Natural Language Understanding (NLU) ist ein Teilbereich von Computer Science, der sich damit beschäftigt natürliche Sprache, also beispielsweise Texte oder Sprachaufnahmen, verstehen und verarbeiten zu können. Das Ziel ist es, dass eine Maschine in der gleichen Weise mit Menschen kommunizieren kann, wie es Menschen untereinander bereits seit Jahrhunderten tun.
Was sind die Bereiche von NLU?
Eine neue Sprache zu erlernen ist auch für uns Menschen nicht einfach und erfordert viel Zeit und Durchhaltevermögen. Wenn eine Maschine natürliche Sprache erlernen will, ist es nicht anders. Deshalb haben sich einige Teilbereiche innerhalb des Natural Language Understandings herausgebildet, die notwendig sind, damit Sprache komplett verstanden werden kann.
Diese Unterteilungen können auch unabhängig voneinander genutzt werden, um einzelne Aufgaben zu lösen:
Speech Recognition versucht aufgezeichnete Sprache zu verstehen und in textuelle Informationen umzuwandeln. Das macht es für nachgeschaltete Algorithmen einfacher die Sprache zu verarbeiten. Speech Recognition kann jedoch auch alleinstehend genutzt werden, beispielsweise um Diktate oder Vorlesungen in Text zu verwandeln.
Part of Speech Tagging wird genutzt, um die grammatikalische Zusammensetzung eines Satzes zu erkennen und die einzelnen Satzbestandteile zu markieren.
Named Entity Recognition versucht innerhalb eines Textes Wörter und Satzbausteine zu finden, die einer vordefinierten Klasse zugeordnet werden können. So können dann zum Beispiel alle Phrasen in einem Textabschnitt markiert werden, die einen Personennamen enthalten oder eine Zeit ausdrücken.
Sentiment Analysis klassifiziert das Sentiment, also die Gefühlslage, eines Textes in verschiedene Stufen. Dadurch kann beispielsweise automatisiert erkannt werden, ob eine Produktbewertung eher positiv oder eher negativ ist.
Natural Language Generation ist eine allgemeine Gruppe von Anwendungen mithilfe derer automatisiert neue Texte generiert werden sollen, die möglichst natürlich klingen. Zum Beispiel können mithilfe von kurzen Produkttexten ganze Marketingbeschreibungen dieses Produkts erstellt werden.
Welche Algorithmen nutzt man für NLP?
Die meisten, grundlegenden Anwendungen von NLP können mit den Python Modulen spaCy und NLTK umgesetzt werden. Diese Bibliotheken bieten weitreichende Modelle zur direkten Anwendung auf einen Text, ohne vorheriges Trainieren eines eigenen Algorithmus. Mit diesen Modulen ist ohne weiteres ein Part of Speech Tagging oder Named Entity Recognition in verschiedenen Sprachen möglich.
Der Hauptunterschied zwischen diesen beiden Bibliotheken ist die Ausrichtung. NLTK ist vor allem für Entwickler gedacht, die eine funktionierende Applikation mit Natural Language Processing Modulen erstellen wollen und dabei auf Performance und Interkompatibilität angewiesen sind. SpaCy hingegen versucht immer Funktionen bereitzustellen, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Literatur sind und macht dabei möglicherweise Einbußen bei der Performance.
Für umfangreichere und komplexere Anwendungen reichen jedoch diese Optionen nicht mehr aus, beispielsweise wenn man eine eigene Sentiment Analyse erstellen will. Je nach Anwendungsfall sind dafür noch allgemeine Machine Learning Modelle ausreichend, wie beispielsweise ein Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Mithilfe von Tokenizern von spaCy oder NLTK können die einzelnen in Wörter in Zahlen umgewandelt werden, mit denen wiederum das CNN als Input arbeiten kann. Auf heutigen Computern sind solche Modelle mit kleinen Neuronalen Netzwerken noch schnell trainierbar und deren Einsatz sollte deshalb immer erst geprüft und möglicherweise auch getestet werden.
Jedoch gibt es auch Fälle in denen sogenannte Transformer Modelle benötigt werden, die im Bereich des Natural Language Processing aktuell state-of-the-art sind. Sie können inhaltliche Zusammenhänge in Texten besonders gut mit in die Aufgabe einbeziehen und liefern daher bessere Ergebnisse beispielsweise bei der Machine Translation oder bei Natural Language Generation. Jedoch sind diese Modelle sehr rechenintensiv und führen zu einer sehr langen Rechenzeit auf normalen Computern.
