The Future of AI in Dental Technology

As we develop more advanced technology, we begin to learn that artificial intelligence can have more and more of an impact on our lives and industries that we have gotten used to being the same over the past decades. One of those industries is dentistry. In your lifetime, you’ve probably not seen many changes in technology, but a boom around artificial intelligence and technology has opened the door for AI in dental technologies.

How Can AI Help?

Though dentists take a lot of pride in their craft and career, most acknowledge that AI can do some things that they can’t do or would make their job easier if they didn’t have to do. AI can perform a number of both simple and advanced tasks. Let’s take a look at some areas that many in the dental industry feel that AI can be of assistance.

Repetitive, Menial Tasks

The most obvious area that AI can help out when it comes to dentistry is with repetitive and menial simple tasks. There are many administrative tasks in the dentistry industry that can be sped up and made more cost-effective with the use of AI. If we can train a computer to do some of these tasks, we may be able to free up more time for our dentists to focus on more important matters and improve their job performance as well. One primary use of AI is virtual consultations that offices like Philly Braces are offering. This saves patients time when they come in as the Doctor already knows what the next steps in their treatment will be.

Using AI to do some basic computer tasks is already being done on a small scale by some, but we have yet to see a very large scale implementation of this technology. We would expect that to happen soon, with how promising and cost-effective the technology has proven to be.

Reducing Misdiagnosis

One area that many think that AI can help a lot in is misdiagnosis. Though dentists do their best, there is still a nearly 20% misdiagnosis rate when reading x-rays in dentistry. We like to think that a human can read an x-ray better, but this may not be the case. AI technology can certainly be trained to read an x-ray and there have been some trials to suggest that they can do it better and identify key conditions that we often misread.

A world with AI diagnosis that is accurate and quicker will save time, money, and lead to better dental health among patients. It hasn’t yet come to fruition, but this seems to be the next major step for AI in dentistry.

Artificial Intelligence Assistants

Once it has been demonstrated that AI can perform a range of tasks that are useful to dentists, the next logical step is to combine those skills to make a fully-functional AI dental assistant. A machine like this has not yet been developed, but we can imagine that it would be an interface that could be spoken to similar to Alexa. The dentist would request vital information and other health history data from a patient or set of patients to assist in the treatment process. This would undoubtedly be a huge step forward and bring a lot of computing power into the average dentist office.


It’s clear that AI has a bright future in the dental industry and has already shown some of the essential skills that it can help with in order to provide more comprehensive and accurate care to dental patients. Some offices like Westwood Orthodontics already use AI in the form of a virtual consult to diagnose issues and provide treatment options before patients actually step foot in the office. Though not nearly all applications that AI can provide have been explored, we are well on our way to discovering the vast benefits of artificial intelligence for both patients and practices in the dental healthcare industry.

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