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Object-centric Data Modelling for Process Mining and BI

Object-centric Process Mining on Data Mesh Architectures

In addition to Business Intelligence (BI), Process Mining is no longer a new phenomenon, but almost all larger companies are conducting this data-driven process analysis in their organization.

The database for Process Mining is also establishing itself as an important hub for Data Science and AI applications, as process traces are very granular and informative about what is really going on in the business processes.

The trend towards powerful in-house cloud platforms for data and analysis ensures that large volumes of data can increasingly be stored and used flexibly. This aspect can be applied well to Process Mining, hand in hand with BI and AI.

New big data architectures and, above all, data sharing concepts such as Data Mesh are ideal for creating a common database for many data products and applications.

The Event Log Data Model for Process Mining

Process Mining as an analytical system can very well be imagined as an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg, which is visible above the surface of the water, is the actual visual process analysis. In essence, a graph analysis that displays the process flow as a flow chart. This is where the processes are filtered and analyzed.

The lower part of the iceberg is barely visible to the normal analyst on the tool interface, but is essential for implementation and success: this is the Event Log as the data basis for graph and data analysis in Process Mining. The creation of this data model requires the data connection to the source system (e.g. SAP ERP), the extraction of the data and, above all, the data modeling for the event log.

Simple Data Model for a Process Mining Event Log

Simple Data Model for a Process Mining Event Log.

As part of data engineering, the data traces that indicate process activities are brought into a log-like schema. A simple event log is therefore a simple table with the minimum requirement of a process number (case ID), a time stamp and an activity description.

Event Log in Process Mining

Example Event Log for Process Mining

An Event Log can be seen as one big data table containing all the process information. Splitting this big table into several data tables is due to the goal of increasing the efficiency of storing the data in a normalized database.

The following example SQL-query is inserting Event-Activities from a SAP ERP System into an existing event log database table (one big table). It shows that events are based on timestamps (CPUDT, CPUTM) and refer each to one of a list of possible activities (dependent on VGABE).

Attention: Please see this SQL as a pure example of event mining for a classic (single table) event log! It is based on a German SAP ERP configuration with customized processes.

An Event Log can also include many other columns (attributes) that describe the respective process activity in more detail or the higher-level process context.

Incidentally, Process Mining can also work with more than just one timestamp per activity. Even the small Process Mining tool Fluxicon Disco made it possible to handle two activities from the outset. For example, when creating an order in the ERP system, the opening and closing of an input screen could be recorded as a timestamp and the execution time of the micro-task analyzed. This concept is continued as so-called task mining.

Task Mining

Task Mining is a subtype of Process Mining and can utilize user interaction data, which includes keystrokes, mouse clicks or data input on a computer. It can also include user recordings and screenshots with different timestamp intervals.

As Task Mining provides a clearer insight into specific sub-processes, program managers and HR managers can also understand which parts of the process can be automated through tools such as RPA. So whenever you hear that Process Mining can prepare RPA definitions you can expect that Task Mining is the real deal.

Machine Learning for Process and Task Mining on Text and Video Data

Process Mining and Task Mining is already benefiting a lot from Text Recognition (Named-Entity Recognition, NER) by Natural Lamguage Processing (NLP) by identifying events of processes e.g. in text of tickets or e-mails. And even more Task Mining will benefit form Computer Vision since videos of manufacturing processes or traffic situations can be read out. Even MTM analysis can be done with Computer Vision which detects movement and actions in video material.

Object-Centric Process Mining

Object-centric Process Data Modeling is an advanced approach of dynamic data modelling for analyzing complex business processes, especially those involving multiple interconnected entities. Unlike classical process mining, which focuses on linear sequences of activities of a specific process chain, object-centric process mining delves into the intricacies of how different entities, such as orders, items, and invoices, interact with each other. This method is particularly effective in capturing the complexities and many-to-many relationships inherent in modern business processes.

Note from the author: The concept and name of object-centric process mining was introduced by Wil M.P. van der Aalst 2019 and as a product feature term by Celonis in 2022 and is used extensively in marketing. This concept is based on dynamic data modelling. I probably developed my first event log made of dynamic data models back in 2016 and used it for an industrial customer. At that time, I couldn’t use the Celonis tool for this because you could only model very dedicated event logs for Celonis and the tool couldn’t remap the attributes of the event log while on the other hand a tool like Fluxicon disco could easily handle all kinds of attributes in an event log and allowed switching the event perspective e.g. from sales order number to material number or production order number easily.

An object-centric data model is a big deal because it offers the opportunity for a holistic approach and as a database a single source of truth for Process Mining but also for other types of analytical applications.