Was sind Transformer Modelle?
In der heutigen Machine Learning Literatur führt kein Weg mehr an Transformer Modellen aus dem Paper „Attention is all you need“ (Vaswani et al. (2017)) vorbei. Speziell im Bereich des Natural Language Processing sind die darin erstmals beschriebenen Transformer Modelle nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Transformer werden aktuell vor allem für Übersetzungsaufgaben genutzt, wie beispielsweise auch bei Darüber hinaus sind diese Modelle auch für weitere Anwendungsfälle innerhalb des Natural Language Understandings geeignet, wie bspw. das Beantworten von Fragen, Textzusammenfassung oder das Klassifizieren von Texten. Das GPT-2 Modell ist eine Implementierung von Transformern, dessen Anwendungen und die Ergebnisse man hier ausprobieren kann.
Was macht den Transformer so viel besser?
Soweit wir wissen, ist der Transformer jedoch das erste Transduktionsmodell, das sich ausschließlich auf die Selbstaufmerksamkeit (im Englischen: Self-Attention) stützt, um Repräsentationen seiner Eingabe und Ausgabe zu berechnen, ohne sequenzorientierte RNNs oder Faltung (im Englischen Convolution) zu verwenden.
Übersetzt aus dem englischen Originaltext: Attention is all you need (Vaswani et al. (2017)).
In verständlichem Deutsch bedeutet dies, dass das Transformer Modell die sogenannte Self-Attention nutzt, um für jedes Wort innerhalb eines Satzes die Beziehung zu den anderen Wörtern im gleichen Satz herauszufinden. Dafür müssen nicht, wie bisher, Recurrent Neural Networks oder Convolutional Neural Networks zum Einsatz kommen.
Was dieser Mechanismus konkret bewirkt und warum er so viel besser ist, als die vorherigen Ansätze wird im folgenden Beispiel deutlich. Dazu soll der folgende deutsche Satz mithilfe von Machine Learning ins Englische übersetzt werden:
„Das Mädchen hat das Auto nicht gesehen, weil es zu müde war.“
Für einen Computer ist diese Aufgabe leider nicht so einfach, wie für uns Menschen. Die Schwierigkeit an diesem Satz ist das kleine Wort „es“, dass theoretisch für das Mädchen oder das Auto stehen könnte. Aus dem Kontext wird jedoch deutlich, dass das Mädchen gemeint ist. Und hier ist der Knackpunkt: der Kontext. Wie programmieren wir einen Algorithmus, der den Kontext einer Sequenz versteht?
Vor Veröffentlichung des Papers „Attention is all you need“ waren sogenannte Recurrent Neural Networks die state-of-the-art Technologie für solche Fragestellungen. Diese Netzwerke verarbeiten Wort für Wort eines Satzes. Bis man also bei dem Wort „es“ angekommen ist, müssen erst alle vorherigen Wörter verarbeitet worden sein. Dies führt dazu, dass nur noch wenig Information des Wortes „Mädchen“ im Netzwerk vorhanden sind bis den Algorithmus überhaupt bei dem Wort „es“ angekommen ist. Die vorhergegangenen Worte „weil“ und „gesehen“ sind zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch deutlich stärker im Bewusstsein des Algorithmus. Es besteht also das Problem, dass Abhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Satzes verloren gehen, wenn sie sehr weit auseinander liegen.
Was machen Transformer Modelle anders? Diese Algorithmen prozessieren den kompletten Satz gleichzeitig und gehen nicht Wort für Wort vor. Sobald der Algorithmus das Wort „es“ in unserem Beispiel übersetzen will, wird zuerst die sogenannte Self-Attention Layer durchlaufen. Diese hilft dem Programm andere Wörter innerhalb des Satzes zu erkennen, die helfen könnten das Wort „es“ zu übersetzen. In unserem Beispiel werden die meisten Wörter innerhalb des Satzes einen niedrigen Wert für die Attention haben und das Wort Mädchen einen hohen Wert. Dadurch ist der Kontext des Satzes bei der Übersetzung erhalten geblieben. Lang Lang2022-06-03 08:12:552022-05-03 21:35:36Wie Maschinen uns verstehen: Natural Language Understanding
This article is going to focus more on practical implementation of a transformer model. We use codes in the Tensorflow official tutorial. They are maintained well by Google, and I think it is the best practice to use widely known codes.
