randomly plays a game until the end, which is called playout. Numerous times of playouts enables evaluations of possibilities of winning. Monte Carlo Tree search also enables more efficient searches of games trees.

Meta AI

Meta AI is a type of AI such that controls a whole video game to enhance player’s experiences. To be more concrete, it adjusts difficulties of video games by for example dynamically arranging enemies. I think differences between meta AI and navigation AI or character AI can be also ambiguous. As I explained, the earliest video games were composed mainly with navigation AI, or rather just objects. Even if there are aliens or monsters, they can be just part of interactive objects as long as they move deterministically. I said character AI gave some diversities to their behaviors, but how challenging a video game is depends on dynamic arrangements of such objects or enemies. And some of classical video games like “Xevious,” as a matter of fact implemented such adjustments of difficulties of game plays. That is an advent of meta AI, but I think they were not so much distinguished from other types of AI, and I guess meta AI has been unconsciously just a part of programming.

It is said a turning point of modern meta AI is a shooting game “Left 4 Dead” released in 2008, where zombies are dynamically arranged. As well as many masterpiece thriller films, realistic and tense terrors are made by combinations of intensities and relaxations. Tons of monsters or zombies coming up one after another and just shooting them look stupid or almost like comedies. .And analyzing the success of “Counter-Strike,” they realized that users liked rhythms of intensity and relaxation, so they implemented that explicitly in “Left 4 Dead.” The graphs below concisely shows how meta AI works in the video game. When the survivor intensity, namely players’ intensity is low, the meta AI arrange some enemies. Survivor intensity increases as players fight with zombies or something, and then meta AI places fewer enemies so that players can relax. While players re relatively relaxing, desired population of enemies increases when they actually show up in video games, again the phase of intensity comes.

Source: Michael Booth, “Replayable Cooperative Game Design: Left 4 Dead”, (2009), Valve

*Soul series video games do not seem to use meta AI so much. Characters in the games are rearranged in more or less the same ways every time players fail. Soul-like games make much of experiences that players find solutions by themselves, which means that manual but very careful arrangements of enemies and interactive objects are also very effective.

Meta AI can be used to make video games more addictive using data analysis. Recent social network games can record logs of game plays. Therefore if you can observe a trend that more users unsubscribe when they get less rewards in certain online events, operating companies of the game can adjust chances of getting “rare” items.

Procedural AI and AI outside video games

How clearly you can have an image of what I am going to explain in this subsection would depend how recently you have played video games. If your memories of playing video games stops with good old days of playing side-scrolling ones like Super Mario Brothers, you should at first look up some videos of playing open world games. Open world means a use of a virtual reality in which players can move an behave with a high degree of freedom. The term open world is often used as opposed to the linear games, where players have process games in the order they are given. Once you are immersed in photorealistic computer graphic worlds in such open world games, you would soon understand why metaverse is attracting attentions these days. Open world games for example like “Fallout 4” are astonishing in that you can even talk to almost everyone in them. Just as “Elden Ring” changed former soul series video games into an open world one, it seems providing open world games is one way to keep competitive in the video game industry. And such massive world can be made also with a help of procedural AI. Procedural AI can be seen as a part of meta AI, and it generates components of games such as buildings, roads, plants, and even stories. Thanks to procedural AI, video game companies with relatively small domestic markets like Poland can make a top-level open world game such as “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.”

An example of technique of procedural AI adopted in “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” for automatically creating the massive open world. Source: Marcin Gollent, “Landscape creation and rendering in REDengine 3”, (2014), Game Developers Conference

Creating a massive world also means needs of tons of debugging and quality assurance (QA). Combining works by programmers, designers, and procedural AI will cause a lot of unexpected troubles when it is actually played. AI outside game can be used to find these problems for quality assurance. Debugging and and QA have been basically done manually, and especially when it comes to QA, video game manufacturer have to employ a lot of gamer to let them just play prototype of their products. However as video games get bigger and bigger, their products are not something that can be maintained manually anymore. If you have played even one open world game, that would be easy to imagine, so automatic QA would remain indispensable in the video game industry. For example an open world game “Horizon Zero Dawn” is a video game where a player can very freely move around a massive world like a jungle. The QA team of this video game prepared bug maps so that they can visualize errors in video games. And they also adopted a system named “Apollo-Autonomous Automated Autobots” to let game AI automatically play the video game and record bugs.