Enhancement of the Data Model for Obect-Centricity

The Event Log is a data model that stores events and their related attributes. A classic Event Log has next to the Case ID, the timestamp and a activity description also process related attributes containing information e.g. about material, department, user, amounts, units, prices, currencies, volume, volume classes and much much more. This is something we can literally objectify!

The problem of this classic event log approach is that this information is transformed and joined to the Event Log specific to the process it is designed for.

An object-centric event log is a central data store for all kind of events mapped to all relevant objects to these events. For that reason our event log – that brings object into the center of gravity – we need a relational bridge table (Event_Object_Relation) into the focus. This tables creates the n to m relation between events (with their timestamps and other event-specific values) and all objects.

For fulfillment of relational database normalization the object table contains the object attributes only but relates their object attribut values from another table to these objects.

Advanced Event Log with dynamic Relations between Objects and Events

Advanced Event Log with dynamic Relations between Objects and Events

The above showed data model is already object-centric but still can become more dynamic in order to object attributes by object type (e.g. the type material will have different attributes then the type invoice or department). Furthermore the problem that not just events and their activities have timestamps but also objects can have specific timestamps (e.g. deadline or resignation dates).

Advanced Event Log with dynamic Relations between Objects and Events and dynamic bounded attributes and their values to Events - And the same for Objects.

Advanced Event Log with dynamic Relations between Objects and Events and dynamic bounded attributes and their values to Events – And the same for Objects.

A last step makes the event log data model more easy to analyze with BI tools: Adding a classical time dimension adding information about each timestamp (by date, not by time of day), e.g. weekdays or public holidays.

Advanced Event Log with dynamic Relations between Objects and Events and dynamic bounded attributes and their values to Events and Objects. The measured timestamps (and duration times in case of Task Mining) are enhanced with a time-dimension for BI applications.

Advanced Event Log with dynamic Relations between Objects and Events and dynamic bounded attributes and their values to Events and Objects. The measured timestamps (and duration times in case of Task Mining) are enhanced with a time-dimension for BI applications.

For analysis the way of Business Intelligence this normalized data model can already be used. On the other hand it is also possible to transform it into a fact-dimensional data model like the star schema (Kimball approach). Also Data Science related use cases will find granular data e.g. for training a regression model for predicting duration times by process.

Note from the author: Process Mining is often regarded as a separate discipline of analysis and this is a justified classification, as process mining is essentially a graph analysis based on the event log. Nevertheless, process mining can be considered a sub-discipline of business intelligence. It is therefore hardly surprising that some process mining tools are actually just a plugin for Power BI, Tableau or Qlik.

Storing the Object-Centrc Analytical Data Model on Data Mesh Architecture

Central data models, particularly when used in a Data Mesh in the Enterprise Cloud, are highly beneficial for Process Mining, Business Intelligence, Data Science, and AI Training. They offer consistency and standardization across data structures, improving data accuracy and integrity. This centralized approach streamlines data governance and management, enhancing efficiency. The scalability and flexibility provided by data mesh architectures on the cloud are very beneficial for handling large datasets useful for all analytical applications.

Note from the author: Process Mining data models are very similar to normalized data models for BI reporting according to Bill Inmon (as a counterpart to Ralph Kimball), but are much more granular. While classic BI is satisfied with the header and item data of orders, process mining also requires all changes to these orders. Process mining therefore exceeds this data requirement. Furthermore, process mining is complementary to data science, for example the prediction of process runtimes or failures. It is therefore all the more important that these efforts in this treasure trove of data are centrally available to the company.

Central single source of truth models also foster collaboration, providing a common data language for cross-functional teams and reducing redundancy, leading to cost savings. They enable quicker data processing and decision-making, support advanced analytics and AI with standardized data formats, and are adaptable to changing business needs.

DATANOMIQ Data Mesh Cloud Architecture - This image is animated! Click to enlarge!

DATANOMIQ Data Mesh Cloud Architecture – This image is animated! Click to enlarge!


Central data models in a cloud-based Data Mesh Architecture (e.g. on Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform or SAP Dataverse) significantly improve data utilization and drive effective business outcomes. And that´s why you should host any object-centric data model not in a dedicated tool for analysis but centralized on a Data Lakehouse System.

About the Process Mining Tool for Object-Centric Process Mining

Celonis is the first tool that can handle object-centric dynamic process mining event logs natively in the event collection. However, it is not neccessary to have Celonis for using object-centric process mining if you have the dynamic data model on your own cloud distributed with the concept of a data mesh. Other tools for process mining such as Signavio, UiPath, and process.science or even the simple desktop tool Fluxicon Disco can be used as well. The important point is that the data mesh approach allows you to easily generate classic event logs for each analysis perspective using the dynamic object-centric data model which can be used for all tools of process visualization…

… and you can also use this central data model to generate data extracts for all other data applications (BI, Data Science, and AI training) as well!

