AI Experts: The Next Frontier in AI After the 2020 Job Crisis

Beware the perils of AI boom!

Isn’t this something that should ring alarm bells to upgrade your AI skills.

Artificial intelligence has grown smarter putting people in awe with a question, “Is my job safe?” Should we be afraid? It is but a simple question with a rather perplexing answer, I’m not skilled ready. Your view will depend on whether you’ll be able to develop skills that will surpass the redundant skills you possess today.No doubt, the AI domain is thriving and humans are scared. 

Even organizations such as McKinsey predicts the doom and gloom scenario where one-third of the workers’ jobs will be taken over due to automation by 2030.

In the next decade, AI and automation could banish 54 million Americans out of their workspace. With rapid technological growth, machines are now outperforming the number of tasks traditionally done by manpower.

What’s more?

  • Walmart has the fastest automated truck unloader that helps scan unloaded items on a priority basis. 
  • McDonald replaces drive-thru workers with order-taking AI and cashiers along with self-checkout kiosks. 
  • While farms in California hire robots to harvest lettuce. 

Fear facts appearing real

Near about 670,000 U.S. jobs were replaced between 1990 to 2007, mostly in the manufacturing sector. But this trend is already accelerating as it advances in mobile technology, data transfer, AI, and computing speed. 

On its face, jobs that involve physical tasks in predictable environments will be at higher risk. For instance, The Palm Beach County Court recently made use of four robots (Rosie Tobor, Kitt Robbie, Speedy, and Wally Bishop) to read out the court filings, input data into the case management system, and fill out docket sheets. Also, at certain places in China, waiters were being replaced with robots.

On the contrary, jobs that include creative thinking, social interaction, and managing people will barely involve automation.

Though you think your job is safe, it isn’t. 

History has warned us of the apocalyptic happenings about technology replacing our jobs. There has always been a difficult transition to jobs that require newer skillsets. McKinsey, in its study, mentioned 8-9% of 2030’s labor demand will be in newer job roles that did not exist before. 

AI to take over the world – or is it? 

There is still but a grim prognostic about the robot apocalypse. But it’s not the time to celebrate.

As warned by Russian president Vladimir Putin, “The nation that leads in AI will be the ruler of the world.”

Artificial intelligence is yet to replace the human workforce, but it is still considered an invaluable tool today.

According to Forrester, firms will now address the pragmatic side of AI about having a better understanding of the challenges faced, to embrace the idea which is, no pain means no AI gain. The AI reality is here, right now. Organizations have now realized what they can do and what they cannot. Their focus is now projected toward taking proactive measures to produce more AI talents like AI experts and AI specialists, etc. 

Is there a timeframe where AI will overtake the human race?

It is only a matter of time when artificial intelligence will become smarter than its human creators.

Experts have already started to build a world that is brimming with AI. But sadly, in the present, most individuals are yet to know what AI even is. By the next decade, AI is predicted to outperform human in multiple activities such as,

  • Translating languages – 2024
  • Writing high-school essays – 2025
  • Driving a truck – 2027
  • Working in the retail sector – 2031
  • Or writing a best-selling book – 2049
  • Work as a surgeon – 2053

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, as artificial intelligence continues to grow, some experts say we’ll eventually hit the plateau. On the research side, there will be a snowball of AI challenges. Therefore, to tackle these challenges, the demand for AI experts will dramatically upsurge.

In addition to the dearth of AI talent, the transition may bring new challenges both for policymakers as well as AI professionals. 

“High-level machine intelligence will start performing any task better than the humans by 2060, and will take away human jobs by 2136, predicted a study done by multiple researchers from Yale and Oxford University.”

To stay prepared for the upcoming challenges, upskilling is the right way to reshape and overcome the AI jobs crisis. 

Upskilling in AI is the new mandate

Notably, as AI takes on to become the next technology revolution, certifications in artificial intelligence will keep you one step ahead. 

The advent of artificial intelligence has advanced at a level where there is a dire need for AI engineers. Now is the right time to pursue a career in artificial intelligence.

The current job market is flooded with multiple AI career options, but there’s a significant dearth of talent in the AI field. Professionals like software engineers have an upper hand in the AI industry. Additional certification programs have the capability of boosting the credibility of such individuals. 

Just like any other technology predictions, it’s an ideal decision to take up AI certifications. Staying up-to-date will prevent you from unnecessary panic – where AI could help you and not hurt you.

An economist Yale Brozen from the University of Chicago found out about technology destroying approximately 12 million jobs in the 1950s. But consecutively it also created over 20 million jobs as vast productivity leading toward the demand for more workers to keep up the pace with the rising demand.

Do you still need a reason not to adopt AI?

The AI catastrophe that dooms us is a threat to humans today. The pronouncement has retreated into a grim future where ignorance is not the solution. 

The pervasive answer is, only individuals that can make progress in their AI career will make it through the job crisis. 

Do you think your job is safe? Think again!

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