As most video games both in consoles or PCs are connected to the internet these days, these bugs can be fixed soon with updates. In addition, logs of data of how players played video games or how they failed can be stored to adjust difficulties of video games or train game AI. As you can see, video games are not something manufacturers just release. They are now something develop interactively between users and developers, and players’ data is all exploited just as your browsing history on the Internet.

I have briefly explained AI used for video games over four topics. In the next two sections, I am going to explain how board games and video games can be used for AI research.

3, Reinforcement learning: we might be a sort of well-made game AI models

Machine learning, especially RL is replacing humans with computers, however with incredible computation resources. Invention of game AI, in this context including computers playing board games, has been milestones of development of AI for decades. As Western countries had been leading researches on AI, defeating humans in chess, a symbol of intelligence, had been one of goals. Even Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computers, programmed game AI to play chess with one of the earliest calculators. Searching algorithms with game trees were mainly studied in the beginning. Game trees are a type of tree graphs to show how games proceed, by expressing future possibilities with diverging tree structures. And searching algorithms are often used on tree graphs to ignore future steps which are not likely to be effective, which often looks like cutting off branches of trees. As a matter of fact, chess was so “simple” that searching algorithms alone were enough to defeat Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion at that time in 1997. That is, growing trees and trimming them was enough for the “simplicity” of chess as long as a super computer of IBM was available. After that computer defeated one of the top players of shogi, a Japanese version of chess, in 2013. And remarkably, in 2016 AlphaGo of DeepMind under Google defeated the world go champion. Game AI has been gradually mastering board games in order of increasing search space size.

Source: https://www.livescience.com/59068-deep-blue-beats-kasparov-progress-of-ai.html https://fortune.com/2016/03/21/google-alphago-win-artificial-intelligence/

We can say combinations of techniques which developed in different streams converged into game AI today, like I display in the figure below. In AlphaGo or maybe also general game AI, neural networks enable “intuition” on phases of board games, searching algorithms enables “foreseeing,” and RL “experiences.” And as almost no one can defeat computers in board games anymore, the next step of game AI is how to conquer other video games.  Since progress of convolutional neural network (CNN) in this 3rd AI boom, computers got “eyes” like we do, and the invention of ResNet in 2015 is remarkable. Thus we can now use displays of video games as inputs to neural networks. And combinations of reinforcement learning and neural networks like (CNN) is called deep reinforcement learning. Since the advent of deep reinforcement learning, many people are trying to apply it on various video games, and they show impressive results. But in general that is successful in bird’s-eye view games. Even if some of researches can be competitive or outperform human players, even in first person shooting video games, they require too much computational resources and heuristic techniques. And usually they take too much time and computer resource to achieve the level.

*Even though CNN is mainly used as “eyes” of computers, it is also used to process a phase of a board game. That means each phase of is processed like an arrangement of pixels of an image. This is what I mean by “intuition” of deep learning. Just as neural networks can recognize objects, depending on training methods they can recognize boards at a high level.

Now I would like you to think about what “smartness” means. Competency in board games tend to have correlations with mathematical skills. And actually in many cases people proficient in mathematics are also competent in board games. Even though AI can defeat incredibly smart top board game players to the best of my knowledge game AI has yet to play complicated video games with more realistic computer graphics. As I explained, behaviors of character AI is in practice implemented as simpler graphs, and tactics taken in such graphs will not be as complicated as game trees of competitive board games. And the idea of game AI playing video games itself not new, and it is also used in debugging of video games. Thus the difficulties of computers playing video games would come more from how to associate what they see on displays with more long-term and more abstract plannings. And currently, kids would more flexibly switch to other video games and play them more professionally in no time. I would say the difference is due to frames of tasks. A frame roughly means a domain or a range which is related to a task. When you play a board game, its frame is relatively small because everything you can do is limited in the rule of the game which can be expressed as simple data structure. But playing video games has a wider frame in that you have to recognize only the necessary parts important for playing video games from its constantly changing displays, namely sequences of RGB images. And in the real world, even a trivial action like putting a class on a table is selected from countless frames like what your room looks like, how soft the floor is, or what the temperature is. Human brains are great in that they can pick up only necessary frames instantly.

As many researchers would already realize, making smaller models with lower resources which can learn more variety of tasks is going to be needed, and it is a main topic these days not only in RL but also in other machine learning. And to be honest, I am skeptical about industrial or academic benefits of inventing specialized AI models for beating human players with gigantic computation resources. That would be sensational and might be effective for gathering attentions and funds. But as many AI researchers would already realize, inventing a more general intelligence which would more flexibly adjust to various tasks is more important. Among various topics of researches on the problem, I am going to pick up transfer learning in the next section, but in a more futuristic and dreamy sense.