Why using Infrastructure as Code for developing Cloud-based Data Warehouse Systems?

In the contemporary age of Big Data, Data Warehouse Systems and Data Science Analytics Infrastructures have become an essential component for organizations to store, analyze, and make data-driven decisions. With the evolution of cloud computing, many organizations are now migrating their Data Warehouse Systems to the cloud for better scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can be a game-changer in this scenario. By automating the provisioning and management of cloud resources through code, IaC brings a host of advantages to the development and maintenance of Data Warehouse Systems in the cloud.

So why using IaC for Cloud Data Infrastructures?

Of course you – as a human user – can always login into the admin portal of any cloud provider and manually get your resources like SQL databases, ETL tools, Virtual Networks and tools like Synapse, snowflake, BigQuery or Databrikcs in place by clicking on the right buttons….. But here is why you should better follow the idea of having your code explaining which resources are in what order in place in your cloud:

Version Control for your Cloud Infrastructure

One of the primary advantages of using IaC is version control for your Data Warehouse – or Data Lakehouse – Architecture. Whether you’re using Redshift, Snowflake, or any other cloud-based data warehouse solutions, you can codify your architecture settings, allowing you to track changes over time. This ensures a reliable and consistent development environment and makes it easier to identify issues, rollback updates, or replicate the architecture for other projects.

Scalability Tailored for Data Needs

Data Warehouse Systems often require to scale quickly to handle larger datasets or more queries. Traditional manual scaling methods are cumbersome and slow. IaC allows for efficient auto-scaling based on real-time needs. You can write scripts to automatically provision or de-provision resources depending on your data workloads, making your data warehouse highly adaptive to your organization’s changing requirements.

Cost-Efficiency in Resource Allocation

Cloud resources are priced based on usage, so efficient allocation is crucial for managing costs. IaC enables precise control over cloud resources, allowing you to turn them off when not in use or allocate more resources during peak times. For Data Warehouse Systems that often require powerful (and expensive) computing resources, this level of control can translate into significant cost savings.

Streamlined Collaboration Among Teams

Data Warehouse Systems in the cloud often involve cross-functional teams — data engineers, data scientists, and system administrators. IaC allows these teams to collaborate more effectively. Everyone works with the same infrastructure configurations, reducing discrepancies between development, staging, and production environments. This ensures that the data models and queries developed by data professionals are consistent with the underlying infrastructure.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

Data Warehouses often store sensitive information, making security a paramount concern. IaC allows security configurations to be codified and automated, ensuring that every new resource or service deployed complies with organizational and regulatory guidelines. This proactive security approach is particularly beneficial for industries that have to adhere to strict compliance rules like HIPAA or GDPR.

Reliable Environment for Data Operations

Manual configurations are prone to human error, which can compromise the reliability of a Data Warehouse System. IaC mitigates this risk by automating repetitive tasks, ensuring that the infrastructure is consistently provisioned. This brings reliability to data ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, query performances, and other critical data operations.

Documentation and Disaster Recovery Made Easy

Data is the lifeblood of any organization, and losing it can be catastrophic. IaC allows for swift disaster recovery by codifying the entire infrastructure. If a disaster occurs, the infrastructure can be quickly recreated, reducing downtime and data loss.

Most common IaC solutions

The most common tools for creating Cloud Infrastructure as Code are probably Terraform and Pulumi. However, IaC solutions can be very different in their concepts. For example: While Terraform is a pure declarative configuration language that just describes how the infrastructure will look like (execution then by the Terraform-supporting Cloud Provider), Pulumi on the other hand will execute the deployment by a programming language iteratively deploying the wished cloud resources (e.g. using for loops in Python). While executing Pulumi in any supported programming language like Python or C#, Pulumi generates declarative Infrastructure build plans for the Cloud. Any IaC solution is declaring how the infrastrcture looks like.


Terraform is one of the most widely used Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, developed by HashiCorp. It enables users to define and provision a data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).

The following Terraform script will create an Azure Resource Group, a SQL Server, and a SQL Database. It will also output the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the SQL Server, which you can use to connect to the database:

The HCL code needs to be placed into the Terrafirm main.tf file. Of course, Terraform and the Azure CLI needs to be installed before.


Pulumi is a modern Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that sets itself apart by allowing infrastructure to be defined using general-purpose programming languages like Python, TypeScript, Go, and C#.

Example of a Pulumi Python script creating a SQL Database on Microsoft Azure Cloud:

Running the script will need the installation of Python, Pulumi and the Azure CLI.