The figure below shows what I have explained in the articles so far. Depending on your level of understanding, you can go back to my former articles. If you are familiar with NLP with deep learning, you can start with the third article.
1 The datasets
I think this article series appears to be on NLP, and I do believe that learning Transformer through NLP examples is very effective. But I cannot delve into effective techniques of processing corpus in each language. Thus we are going to use a library named BPEmb. This library enables you to encode any sentences in various languages into lists of integers. And conversely you can decode lists of integers to the language. Thanks to this library, we do not have to do simplification of alphabets, such as getting rid of Umlaut.
*Actually, I am studying in computer vision field, so my codes would look elementary to those in NLP fields.
The official Tensorflow tutorial makes a Portuguese-English translator, but in article we are going to make an English-German translator. Basically, only the codes below are my original. As I said, this is not an article on NLP, so all you have to know is that at every iteration you get a batch of (64, 41) sized tensor as the source sentences, and a batch of (64, 42) tensor as corresponding target sentences. 41, 42 are respectively the maximum lengths of the input or target sentences, and when input sentences are shorter than them, the rest positions are zero padded, as you can see in the codes below.
*If you just replace datasets and modules for encoding, you can make translators of other pairs of languages.
We are going to train a seq2seq-like Transformer model of converting those list of integers, thus a mapping from a vector to another vector. But each word, or integer is encoded as an embedding vector, so virtually the Transformer model is going to learn a mapping from sequence data to another sequence data. Let’s formulate this into a bit more mathematics-like way: when we get a pair of sequence data and , where , respectively from English and German corpus, then we learn a mapping .
*In this implementation the vocabulary sizes are both . Thus
2 The whole architecture
This article series has covered most of components of Transformer model, but you might not understand how seq2seq-like models can be constructed with them. It is very effective to understand how transformer is constructed by actually reading or writing codes, and in this article we are finally going to construct the whole architecture of a Transforme translator, following the Tensorflow official tutorial. At the end of this article, you would be able to make a toy English-German translator.
The implementation is mainly composed of 4 classes, EncoderLayer(), Encoder(), DecoderLayer(), and Decoder() class. The inclusion relations of the classes are displayed in the figure below.
To be more exact in a seq2seq-like model with Transformer, the encoder and the decoder are connected like in the figure below. The encoder part keeps converting input sentences in the original language through layers. The decoder part also keeps converting the inputs in the target languages, also through layers, but it receives the output of the final layer of the Encoder at every layer.
You can see how the Encoder() class and the Decoder() class are combined in Transformer in the codes below. If you have used Tensorflow or Pytorch to some extent, the codes below should not be that hard to read.
*From now on “sentences” do not mean only the input tokens in natural language, but also the reweighted and concatenated “values,” which I repeatedly explained in explained in the former articles. By the end of this section, you will see that Transformer repeatedly converts sentences layer by layer, remaining the shape of the original sentence.
I have explained multi-head attention mechanism in the third article, precisely, and I explained positional encoding and masked multi-head attention in the last article. Thus if you have read them and have ever written some codes in Tensorflow or Pytorch, I think the codes of Transformer in the official Tensorflow tutorial is not so hard to read. What is more, you do not use CNNs or RNNs in this implementation. Basically all you need is linear transformations. First of all let’s see how the EncoderLayer() and the Encoder() classes are implemented in the codes below.
You might be confused what “Feed Forward” means in this article or the original paper on Transformer. The original paper says this layer is calculated as . In short you stack two fully connected layers and activate it with a ReLU function. Let’s see how point_wise_feed_forward_network() function works in the implementation with some simple codes. As you can see from the number of parameters in each layer of the position wise feed forward neural network, the network does not depend on the length of the sentences.
From the number of parameters of the position-wise feed forward neural networks, you can see that you share the same parameters over all the positions of the sentences. That means in the figure above, you use the same densely connected layers at all the positions, in single layer. But you also have to keep it in mind that parameters for position-wise feed-forward networks change from layer to layer. That is also true of “Layer” parts in Transformer model, including the output part of the decoder: there are no learnable parameters which cover over different positions of tokens. These facts lead to one very important feature of Transformer: the number of parameters does not depend on the length of input or target sentences. You can offset the influences of the length of sentences with multi-head attention mechanisms. Also in the decoder part, you can keep the shape of sentences, or reweighted values, layer by layer, which is expected to enhance calculation efficiency of Transformer models.