4, Transfer learning and game for AI

In an event with some young shogi players, to a question “What would you like to request to a god?” Fujii Sota, the youngest top shogi player ever, answered “If he exists, I would like to ask him to play a game with me.” People there were stunned by the answer. The young genius, contrary to his sleepy face, has an ambition which only the most intrepid figures in mythology would have had. But instead of playing with gods, he is training himself with game AI of shogi. His hobby is assembling computers with high end CPUs, whose performance is monstrous for personal home uses. But in my opinion such situation comes from a fact that humans are already a kind of well-made machine learning models and that highly intelligent games for humans have very limited frames for computers.

*It seems it is not only computers that need huge energy consumption to play board games. Japanese media often show how gorgeous and high caloric shogi players’ meals are during breaks. And more often than not, how fancy their feasts are is the only thing most normal spectators like me in front of TVs can understand, albeit highly intellectual tactics made beneath the wooden boards.

As I have explained, the video game industry has been providing complicated simulational worlds with sophisticated ensemble of game AI in both symbolism and connectionism ways. And such simulations, initially invented to hunt down players, are these days being conquered especially by RL models, and the trend showed conspicuous progress after the advent of deep learning, that is after computers getting “eyes.” The next problem is how to transfer the intelligence or experiences cultivated in such simulations to the real world. Only humans can successfully train themselves with computer simulations today as far as I know, but more practically it is desired to transfer experiences with wider frames to more inflexible entities like robots. Such technologies would be ideal especially for RL because physical devices cannot make numerous trial and errors in the real world. They should be trained in advance in computer simulations. And transfer learning could be one way to take advantages of experiences in computer simulations to the real world. But before talking about such transfer learning, we need to be careful about the term “transfer learning.” Transfer learning is a family of machine learning technologies to makes uses of knowledge learned in a dataset, which is usually relatively huge, to another task with another dataset. Even though I have been emphasizing transferring experiences in computer simulations, transfer learning is a more general idea applicable to more general use cases, also outside computer simulations. Or rather, transfer learning is attracting a lot of attentions as a promising technique for tackling lack of data in general machine learning. And another problem is even though transfer learning has been rapidly developing recently, various research topics are scattered in the field called “transfer learning.” And arranging these topics would need extra articles or something. Thus in the rest of this article,  I would like to especially focus on uses of video games or computer simulations in transfer learning. When it comes to already popular and practical transfer learning techniques like fine tuning with pre-trained backbone CNN or BERT, I am planning to cover them with more practical introduction in one of my upcoming articles. Thus in this article, after simply introducing ideas of domains and transfer learning, I am going to briefly introduce transfer learning and explain domain adaptation/randomization.

Domain and transfer learning

There is a more strict definition of a domain in machine learning, but all you have to know is it means in short a type of dataset used for a machine learning task. And different domains have a domain shift, which in short means differences in the domains. A text dataset and an image dataset have a domain shift. An image dataset of real objects and one with cartoon images also have a smaller domain shift. Even differences in lighting or angles of cameras would cause a domain  shift. In general, even if a machine learning model is successful in tasks in a domain, even a domain shift which is trivial to humans declines performances of the model. In other words, intelligence learned in one domain is not straightforwardly applicable to another domain as humans can do. That is, even if you can recognize objects both a real and cartoon cars as a car, that is not necessarily true of machine learning models. As a family of techniques for tackling this problem, transfer learning makes a use of knowledge in a source domain (the dots in blue below), and apply the knowledge to a target domain. And usually, a source domain is assumed to be large and labeled, and on the other hand a target domain is assumed to be relatively small or even unlabeled. And tasks in a source or a target domain can be different. For example, CNN models trained on classification of ImageNet can be effectively used for object detection. Or BERT is trained on a huge corpus in a self-supervised way, but it is applicable to a variety of tasks in natural language processing (NLP).

*To people in computer vision fields, an explanation that BERT is a NLP version of pre-trained CNN would make the most sense. Just as a pre-trained CNN maps an image, arrangements of RGB pixels values, to a vector representing more of “meaning” of the image, BERT maps a text,  a sequence of one-hot encodings, into a vector or a sequence of vectors in a semantic field useful for NLP.