Cloud Provider specific IaC Solutions

Cloud providers might come up with their own IaC solutions, here are the probably most common ones:

Microsoft Azure Bicep is an open-source domain-specific language (DSL) developed by Microsoft, aimed at simplifying the process of deploying Azure resources. It serves as a declarative alternative to JSON for writing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. Bicep compiles down to ARM templates, offering a more concise syntax and easier tooling while leveraging the proven, underlying ARM deployment engine.

AWS CloudFormation is a service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to define cloud infrastructure in JSON or YAML templates.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager is quite similar to AWS CloudFormation but tailored for Google Cloud Platform (GCP), it allows you to define and deploy resources using YAML or Python templates.

IaC Tools for Server Configuration

There are many other IaC solutions and some of them are more focused on configuration of servers. In common they offer software provisioning as well and a lot detailing in regards to micro-configuration of single applications running on the server.

The most common IaC software for Server Configuration might be Ansible, a YAML-based configuration management tool that uses an agentless architecture. It’s easy to set up and widely used for automating tasks like software provisioning and configuration management. Puppet, Chef and SaltStack are further alternatives and master-agent architecture-based.

Other types of IaC Solutions

IaC solutions with a more narrow focus are e.g. Vagrant as a primarily used IaC tool for setting up virtual development environments, especially for the automation of VM (Virtual Machine) provisioning. The widely used Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications, which can be defined using YAML files.

Furthermore we have tools that are working closely together with IaC tooling, e.g. Prometheus as an open-source monitoring toolkit often used in conjunction with other IaC tools for monitoring deployed resources.


Infrastructure as Code significantly enhances the development and maintenance of Cloud-based Data Infrastructures. From versioning your warehouse architecture and scaling resources according to real-time data needs, to facilitating team collaboration and ensuring security compliance, IaC serves as a foundational technology that brings agility, reliability, and cost-efficiency. As organizations continue to realize the importance of data-driven decision-making, leveraging IaC for cloud-based Data Warehouse Systems will likely become a best practice in data engineering and infrastructure management.

Interview Benjamin Aunkofer - Business Intelligence und Process Mining ohne Vendor-Lock-In

Interview – Business Intelligence und Process Mining ohne Vendor Lock-in!

Das Format Business Talk am Kudamm in Berlin führte ein Interview mit Benjamin Aunkofer zum Thema “Business Intelligence und Process Mining nachhaltig umsetzen”.

In dem Interview erklärt Benjamin Aunkofer, was gute Business Intelligence und Process Mining ausmacht und warum Unternehmen in jedem Fall daran arbeiten sollten, den gefürchteten Vendor Lock-In zu vermeiden, der gerade insbesondere bei Process Mining droht, jedoch leicht vermeidbar ist.

Nachfolgend das Interview auf Youtube sowie die schriftliche Form zum Nachlesen:

Interview – Process Mining, Business Intelligence und Vendor Lock

1 – Herr Aunkofer, wir wollen uns heute über Best Practice bei der Verarbeitung von Daten unterhalten. Welche Fehler sollten Unternehmen unbedingt vermeiden, wenn sie ihre Daten zur Modellierung aufbereiten?

Mittlerweile weiß ja bereits jeder Laie, dass die Datenaufbereitung und -Modellierung einen Großteil des Arbeitsaufwandes in der Datenanalyse einnehmen, sei es nun für Business Intelligence, also Reporting, oder für Process Mining. Für Data Science ja sowieso. Vor einen Jahrzehnt war es immer noch recht üblich, sich einfach ein BI Tool zu nehmen, sowas wie QlikView, Tableau oder PowerBI, mittlerweile gibt es ja noch einige mehr, und da direkt die Daten reinzuladen und dann halt loszulegen mit dem Aufbau der Reports.

Schon damals in Ansätzen, aber spätestens heute gilt es zu recht als Best Practise, die Datenanbindung an ein Data Warehouse zu machen und in diesem die Daten für die Reports aufzubereiten. Ein Data Warehouse ist eine oder eine Menge von Datenbanken.

Das hat den großen Vorteil, dass die Daten auf einer Ebene modelliert werden, für die es viele Experten gibt und die technologisch auch sehr mächtig ist, nicht auf ein Reporting Tool beschränkt ist.
Außerdem veraltet die Datenbanktechnologie nur sehr viel langsamer als die ganzen Tools, in denen Analysen stattfinden.

Im Process Mining sind ja nun noch viele Erstinitiativen aktiv und da kommen die Unternehmen nun erst so langsam auf den Trichter, dass so ein Data Warehouse hier ebenfalls sinnvoll ist. Und sie liegen damit natürlich vollkommen richtig.

2 – Warum ist es so wichtig einen Vendor Lock zu umgehen?