4, The decoder
The structures of DecoderLayer() and the Decoder() classes are quite similar to those of EncoderLayer() and the Encoder() classes, so if you understand the last section, you would not find it hard to understand the codes below. What you have to care additionally in this section is inter-language multi-head attention mechanism. In the third article I was repeatedly explaining multi-head self attention mechanism, taking the input sentence “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.” as an example. However, as I explained in the second article, usually in attention mechanism, you compare sentences with the same meaning in two languages. Thus the decoder part of Transformer model has not only self-attention multi-head attention mechanism of the target sentence, but also an inter-language multi-head attention mechanism. That means, In case of translating from English to German, you compare the sentence “Anthony Hopkins hat Michael Bay als einen großartigen Regisseur bewundert.” with the sentence itself in masked multi-head attention mechanism (, just as I repeatedly explained in the third article). On the other hand, you compare “Anthony Hopkins hat Michael Bay als einen großartigen Regisseur bewundert.” with “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.” in the inter-language multi-head attention mechanism (, just as you can see in the figure above).
*The “inter-language multi-head attention mechanism” is my original way to call it.
I briefly mentioned how you calculate the inter-language multi-head attention mechanism in the end of the third article, with some simple codes, but let’s see that again, with more straightforward figures. If you understand my explanation on multi-head attention mechanism in the third article, the inter-language multi-head attention mechanism is nothing difficult to understand. In the multi-head attention mechanism in encoder layers, “queries”, “keys”, and “values” come from the same sentence in English, but in case of inter-language one, only “keys” and “values” come from the original sentence, and “queries” come from the target sentence. You compare “queries” in German with the “keys” in the original sentence in English, and you re-weight the sentence in English. You use the re-weighted English sentence in the decoder part, and you do not need look-ahead mask in this inter-language multi-head attention mechanism.
Just as well as multi-head self-attention, you can calculate inter-language multi-head attention mechanism as follows: . In the example above, the resulting multi-head attention map is a matrix like in the figure below.
Once you keep the points above in you mind, the implementation of the decoder part should not be that hard.
I explained masked-multi-head attention mechanism in the last article, and the ideas itself is not so difficult. However in practice this is implemented in a little tricky way. You might have realized that the size of input matrices is fixed so that it fits the longest sentence. That means, when the maximum length of the input sentences is 41, even if the sentences in a batch have less than 41 tokens, you sample (64, 41) sized tensor as a batch every time (The 64 is a batch size). Let “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.”, which has 9 tokens in total, be an input. We have been considering calculating (9, 9) sized attention maps or (10, 9) sized attention maps, but in practice you use (41, 41) or (42, 41) sized ones. When it comes to calculating self attentions in the encoder part, you zero pad self attention maps with encoder padding masks, like in the figure below. The black dots denote the zero valued elements.
As you can see in the codes below, encode padding masks are quite simple. You just multiply the padding masks with -1e9 and add them to attention maps and apply a softmax function. Thereby you can zero-pad the columns in the positions/columns where you added -1e9 to.
I explained look ahead mask in the last article, and in practice you combine normal padding masks and look ahead masks like in the figure below. You can see that you can compare each token with only its previous tokens. For example you can compare “als” only with “Anthony”, “Hopkins”, “hat”, “Michael”, “Bay”, “als”, not with “einen”, “großartigen”, “Regisseur” or “bewundert.”
Decoder padding masks are almost the same as encoder one. You have to keep it in mind that you zero pad positions which surpassed the length of the source input sentence.
6 Decoding process
In the last section we have seen that we can zero-pad columns, but still the rows are redundant. However I guess that is not a big problem because you decode the final output in the direction of the rows of attention maps. Once you decode <end> token, you stop decoding. The redundant rows would not affect the decoding anymore.
This decoding process is similar to that of seq2seq models with RNNs, and that is why you need to hide future tokens in the self-multi-head attention mechanism in the decoder. You share the same densely connected layers followed by a softmax function, at all the time steps of decoding. Transformer has to learn how to decode only based on the words which have appeared so far.
According to the original paper, “We also modify the self-attention sub-layer in the decoder stack to prevent positions from attending to subsequent positions. This masking, combined with fact that the output embeddings are offset by one position, ensures that the predictions for position can depend only on the known outputs at positions less than .” After these explanations, I think you understand the part more clearly.
The codes blow is for the decoding part. You can see that you first start decoding an output sentence with a sentence composed of only <start>, and you decide which word to decoded, step by step.
*It easy to imagine that this decoding procedure is not the best. In reality you have to consider some possibilities of decoding, and you can do that with beam search decoding.