Transfer learning is a very popular topic, and it is hard to arrange and explain types of existing techniques. I think that is because many people are tackling more or less the similar problems with slightly different approaches. For now I would like you to keep it in mind that there are roughly three points below to consider in transfer learning

  1. What to transfer
  2. When to transfer
  3. How to transfer

The answer of the second point above “When to transfer” is simply “when domains are more or less alike.” Transfer learning assume similarities between target and source domains to some extent. “How to transfer” is very task-specific, so this is not something I can explain briefly here. I think the first point “what to transfer” is the most important for now to avoid confusions about what “transfer learning” means. “What to transfer” in transfer learning is also classified to the three types below.

  • Instance transfer (transferring datasets themselves)
  • Feature transfer (transferring extracted features)
  • Parameter transfer (transferring pre-trained models)

In fact, when you talk about already practical transfer learning techniques like using pre-trained CNN or BERT, they refer to only parameter transfer above. And please let me skip introducing it in this article. I am going to focus only on techniques related to video games in this article.

*I would like to give more practical introduction on for example BERT in one of my upcoming articles.

Domain adaptation or randomization

I first got interested in relations of video games and AI research because I was studying domain adaptation, which tackles declines of machine learning performance caused by a domain shift. Domain adaptation is sometimes used as a synonym to transfer learning. But compared to that general transfer learning also assume different tasks in different domains, domain adaptation assume the same task. Thus I would say domain adaptation is a subfield of transfer learning. There are several techniques for domain adaptation, and in this article I would like to take feature alignment as an example of frequently used approaches. Input datasets have a certain domain shift like blue and circle dots in the figure below. This domain shift cannot be changed if datasets themselves are not directly converted. Feature alignment make the domain shift smaller in a feature space after data being processed by the feature extractor. The features expressed as square dots in the figure are passed to task-specific networks just as normal machine learning. With sufficient labels in the source domain and with fewer or no labels in the target one, the task-specific networks are supervised. On the other hand, the features are also passed to the domain discriminator, and the discriminator predicts which domain the feature comes from. The domain discriminator is normally trained with supervision by classification loss, but the feature supervision is reversed when it trains the feature extractor. Due to the reversed supervision the feature extractor learns mix up features because that is worse for discriminating distinguishing the source or target domains. In this way, the feature extractor learns extract domain invariant features, that is more general features both domains have in common.

*The feature extractor and the domain discriminator is in a sense composing generative adversarial networks (GAN), which is often used in data generation. To know more about GAN, you could check for example this article.

One of motivations behind domain adaptation is that it enables training AI tasks with synthetic datasets made by for example computer graphics because they are very easy to annotate and prepare labels necessary for machine learning tasks. In such cases, domain invariant features like curves or silhouettes are expected to learn. And learning computer vision tasks from GTA5 dataset which are applicable to Cityscapes dataset is counted as one of challenging tasks in papers on domain adaptation. GTA of course stands for “Grand Theft Auto,” the video open-world video game series. If this research continues successfully developing, that would imply possibilities of capability of teaching AI models to “see” only with video games. Imagine that a baby first learns to play Grand Theft Auto 5 above all and learns what cars, roads, and pedestrians are.  And when you bring the baby outside, even they have not seen any real cars, they point to a real cars and people and say “car” and “pedestrians,” rather than “mama” or “dada.”

In order to enable more effective domain adaptation, Cycle GAN is often used. Cycle GAN is a technique to map texture in one domain to another domain. The figure below is an example of applying Cycle GAN on GTA5 dataset and Cityspaces Dataset, and by doing so shiny views from a car in Los Santos can be converted to dark and depressing scenes in Germany in winter. This instance transfer is often used in researches on domain adaptation.

Source: https://junyanz.github.io/CycleGAN/

Even if you mainly train depth estimation with data converted like above, the model can predict depth data of the real world domain without correct depth data. In the figure below, A is the target real data, B is the target domain converted like a source domain, and C is depth estimation on A.

Source: Abarghouei et al., “Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation using Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation via Image Style Transfer”, (2018), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference

Crowd counting is another field where making a labeled dataset with video games is very effective. A MOD for making a crowd arbitrarily is released, and you can make labeled datasets like below.

Source: https://gjy3035.github.io/GCC-CL/

*Introducing GTA mod into research is hilarious. You first need to buy PC software of Grand Theft Auto 5 and gaming PC at first. And after finishing the first tutorial in the video game, you need to find a place to place a camera, which looks nothing but just playing video games with public money.