Na die ganze zuvor genannte Arbeit für die Datenaufbereitung möchte man keinesfalls in so einem Tool haben, das vor allem für die visuelle Analyse gemacht wird und viel schnelleren Entwicklungszyklen sowie einem spannenden Wettbewerb unterliegt. Sind die ganzen Anbindungen der Datenquellen, also z. B. dem ERP, CRM usw., sowie die Datenmodelle für BI oder Process Mining direkt an das Tool gebunden, dann fällt es schwer z. B. von PowerBI nach Tableau oder SuperSet zu wechseln, von Celonis nach Signavio oder welches Tool auch immer. Die Migrationsaufwände sind dann ein ziemlicher Showstopper.

Bei Datenbanken sind Migrationen auch nicht immer ein Spaß, die Aufwände jedoch absehbarer und vor allem besteht selten die Notwendigkeit dazu, die Datenbanktechnologie zu wechseln. Das ist quasi die neutrale Zone.

3 – Bei der Nutzung von Daten fallen oft die Begriffe „Process Mining“ und „Business Intelligence“. Was ist darunter zu verstehen und was sind die Unterschiede zwischen PM und BI?

Business Intelligence, oder BI, geht letztendlich um die zur Verfügungstellung von guten Reports für das Management bis hin zu jeden Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens, manchmal aber sogar bis zum Kunden oder Lieferanten, die in Unternehmensprozesse inkludiert werden sollen. BI ist gewissermaßen schon seit zwei Jahrzehnten ein Trend, entwickelt sich aber auch immer weiter, mit immer größeren Datenmengen, in Echtzeit usw.

Process Mining ist im Grunde eng mit der BI verwandt, man kann auch sagen, dass es ein BI für Prozessanalysen ist. Bei Process Mining nehmen wir uns die Log-Daten von operativen IT-Systemen vor, in denen Unternehmensprozesse erfasst sind. Vornehmlich ERP-Systeme, CRM-Systeme, Dokumentenmangement-Systeme usw.
Die Daten bereiten wir in sogenannte Event Logs, also Prozessprotokolle, auf und laden sie dann ein eines der vielen Process Mining Tools, egal in welches. In diesen Tools kann man dann Prozess wirklich visuell betrachten, filtern und analysieren, rekonstruiert aus den Daten, spiegeln sie die tatsächlichen operativen Vorgänge wieder.

Auch bei Process Mining tut sich gerade viel, Machine Learning hält Einzug ins Process Mining, Prozesse können immer granularer analysiert werden, auch unstrukturierte Daten können unter Einsatz von AI mit in die Analyse einbezogen werden usw.
Der Markt bereinigt sich übrigens auch dadurch, dass Tool für Tool von größeren Software-Häusern aufgekauft werden. Also der Tool-Markt ist gerade ganz krass im Wandel und das wird die nächsten Jahre auch so bleiben.

4 – Wie ist denn die Best Practice bei der Speicherung, Aufbereitung und Modellierung von Daten?

BI und Process Mining sind eigentlich eher Methoden der Datenanalytik als einfach nur Tools. Es ist ein komplexes System. Ganz klar hierfür ist der Aufbau eines Data Warehouses, dass aus Datensicht quasi so eine Art Middleware ist und Daten zentral allen Tools bereitstellt. Viele Unternehmen haben ja um einiges mehr als nur ein Tool im Haus, die kann man dann auch alle weiterhin nutzen.

Was gerade zum Trend wird, ist der Aufbau eines Data Lakehouses. Ein Lakehouse inkludiert auch clevere Art und Weise auch einen Data Lake.

Den Unterschied kann man sich wie folgt vorstellen: Ein Data Warehouse ist wie das Regel zu Hause mit den Ordnern zum Abheften aller wichtigen Dokumente, geordnet nach … Ordner, Rubrik, Sortierung nach Datum oder alphabetisch. Allerdings macht es auch große Mühe, diese Struktur zu verwalten, alles ordentlich abzuheften und sich überhaupt erstmal eine Logik dafür zu erarbeiten. Ein Data Lake ist dann sowas wie die eine böse Schublade, die man eigentlich gar nicht haben möchte, aber in die man dann alle Briefe, Dokumente usw. reinwirft, bei denen man nicht weiß, ob man diese noch braucht. Die Inhalte des Data Lakes sind bestenfalls etwas vorsortiert, aber eigentlich hofft man ja nicht, da wieder irgendwas drin wiederfinden zu müssen.

5 – Sie haben ja einen guten Marktüberblick: Wie gut sind deutsche Unternehmen in diesen Bereichen aufgestellt?