After training this English-German translator for 30 epochs you can translate relatively simple English sentences into German. I displayed some results below, with heat maps of multi-head attention. Each colored attention maps corresponds to each head of multi-head attention. The examples below are all from the fourth (last) layer, but you can visualize maps in any layers. When it comes to look ahead attention, naturally only the lower triangular part of the maps is activated.
This article series has not covered some important topics machine translation, for example how to calculate translation errors. Actually there are many other fascinating topics related to machine translation. For example beam search decoding, which consider some decoding possibilities, or other topics like how to handle proper nouns such as “Anthony” or “Hopkins.” But this article series is not on NLP. I hope you could effectively learn the architecture of Transformer model with examples of languages so far. And also I have not explained some details of training the network, but I will not cover that because I think that depends on tasks. The next article is going to be the last one of this series, and I hope you can see how Transformer is applied in computer vision fields, in a more “linguistic” manner.
But anyway we have finally made it. In this article series we have seen that one of the earliest computers was invented to break Enigma. And today we can quickly make a more or less accurate translator on our desk. With Transformer models, you can even translate deadly funny jokes into German.
*After training a translator, you can translate English sentences into German with this code.
[1] Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, “Attention Is All You Need” (2017)
[2] “Transformer model for language understanding,” Tensorflow Core
[3] Jay Alammar, “The Illustrated Transformer,”
[4] “Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 14 – Transformers and Self-Attention,” stanfordonline, (2019)
[5]Tsuboi Yuuta, Unno Yuuya, Suzuki Jun, “Machine Learning Professional Series: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning,” (2017), pp. 91-94
坪井祐太、海野裕也、鈴木潤 著, 「機械学習プロフェッショナルシリーズ 深層学習による自然言語処理」, (2017), pp. 191-193
* I make study materials on machine learning, sponsored by DATANOMIQ. I do my best to make my content as straightforward but as precise as possible. I include all of my reference sources. If you notice any mistakes in my materials, including grammatical errors, please let me know (email: And if you have any advice for making my materials more understandable to learners, I would appreciate hearing it. Tamura Tamura2021-05-10 10:50:232021-05-10 12:26:50How to make a toy English-German translator with multi-head attention heat maps: the overall architecture of Transformer
This article series has already covered a great deal of the Transformer mechanism. Whether you have read my former articles or not, I bet you are more or less lost in the course of learning Transformer model. The left side of the figure below is from the original paper on Transformer model, and my previous articles explained the parts in each colored frame. In the first article, I mainly explained how language is encoded in deep learning task and how that is evaluated.
This is more of a matter of inputs and the outputs of deep learning networks, which are in blue dotted frames in the figure. They are not so dependent on types of deep learning NLP tasks. In the second article, I explained seq2seq models, which are encoder-decoder models used in machine translation. Seq2seq models can can be simplified like the figure in the orange frame. In the article I mainly explained seq2seq models with RNNs, but the purpose of this article series is ultimately replace them with Transformer models. In the last article, I finally wrote about some actual components of Transformer models: multi-head attention mechanism. I think this mechanism is the core of Transformed models, and I did my best to explain it with a whole single article, with a lot of visualizations. However, there are still many elements I have not explained.
First, you need to do positional encoding to the word embedding so that Transformer models can learn the relations of the positions of input tokens. At least I was too stupid to understand what this is only with the original paper on Transformer. I am going to explain this algorithm in illustrative ways, which I needed to self-teach it. The second point is residual connections.
The last article has already explained multi-head attention, as precisely as I could do, but I still have to say I covered only two multi-head attention parts in a layer of Transformer model, which are in pink frames. During training, you have to mask some tokens at the decoder part so that some of tokens are invisible, and masked multi-head attention enables that.
You might be tired of the words “queries,” “keys,” and “values,” if you read the last article. But in fact that was not enough. When you think about applying Transformer in other tasks, such as object detection or image generation, you need to reconsider what the structure of data and how “queries,” “keys,” and “values,” correspond to each elements of the data, and probably one of my upcoming articles would cover this topic.
2 Why Transformer?
One powerful strength of Transformer model is its parallelization. As you saw in the last article, Trasformer models enable calculating relations of tokens to all other tokens, on different standards, independently in each head. And each head requires very simple linear transformations. In case of RNN encoders, if an input has tokens, basically you have to wait for time steps to finish encoding the input sentence. Also, at the time step the RNN cell retains the information at the time step only via recurrent connections. In this way you cannot attend to tokens in the earlier time steps, and this is obviously far from how we compare tokens in a sentence. You can bring information backward by bidirectional connection s in RNN models, but that all the more deteriorate parallelization of the model. And possessing information via recurrent connections, like a telephone game, potentially has risks of vanishing gradient problems. Gated RNN, such as LSTM or GRU mitigate the problems by a lot of nonlinear functions, but that adds to computational costs. If you understand multi-head attention mechanism, I think you can see that Transformer solves those problems.