Domain adaptation problems I mentioned are more of matters of how to let computers “see” the world with computer simulations. But the gap between the simulational worlds and the real world does not exist only in visual ways like in CV. How robots or vehicles are parametrized in computers also have some gaps from the real world, so even if you replace only observations with simulations, it would be hard to train AI. But surprisingly, some researches have already succeeded in training robot arms only with computer simulations. An approach named domain randomization seems to be more or less successful in training robot arms only with computer simulations and apply the learned experience to the real world. Compared to domain adaptation aligned source domain to the target domain, domain randomization is more of expanding the source domain by changing various parameters of the source domain. And the target domain, namely robot arms in the real world is in the end included in the expanded source domain. And such expansions are relatively easy with computer simulations.

For example a paper “Closing the Sim-to-Real Loop: Adapting Simulation Randomization with Real World Experience” proposes a technique to reflect real world feed back to simulations in domain randomization, and this pipeline enables a robot arm to do real world tasks in a few iteration of real world trainings.

Based on: Chebotar et al. , “Closing the Sim-to-Real Loop: Adapting Simulation Randomization with Real World Experience”, (2019), International Conference on Robotics and Automation

As the video shows, the ideas of training a robot with computer simulations is becoming more realistic.

The future of games for AI

I have been emphasizing how useful video games are in AI researches, but I am not sure if how much the field purely rely on video games like it is doing especially on RL. Autonomous driving is a huge research field, and modern video games like Grand Thef Auto are already good driving simulations in urban areas. But other realistic simulations like CARLA have been developed independent of video games. And in a paper “Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving,” some limitations of training self-driving cars in the simulation are reported. And some companies like Waymo switched to recurrent neural networks (RNN) for self-driving cars. It is natural that fields like self-driving, where errors of controls can be fatal, are not so optimistic about adopting RL for now.

But at the same time, Microsoft bought a Project Bonsai, which is aiming at applying RL to real world tasks. Also Microsoft has Project Malmo or AirSim, which respectively use Minecraft or Unreal Engine for AI reseraches. Also recently the news that Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard was a sensation last year, and media’s interests were mainly about metaverse or subscription service of video games. But Microsoft also bouth Zenimax Media, is famous for open world like Fallout or Skyrim series. Given that these are under Microsoft, it seems the company has been keen on merging AI reserach and developing video games.

As I briefly explained, video games can be expanded with procedural AI technologies. In the future AI might be trained in video game worlds, which are augmented with another form of AI. Combinations of transfer learning and game AI might possibly be a family of self-supervising technologies, like an octopus growing by eating its own feet. At least the biggest advantage of the video game industry is, even technologies themselves do not make immediate profits, researches on them are fueled by increasing video game fans all over the world. This is a kind of my sci-fi imagination of the world. Though I am not sure which is more efficient to manually design controls of robots or training AI in such indirect ways. And I prefer to enhance physical world to metaverse. People should learn to put their controllers someday and to enhance the real world. Highly motivated by “Elden Ring” I wrote this article. Some readers might got interested in the idea of transferring experiences in computer simulations to the real world. I am also going to write about transfer learning in general that is helpful in practice.

[1]三宅 陽一郎, 「ゲームAI技術入門 – 広大な人工知能の世界を体系的に学ぶ」, (2019), 技術評論社
Miyake Youichiro, “An Introduction to Game AI – Systematically Learning the Wide World of Artificial Intelligence”, (2019), Gijutsu-hyoron-sya

[2]三宅 陽一郎, 「21世紀に“洋ゲー”でゲームAIが遂げた驚異の進化史。その「敗戦」から日本のゲーム業界が再び立ち上がるには?【AI開発者・三宅陽一郎氏インタビュー】」, (2017), 電ファミニコゲーマー
Miyake Youichiro, ”The history of Astonishing Game AI which Western Video Games in 21st Century Traced. What Should the Japanese Video Game Industry Do to Recover from the ‘Defeat in War’? [An Interview with an AI Developer Miyake Yoichiro]”

[3]Rob Leane, “Dark Souls named greatest game of all time at Golden Joysticks”, (2021), RadioTimes.com

[4] Matsui Kota, “Recent Advances on Transfer Learning and Related Topics (ver.2)”, (2019), RIKEN AIP Data Driven Biomedical Science Team

[3] Sebastian Ruder, “Transfer Learning – Machine Learning’s Next Frontier”, (2017)

[4] Matsui Kota, “Recent Advances on Transfer Learning and Related Topics (ver.2)”, (2019), RIKEN AIP Data Driven Biomedical Science Team

[5] Youichiro Miyake, “AI Technologies in Game Industry”, (2020)

[6] Michael Booth, “Replayable Cooperative Game Design: Left 4 Dead”, (2009), Valve

[7] Marcin Gollent, “Landscape creation and rendering in REDengine 3”, (2014), Game Developers Conference

* I make study materials on machine learning, sponsored by DATANOMIQ. I do my best to make my content as straightforward but as precise as possible. I include all of my reference sources. If you notice any mistakes in my materials, including grammatical errors, please let me know (email: yasuto.tamura@datanomiq.de). And if you have any advice for making my materials more understandable to learners, I would appreciate hearing it.