Grundsätzlich schon mal gar nicht so schlecht, wie oft propagiert wird. In beinahe jedem deutschen Unternehmen existiert mittlerweile ein Data Warehouse sowie Initiativen zur Einführung von BI, Process Mining und Data Science bzw. KI, in Konzernen natürlich stets mehrere. Was ich oft vermisse, ist so eine gesamtheitliche Sicht auf die Dinge, es gibt ja viele Nischenexperten, die sich auf eines dieser Themen stürzen, es aber nicht in Verbindung zu den anderen Themen betrachten. Z. B. steht auch KI nicht für sich alleine, sondern kann sowohl der Business Intelligence als auch Process Mining über den Querverweis befähigen, z. B. zur Berücksichtigung von unstrukturierten Daten, oder ausbauen mit Vorhersagen, z. B. Umsatz-Forecasts. Das ist alles eine Datenevolution, vom ersten Report von Unternehmenskennzahlen über die Analyse von Prozessen bis hin zu KI-getriebenen Vorhersagesystemen.

6 – Wo sehen Sie den größten Nachholbedarf?

Da mache ich es kurz: Unternehmen brauchen Datenstrategien und ein Big Picture, wie sie Daten richtig nutzen, dabei dann auch die unterschiedlichen Methoden der Nutzung dieser Daten richtig kombinieren.

Sehen Sie die zwei anderen Video-Interviews von Benjamin Aunkofer:

Interview Benjamin Aunkofer – Datenstrategien und Data Teams entwickeln!








AI Platforms – A Comprehensive Guide

A comprehensive guide compiled to introduce readers to AI platforms, their types, and benefits. A concluding section to discuss AI platform selection strategy with Attri’s Best of Breed approach to build AI platforms. 

Don’t you think that this century is really fortunate? In my opinion, the answer is yes; we witnessed technological transformations and their miracles that created substantial changes in our lifestyle. While talking about these life-changing technological revolutions, AI or artificial intelligence deserves a front seat due to its incredible contribution and capabilities. Now everyone knows AI has limitless potential simply from creating funny faces in mobile to taking informed and intelligent business decisions. In the last 50 years, we have progressed by leaps and bounds to give machines the ability to understand, help and mimic us.

Artificial intelligence enables machines to imitate human intelligence across a variety of domains ranging from problem-solving and reasoning to General Intelligence and in-depth knowledge representation. With tremendous progress in AI, another enabler came into existence and received attention—AI platforms. AI-platform is a layer that integrates all the tools and processes required to build, deploy and monitor ML models. In this article, we shall go through the various aspects of AI platforms covering a range of topics like AI Platform types, the benefits such platforms entail, selection strategy in detail as well as a brief look into Attri’s industry contribution with an Open AI Platform.

Diving Deeper With AI Platforms

The AI Platform acts as a layer over your current AI infrastructure and integrates all the tools and processes required to develop ML models. It provides you the flexibility to integrate all your ML models under a single roof. With this flexibility, you can create and deploy several ML models over the platform. Further, you can even monitor these models to confirm that they are serving their intended purpose. AI platform makes your AI adoption easy by attaining the following requirements–

  • Use of vast data to develop ML solutions.
  • Ensure transparency and reproducibility within a project
  • Accelerate collaboration and governance within teams
  • Ensure scalability for ever-growing machine learning demands

An ideal AI platform should ensure the following features for better addressing different challenges.

  • Seamless access control: Ensure robust access control to team members in order to conquer the challenge of centralized data access with AI projects.
  • Excellent monitoring: Integrate top-notch observability practices while developing ML models.
  • Data and technology-agnostic integration: Seamless experience to enterprises with infrastructure set up responsibility handed over to platform providers
  • All-inclusive Platform: Single platform to facilitate all underlying tasks from data preparation to model deployment
  • Continuous Improvement: Ability to produce and deploy models as a reproducible package and thereby integrate changes with models that are already in production
  • Rapid Processing: Faster data preparation and powerful visual interfaces

AI Platform Classification

With loads of AI platform providers available in the market, AI platform classification becomes a tough job, as it requires thinking separately on each platform’s offerings, its features, and cost factors. Also, you need to check whether AI solutions are open source AI platforms or proprietary offerings.

We have decided to present an AI platform classification based on its striking features and offerings. With this, we have classified AI platforms across three main classes—

  • AI cloud-based platforms
  • AI conversational platforms
  • No code AI platforms

Cloud based AI Platforms

All major cloud providers offer cloud-based AI platforms to boost businesses with AI capabilities. With cloud AI platforms, enterprises can leverage cloud providers’ matchless technical expertise to overcome affordability and data requirement challenges associated with AI implementation. Cloud-based AI offerings benefit businesses with economic AI solutions, defined and pre-packaged services, lower risks, and modern technology.