I guess this is closer to when you speak a foreign language which you are fluent in. You wan to say something in a foreign language, and you put the original sentence in your mother tongue in the “encoder” in your brain. And you decode it, word by word, in the foreign language. You do not have to wait for the word at the end in your language, or rather you have to consider the relations of of a chunk of words to another chunk of words, in forward and backward ways. This is crucial especially when Japanese people speak English. You have to make the conclusion clear in English usually with the second word, but the conclusion is usually at the end of the sentence in Japanese.
3 Positional encoding
I explained disadvantages of RNN in the last section, but RNN has been a standard algorithm of neural machine translation. As I mentioned in the fourth section of the first article of my series on RNN, other neural nets like fully connected layers or convolutional neural networks cannot handle sequence data well. I would say RNN could be one of the only algorithms to handle sequence data, including natural language data, in more of classical methods of time series data processing.
*As I explained in this article, the original idea of RNN was first proposed in 1997, and I would say the way it factorizes time series data is very classical, and you would see similar procedures in many other algorithms. I think Transformer is a successful breakthrough which gave up the idea of processing sequence data time step by time step.
You might have noticed that multi-head attention mechanism does not explicitly uses the the information of the orders or position of input data, as it basically calculates only the products of matrices. In the case where the input is “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.”, multi head attention mechanism does not uses the information that “Hopkins” is the second token, or the information that the token two time steps later is “Michael.” Transformer tackles this problem with an almost magical algorithm named positional encoding.
In order to learn positional encoding, you should first think about what kind of encoding is ideal. According to this blog post, ideal encoding of positions of tokens have the following features.
Positional encoding of one token deterministically represents the position of the token.
The actual values of positional encoding should not be too big compared to the values of elements of embedding vectors.
Positional encodings of different tokens should successfully express their relative positions.
The most straightforward way to give the information of position is implementing the index of times steps , but if you naively give the term to the data, the term could get too big compared to the values of data ,for example when the sequence data is 100 time steps long. The next straightforward idea is compressing the idea of time steps to for example the range . With this approach, however, the resolution of encodings can vary depending on the length of the input sequence data. Thus these naive approaches do not meet the requirements above, and I guess even conventional RNN-based models were not so successful in these points.
*I guess that is why attention mechanism of RNN seq2seq models, which I explained in the second article, was successful. You can constantly calculate the relative positions of decoder tokens compared to the encoder tokens.
Positional encoding, to me almost magically, meets the points I have mentioned. However the explanation of positional encoding in the original paper of Transformer is unkindly brief. It says you can encode positions of tokens with the following vector , , where . is the dimension of word embedding. The heat map below is the most typical type of visualization of positional encoding you would see everywhere, and in this case , and is discrete number which varies from to , thus the heat map blow is equal to a matrix, whose elements are from to . Each row of the graph corresponds to one token, and you can see that lower dimensional part is constantly changing like waves. Also it is quite easy to encode an input with this positional encoding: assume that you have a matrix of an input sentence composed of 50 tokens, each of which is a 256 dimensional vector, then all you have to do is just adding the heat map below to the matrix.
Concretely writing down, the encoding of the 256-dim token at is .
You should see this encoding more as pairs of circles rather than dimensional vectors. When you fix the , the index of the depth of each encoding, you can extract a 2 dimensional vector . If you constantly change the value , the vector rotates clockwise on the unit circle in the figure below.
Also, the deeper the dimension of the embedding is, I mean the bigger the index is, the smaller the frequency of rotation is. I think the video below is a more intuitive way to see how each token is encoded with positional encoding. You can see that the bigger is, that is the more tokens an input has, the deeper part positional encoding starts to rotate on the circles.