AI Role Analysis in Cybersecurity Sector

Cybersecurity as the name suggests is the process of safeguarding networks and programs from digital attacks. In today’s times, the world sustains on internet-connected systems that carry humungous data that is highly sensitive. Cyberthreats are on the rise with unscrupulous hackers taking over the entire industry by storm, with their unethical practices. This not only calls for more intense cyber security laws, but also the vigilance policies of the corporates, big and small, government as well as non-government; needs to be revisited.

With such huge responsibility being leveraged over the cyber-industry, more and more cyber-security enthusiasts are showing keen interest in the industry and its practices. In order to further the process of secured internet systems for all, unlike data sciences and other industries; the Cybersecurity industry has seen a workforce rattling its grey muscle with every surge they experience in cyber threats. Talking of AI impressions in Cybersecurity is still in its nascent stages of deployment as humans are capable of more; when assisted with the right set of tools.

Automatically detecting unknown workstations, servers, code repositories, and other hardware and software on the network are some of the tasks that could be easily managed by AI professionals, which were conducted manually by Cybersecurity folks. This leaves room for cybersecurity officials to focus on more urgent and critical tasks that need their urgent attention. Artificial intelligence can definitely do the leg work of processing and analyzing data in order to help inform human decision-making.

AI in cyber security is a powerful security tool for businesses. It is rapidly gaining its due share of trust among businesses for scaling cybersecurity. Statista, in a recent post, listed that in 2019, approximately 83% of organizations based in the US consider that without AI, their organization fails to deal with cyberattacks. AI-cyber security solutions can react faster to cyber security threats with more accuracy than any human. It can also free up cyber security professionals to focus on more critical tasks in the organization.


As it is said, “It takes a thief to catch a thief”. Being in its experimental stages, its cost could be an uninviting factor for many businesses. To counter the threats posed by cybercriminals, organizations ought to level up their internet security battle. Attacks backed by the organized crime syndicate with intentions to dismantle the online operations and damage the economy are the major threats this industry face today. AI is still mostly experimental and, in its infancy, hackers will find it much easy to carry out speedier, more advanced attacks. New-age automation-driven practices are sure to safeguard the crumbling internet security scenarios.


There are several advantageous reasons to embrace AI in cybersecurity. Some notable pros are listed below:

  •  Ability to process large volumes of data
    AI automates the creation of ML algorithms that can detect a wide range of cybersecurity threats emerging from spam emails, malicious websites, or shared files.
  • Greater adaptability
    Artificial intelligence is easily adaptable to contemporary IT trends with the ever-changing dynamics of the data available to businesses across sectors.
  • Early detection of novel cybersecurity risks
    AI-powered cybersecurity solutions can eliminate or mitigate the advanced hacking techniques to more extraordinary lengths.
  • Offers complete, real-time cybersecurity solutions
    Due to AI’s adaptive quality, artificial intelligence-driven cyber solutions can help businesses eliminate the added expenses of IT security professionals.
  • Wards off spam, phishing, and redundant computing procedures
    AI easily identifies suspicious and malicious emails to alert and protect your enterprise.


Alongside the advantages listed above, AI-powered cybersecurity solutions present a few drawbacks and challenges, such as:

  • AI benefits hackers
    Hackers can easily sneak into the data networks that are rendered vulnerable to exploitation.
  • Breach of privacy
    Stealing log-in details of the users and using them to commit cybercrimes, are deemed sensitive issues to the privacy of an entire organization.
  • Higher cost for talents
    The cost of creating an efficient talent pool is very high as AI-based technologies are in the nascent stage.
  • More data, more problems
    Entrusting our sensitive data to a third-party enterprise may lead to privacy violations.


AI professionals backed with the best AI certifications in the world assist corporations of all sizes to leverage the maximum benefits of the AI skills that they bring along, for the larger benefit of the organization. Cybersecurity teams and AI systems cannot work in isolation. This communion is a huge step forward to leveraging maximum benefits for secured cybersecurity applications for organizations. Hence, this makes AI in cybersecurity a much-coveted aspect to render its offerings in the long run.