Amazon Web Services

AWS offers a comprehensive set of AI solutions to conquer major hurdles in the AI adoption journey of businesses. AWS has been recognized as the topmost cloud AI partner with its broad capable portfolio. AWS pre-trained models cater to diverse use cases like forecasting, recommendations, computer vision, language interpretation, customer engagement, and safety for deploying ML models at scale. Amazon also provides text analytics, NLP, chatbots, and document analysis solutions. Fully managed AWS packages amplify your experience with minimum resource requirements and wizard-based friendly model development experience. Hence, AWS is one of the top cloud AI partners that cater to your AI adoption needs.

Google cloud

 The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a Google offering for cloud-driven computing services devised to support multiple use cases such as hosting containerized applications, massive-scale data analytics platforms, and even applying ML and AI for business use cases. Google AI Platform is a Google Cloud offering that helps build, deploy and manage machine learning models in the cloud.

Google leverages enterprise AI experience through its consumer-facing products. Google helps improve customer satisfaction through Contact Center AI. Google offering DialogFlow CX is used to create advanced chatbots that handle customer messaging, response, and voice recognition. Digiflow is applied to create virtual agents for messaging services, mobile apps, and IoT devices.

Google’s Cloud Vision API is beneficial to recognize objects, logos, and landmarks within content or images. Google provides Natural Language API to bring more clarity in content classification, entities, syntax, and sentiments. Further, Google speech API helps in converting audio to text and recognizing 110 languages.

Google’s Cloud ML services facilitate better decision-making with end-to-end ML solutions. Google offers an all-inclusive ML development platform that enables effective decision-making backed by explainable AI, continuous evaluation, data labeling, pipelines, training, and what-if tool. This platform is based on the TensorFlow framework and it enables building predictive models for various scenarios.

Kubeflow is a Cloud-Native and open-source platform that helps you build portable ML pipelines that can be executed on-premises or on the cloud. With this, you can access Google technologies like TPUs, TensorFlow, and TFX tools as you deploy your ML models in production.

For expert ML developers, Google provides an Open Source AI platform with TensorFlow models that are trained for various scenarios. It offers an excellent prediction service using trained models.

Microsoft Azure

Similar to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure ML capabilities are based on its real-time and live applications. Azure provides superior machine learning capabilities to develop, train, and deploy machine learning models through Azure Machine Learning, Azure Databricks, and ONNX.

  • Azure Machine Learning

A Python-based ML service to facilitate automated machine learning.

  • ONNX

An open-source model format enables machine learning through various frameworks and hardware platforms of the user’s choice.

  • Azure Cognitive Search

Formerly known as Azure Search,this is the only cloud search service that allows built-in AI capabilities to explore content effectively at scale. Microsoft empowers the user with cognitive search services like text analytics, translation, document analytics, custom vision, and Azure Machine Learning solutions.

IBM Cloud

IBM has brought Watson studio a data analysis application to accelerate innovation and ML-centric practices in business.  IBM Cloud AI Platform offers 170 services with more emphasis on data-speech conversions and analytics. Watson Studio offers an all-inclusive suite to work with data and train, build and deploy ML models.

An innovative giant IBM also brought AI based learning platform recently to aid academic stakeholder like students, researchers and teachers.

AI Conversational Platforms

Conversational AI opens new doors for automated conversations between an enterprise and its customers. These conversations include messaging or voice-based communication platforms to enable text or audio-based conversation.

Conversational platforms leverage your customer experience with a range of applications such as follow-up, guidance, or the resolution of customer queries and round-the-clock support. These platforms are beneficial to drive more leads, increase conversions by cross-selling and upselling, promotional efforts, customer research, queries resolution and customer feedback handling, etc.

AI technology helps systems to mimic human conversations to a certain level and with great accuracy. An AI offering- Natural Language processing is used to shape these conversations by understanding intent, text, speech, and languages.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants

The intelligent virtual assistants represent an advanced level of Conversational AI and their discussion is incomplete without a mention to Siri and Alexa. Most popular intelligent virtual assistants include Siri by Apple, Alexa by Amazon, Google Assistant, and Bixby by Samsung. While Alexa performs as a voice assistant for the home, Siri and Bixby stand as mobile assistants with numerous operations support like navigation, text-to-speech, response to weather, quick reply, and address search.