Very importantly, the original paper of Transformer says, “We chose this function because we hypothesized it would allow the model to easily learn to attend by relative positions, since for any fixed offset , can be represented as a linear function of .” For each circle at any depth, I mean for any , the following simple equation holds:
The matrix is a simple rotation matrix, so if is fixed the rotation only depends on , how many positions to move forward or backward. Then we get a very important fact: as the changes ( is a discrete number), each point rotates in proportion to the offset of “pos,” with different frequencies depending on the depth of the circles. The deeper the circle is, the smaller the frequency is. That means, this type of positional encoding encourages Transformer models to learn definite and relative positions of tokens with rotations of those circles, and the values of each element of the rotation matrices are from to , so they do not get bigger no matter how many tokens inputs have.
For example when an input is “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.”, a shift from the token “Hopkins” to “Bay” is a rotation matrix , where . Also the shift from “Bay” to “great” has the same rotation.
*Positional encoding reminded me of Enigma, a notorious cipher machine used by Nazi Germany. It maps alphabets to different alphabets with different rotating gear connected by cables. With constantly changing gears and keys, it changed countless patterns of alphabetical mappings, every day, which is impossible for humans to solve. One of the first form of computers was invented to break Enigma.
*As far as I could understand from “Imitation Game (2014).”
*But I would say Enigma only relied on discrete deterministic algebraic mapping of alphabets. The rotations of positional encoding is not that tricky as Enigma, but it can encode both definite and deterministic positions of much more variety of tokens. Or rather I would say AI algorithms developed enough to learn such encodings with subtle numerical changes, and I am sure development of NLP increased the possibility of breaking the Turing test in the future.
5 Residual connections
If you naively stack neural networks with simple implementation, that would suffer from vanishing gradient problems during training. Back propagation is basically multiplying many gradients, so
One way to mitigate vanishing gradient problems is quite easy: you have only to make a bypass of propagation. You would find a lot of good explanations on residual connections, so I am not going to explain how this is effective for vanishing gradient problems in this article.
In Transformer models you add positional encodings to the input only in the first layer, but I assume that the encodings remain through the layers by these bypass routes, and that might be one of reasons why Transformer models can retain information of positions of tokens.
6 Masked multi-head attention
Even though Transformer, unlike RNN, can attend to the whole input sentence at once, the decoding process of Transformer-based translator is close to RNN-based one, and you are going to see that more clearly in the codes in the next article. As I explained in the second article, RNN decoders decode each token only based on the tokens the have generated so far. Transformer decoder also predicts the output sequences autoregressively one token at a time step, just as RNN decoders. I think it easy to understand this process because RNN decoder generates tokens just as you connect RNN cells one after another, like connecting rings to a chain. In this way it is easy to make sure that generating of one token in only affected by the former tokens. On the other hand, during training Transformer decoders, you input the whole sentence at once. That means Transformer decoders can see the whole sentence during training. That is as if a student preparing for a French translation test could look at the whole answer French sentences. It is easy to imagine that you cannot prepare for the French test effectively if you study this way. Transformer decoders also have to learn to decode only based on the tokens they have generated so far.
In order to properly train a Transformer-based translator to learn such decoding, you have to hide the upcoming tokens in target sentences during training. During calculating multi-head attentions in each Transformer layer, if you keep ignoring the weights from up coming tokens like in the figure below, it is likely that Transformer models learn to decode only based on the tokens generated so far. This is called masked multi-head attention.
*I am going to take an input “Anthonly Hopkins admire Michael Bay as a great director.” as an example of calculating masked multi-head attention mechanism, but this is supposed to be in the target laguage. So when you train an translator from English to German, in practice you have to calculate masked multi-head atetntion of “Anthony Hopkins hat Michael Bay als einen großartigen Regisseur bewundert.”
As you can see from the whole architecture of Transformer, you only need to consider masked multi-head attentions of of self-attentions of the input sentences at the decoder side. In order to concretely calculate masked multi-head attentions, you need a technique named look ahead masking. This is also quite simple. Just as well as the last article, let’s take an example of calculating self attentions of an input “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.” Also in this case you just calculate multi-head attention as usual, but when you get the histograms below, you apply look ahead masking to each histogram and delete the weights from the future tokens. In the figure below the black dots denote zero, and the sum of each row of the resulting attention map is also one. In other words, you get a lower triangular matrix, the sum of whose each row is 1.
Also just as I explained in the last article, you reweight vlaues with the triangular attention map. The figure below is calculating a transposed masked multi-head attention because I think it is a more straightforward way to see how vectors are reweighted in multi-head attention mechanism.
When you closely look at how each column of the transposed multi-head attention is reweighted, you can clearly see that the token is reweighted only based on the tokens generated so far.
*If you are still not sure why you need such masking in multi-head attention of target sentences, you should proceed to the next article for now. Once you check the decoding processes of Transformer-based translators, you would see why you need masked multi-head attention mechanism on the target sentence during training.
If you have read my articles, at least this one and the last one, I think you have gained more or less clear insights into how each component of Transfomer model works. You might have realized that each components require simple calculations. Combined with the fact that multi-head attention mechanism is highly parallelizable, Transformer is easier to train, compared to RNN.
In this article, we are going to see how masking of multi-head attention is implemented and how the whole Transformer structure is constructed. By the end of the next article, you would be able to create a toy English-German translator with more or less clear understanding on its architecture.
You can visualize positional encoding the way I explained with simple Python codes below. Please just copy and paste them, importing necessary libraries. You can visualize positional encoding as both heat maps and points rotating on rings, and in this case the dimension of word embedding is 256, and the maximum length of sentences is 50.
# I borrowed this code from Tensorflow official tutorial.
*In fact some implementations use different type of positional encoding, as you can see in the codes below. In this case, embedding vectors are roughly divided into two parts, and each part is encoded with different sine waves. I have been using a metaphor of rotating rings or gears in this article to explain positional encoding, but to be honest that is not necessarily true of all the types of Transformer implementation. Some papers compare different types of pairs of positional encoding. The most important point is, Transformer models is navigated to learn positions of tokens with certain types of mathematical patterns.
[1] Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, “Attention Is All You Need” (2017)
[2] “Transformer model for language understanding,” Tensorflow Core
[3] Jay Alammar, “The Illustrated Transformer,”
[4] “Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 14 – Transformers and Self-Attention,” stanfordonline, (2019)
[5]Harada Tatsuya, “Machine Learning Professional Series: Image Recognition,” (2017), pp. 191-193
原田達也 著, 「機械学習プロフェッショナルシリーズ 画像認識」, (2017), pp. 191-193
[6] Amirhossein Kazemnejad, “Transformer Architecture: The Positional Encoding
Let’s use sinusoidal functions to inject the order of words in our model”, Amirhossein Kazemnejad’s Blog, (2019)
[7] Nicolas Carion, Francisco Massa, Gabriel Synnaeve, Nicolas Usunier, Alexander Kirillov, Sergey Zagoruyko, “End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers,” (2020)
[10]Tsuboi Yuuta, Unno Yuuya, Suzuki Jun, “Machine Learning Professional Series: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning,” (2017), pp. 91-94
坪井祐太、海野裕也、鈴木潤 著, 「機械学習プロフェッショナルシリーズ 深層学習による自然言語処理」, (2017), pp. 191-193
[11]”Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 8 – Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention”, stanfordonline, (2019)
* I make study materials on machine learning, sponsored by DATANOMIQ. I do my best to make my content as straightforward but as precise as possible. I include all of my reference sources. If you notice any mistakes in my materials, including grammatical errors, please let me know (email: And if you have any advice for making my materials more understandable to learners, I would appreciate hearing it. Tamura Tamura2021-04-22 23:10:282021-04-24 07:09:47Positional encoding, residual connections, padding masks: covering the rest of Transformer components
I found it quite difficult to explain mathematical details of long short-term memory (LSTM) in my previous article series. But when I was studying LSTM, a new promising algorithm was already attracting attentions. The algorithm is named Transformer. Its algorithm was a first announced in a paper named “Attention Is All You Need,” and it outperformed conventional translation algorithms with lower computational costs.
In this article series, I am going to provide explanations on minimum prerequisites for understanding deep learning in NLP (natural language process) tasks, but NLP is not the main focus of this article series, and actually I do not study in NLP field. I think Transformer is going to be a new major model of deep learning as well as CNN or RNN, and the model is now being applied in various fields.
Even though Transformer is going to be a very general deep learning model, I still believe it would be an effective way to understand Transformer with some NLP because language is a good topic we have in common. Unlike my previous article series, in which I tried to explain theoretical side of RNN as precisely as possible, in this article I am going to focus on practical stuff with my toy implementations of NLP tasks, largely based on Tensorflow official tutorial. But still I will do my best to make it as straightforward as possible to understand the architecture of Transformer with various original figures.
This series is going to be composed of the articles below.
If you are in the field and can read the codes in the official tutorial with no questions, this article series is not for you, but if you want to see how a Transformer works but do not want to go too much into details of NLP, this article would be for you. Tamura Tamura2020-12-30 10:50:282021-05-11 08:27:42Instructions on Transformer for people outside NLP field, but with examples of NLP