SAP Conversational AI

SAP Conversational AI is one of the leading conversational AI platforms. With its friendly UI and multiple versioning, it offers a better experience of mimicking human conversations. SAP Conversational AI Platform uses NLP to facilitate developing chatbot that works more humanely and serves your customers 24*7. Its striking features include—

  • Simple integration
  • NLP capabilities
  • Analytics tools to help you
  • Multi-language support


A powerful self-learning Conversational AI Platform enriched with NLP capabilities and machine learning. It secures top position in the Conversational AI Platform list due to its learning from previous conversations and improving responses over time. Its feature set include—

  • No technical expertise required
  • Self-learning abilities
  • NLP capabilities


An enterprise-grade Conversational AI Platform to cater to your consumer as well as staff needs. It helps to build a virtual chatbot for any suitable platform without compromising the safety and security standards. Its major features cover—

  • The high degree of customization for chatbots
  • Comprehensive analytics with FAQs and alerts
  • Simple integration with ML models and channels
  • Flexible deployment
  • Supported with a multi-pronged NLP engine


It is an excellent option as a Deep-Domain Conversational AI Platform with NLP capabilities. It can be used for both text-based and voice-based virtual assistants. This platform effectively caters to multiple industries and their numerous use cases. Check its striking features list—

  • Open-source platform
  • NLP capabilities
  • Supports discovering on-demand video or music
  • Quick chat-based transactions

No Code AI Platforms

As discussed above, AI platform classification necessitates platform considerations from various perspectives. We are introducing another category of AI platforms—No Code AI Platforms. The motivation behind introducing these platforms is to encourage enterprise AI adoption while keeping AI implementation costs low and minimizing dependencies on skilled professionals. Many IT giants are now offering no-code AI Platforms to enterprises for their AI adoption.

Google ML Kit

Google ML Kit comes with Android and iOS and it facilitates the integration of functions with lesser codes or with minimum knowledge of machine learning algorithms. This open source AI Platform supports different features such as text recognition, face detection, and landmark recognition.

RapidMiner Studio

RapidMiner Studio enables powerful data analytics with drag and drop features. Rapidminer Studio allows easy integration with databases, warehouses, social media for easy data access by authorized persons.

ML Platform Selection Strategy

Having discussed so many types of ML platforms, their features, and offerings, the next question is–how to select the best ML Platform for an enterprise AI adoption. Well, to answer this Million-Dollar question, we need to consider a few key aspects, such as

  • Who will use and benefit from the AI Platform? It is required to find out AI platform users here, the data science team, analytics team, developers, and how the platform will benefit each stakeholder.
  • The next aspect is to explore the skill levels of AI platform users, are they competent to handle ML development and analytics requirements with years of experience
  • Proficiency of users with programming languages
  • The next point in finalizing the AI platform strategy is to conclude code-first or code-free approaches to streamline AI workflows. This aspect can be studied by thinking about different attributes such as data preparation ease, feature engineering automation, ML algorithms, Model Deployment ease, and platform integration aspects.

Once you come up with answers to these queries, you will be able to finalize the best AI Platform Selection strategy for your enterprise. It can be a unique cloud platform, or even it can be a hybrid solution with a “best-of-breed” approach.

All-in-one platform strategy involves getting one end-to-end platform for the entire AI project lifecycle from raw data prep to ETL to building and operationalizing models followed by monitoring and governance of systems.

The best-of-breed approach allows using the preferred and custom tools for each phase of the lifecycle and aligning these tools together to build a customized platform solution for AI adoption.

This approach offers an excellent AI platform solution for organizations looking for flexible, inexpensive, change-oriented AI solutions and having a DIY spirit. With this mix-and-match approach, you can combine APIs offered by different cloud platforms and deliver AI solutions that cater to your AI use cases. Organizations using the best-of-breed approach are more comfortable with technology shifts with their abilities to use, adopt and swap out tools as requirement changes.

Business Process AI Transformation Simplified With Attri’s Open AI Platform

At Attri, we provide AI platform solutions to diverse industry verticals. With our flagship Open AI Platform, we heighten your AI adoption experience with a rich array of platform features like—

  • Customizable best-of-breed architecture
  • Utilize existing infrastructure
  • AI as a platform solution
  • Reduced effort in migrating to a new technology
  • Centralized Monitoring and Governance
  • Explainable and Responsible AI

We help you achieve your business process transformation goals with our unique AI offerings such as Open AI Platform  and Open AI solutions.

Our AI platform assures multiple benefits to your enterprise while keeping AI adoptions costs low and ensuring faster AI implementations. We can summarize the benefits of Attri Open AI Platform as under–

No efforts in reinventing complete AI suites

Attri’s AI Platform integrates multiple AI services and eliminates the need for reinventing complete AI suites. The platform delights enterprises with scalability, the ability to reuse current infrastructure, and customizable architecture.

Accelerated Go To Market

Attri’s Open AI Platform ensures accelerated GTM with a sincere approach to testing, reviewing, and finalizing reference templates for different industries.

No vendor lock-in

With Open AI Platform, we bring client-friendly policies such as no vendor lock-in and flexibility to choose their preferred tools and technology.

High reliability

We keep our AI Platform highly reliable with a comprehensive testing approach. We also meet the growing requirements of enterprises by ensuring high scalability with our open AI platform.

Get connected with us for your enterprise AI adoption requirements.

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