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DATANOMIQ Cloud Architecture for Data Mesh - Process Mining, BI and Data Science Applications

Data Mesh Architecture on Cloud for BI, Data Science and Process Mining

Companies use Business Intelligence (BI), Data Science, and Process Mining to leverage data for better decision-making, improve operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. BI provides real-time data analysis and performance monitoring, while Data Science enables a deep dive into dependencies in data with data mining and automates decision making with predictive analytics and personalized customer experiences. Process Mining offers process transparency, compliance insights, and process optimization. The integration of these technologies helps companies harness data for growth and efficiency.

Applications of BI, Data Science and Process Mining grow together

More and more all these disciplines are growing together as they need to be combined in order to get the best insights. So while Process Mining can be seen as a subpart of BI while both are using Machine Learning for better analytical results. Furthermore all theses analytical methods need more or less the same data sources and even the same datasets again and again.

Bring separate(d) applications together with Data Mesh

While all these analytical concepts grow together, they are often still seen as separated applications. There often remains the question of responsibility in a big organization. If this responsibility is decided as not being a central one, Data Mesh could be a solution.

Data Mesh is an architectural approach for managing data within organizations. It advocates decentralizing data ownership to domain-oriented teams. Each team becomes responsible for its Data Products, and a self-serve data infrastructure is established. This enables scalability, agility, and improved data quality while promoting data democratization.

In the context of a Data Mesh, a Data Product refers to a valuable dataset or data service that is managed and owned by a specific domain-oriented team within an organization. It is one of the key concepts in the Data Mesh architecture, where data ownership and responsibility are distributed across domain teams rather than centralized in a single data team.

A Data Product can take various forms, depending on the domain’s requirements and the data it manages. It could be a curated dataset, a machine learning model, an API that exposes data, a real-time data stream, a data visualization dashboard, or any other data-related asset that provides value to the organization.

However, successful implementation requires addressing cultural, governance, and technological aspects. One of this aspect is the cloud architecture for the realization of Data Mesh.

Example of a Data Mesh on Microsoft Azure Cloud using Databricks

The following image shows an example of a Data Mesh created and managed by DATANOMIQ for an organization which uses and re-uses datasets from various data sources (ERP, CRM, DMS, IoT,..) in order to provide the data as well as suitable data models as data products to applications of Data Science, Process Mining (Celonis, UiPath, Signavio & more) and Business Intelligence (Tableau, Power BI, Qlik & more).

Data Mesh on Azure Cloud with Databricks and Delta Lake for Applications of Business Intelligence, Data Science and Process Mining.

Data Mesh on Azure Cloud with Databricks and Delta Lake for Applications of Business Intelligence, Data Science and Process Mining.

Microsoft Azure Cloud is favored by many companies, especially for European industrial companies, due to its scalability, flexibility, and industry-specific solutions. It offers robust IoT and edge computing capabilities, advanced data analytics, and AI services. Azure’s strong focus on security, compliance, and global presence, along with hybrid cloud capabilities and cost management tools, make it an ideal choice for industrial firms seeking to modernize, innovate, and improve efficiency. However, this concept on the Azure Cloud is just an example and can easily be implemented on the Google Cloud (GCP), Amazon Cloud (AWS) and now even on the SAP Cloud (Datasphere) using Databricks.

Databricks is an ideal tool for realizing a Data Mesh due to its unified data platform, scalability, and performance. It enables data collaboration and sharing, supports Delta Lake for data quality, and ensures robust data governance and security. With real-time analytics, machine learning integration, and data visualization capabilities, Databricks facilitates the implementation of a decentralized, domain-oriented data architecture we need for Data Mesh.

Furthermore there are also alternate architectures without Databricks but more cloud-specific resources possible, for Microsoft Azure e.g. using Azure Synapse instead. See this as an example which has many possible alternatives.

Summary – What value can you expect?

With the concept of Data Mesh you will be able to access all your organizational internal and external data sources once and provides the data as several data models for all your analytical applications. The data models are seen as data products with defined value, costs and ownership. Each applications has its own data model. While Data Science Applications have more raw data, BI applications get their well prepared star schema galaxy models, and Process Mining apps get normalized event logs. Using data sharing (in Databricks: Delta Sharing) data products or single datasets can be shared through applications and owners.

Control the visibility of the PowerBI visuals based on condition

In PowerBI, there is no direct or functional mechanism to adjust the visibility (Show/Hide) of visualizations based on filter choices. There is, however, a workaround that enables us to show/hide visuals based on filter condition.

The fundamental concept behind this technique is to apply a mask to a visual and change its opacity based on a condition or filter selection.

Use Case:

I have detail table of orders. These orders are divided into Consumer, Home Office, and Corporation categories. I use segment as a filter. One of the requirements is to present a table of detail if the overall profit for the selected segment is less than $100,000. To do this, this task will be divided into two major parts. First, we will display the table if the filter is selected. Next, we will add a condition to the table.

Step 1: Show table only filter is selected

  • Place filter (Slicer) and visual on the Report Pane.

  • Create a measure that will determine if the filter is selected or not.

Filter_Selected = IF(ISFILTERED(Orders[Segment]),1,0)

  • Add this measure to the filter pane of the table visualization and select the show item when the value is 1 option. This will ensure that when no options are selected, only the header is displayed.

  • Set the mask down on the table. Make sure you only mask the table header with a border color that matches your background, or remove it entirely.

  • Create a measure to change the mask’s transparency. If two zeros are appended to the end of any HAX code, this represents complete transparency.

mask_transparency =IF([Filter_Selected],”#FFFFFF00″,”#FFFFFF”)

  • Keep this measure on the Fill of the mask and add conditional formatting to it.

If the mask transparency(measure) field is grayed out during the previous steps, you may need to modify the data type of mask transparency to text.

Step 2 : Add a condition to the solution

  • Create a new measure to determine if our condition is met.

condition_check = IF(CALCULATE(SUM(Orders[Profit]),filter(all(Orders), Orders[Segment] = SELECTEDVALUE(Orders[Segment]))) < 100000,1,0)

  • Now add this new measure to a table visual’s filter pane and pick the show item when the value is 1 option. This ensures that only if the condition meets the table will appear.

You can now display or hide visuals based on slicer selection and condition. If you know a better way to do this, please comment and let me know. For this article, I referred to this page.


process.science presents a new release


Process Mining Tool provider process.science presents a new release

process.science, specialist in the development of process mining plugins for BI systems, presents its upgraded version of their product ps4pbi. Process.science has added the following improvements to their plug-in for Microsoft Power BI. Identcal upgrades will soon also be released for ps4qlk, the corresponding plug-in for Qlik Sense:

  • 3x faster performance: By improvement of the graph library the graph built got approx. 300% more performant. This is particularly noticeable in complex processes
  • Navigator window: For a better overview in complex graphs, an overview window has been added, in which the entire graph and the respective position of the viewed area within the overall process is displayed
  • Activities legend: This allows activities to be assigned to specific categories and highlighted in different colors, for example in which source system an activity was carried out
  • Activity drill-through: This makes it possible to take filters that have been set for selected activities into other dashboards
  • Value Color Scale: Activity values ​​can be color-coded and assigned to freely selectable groupings, which makes the overview easier at first sight
process.science Process Mining on Power BI

process.science Process Mining on Power BI

Process mining is a business data analysis technique. The software used for this extracts the data that is already available in the source systems and visualizes them in a process graph. The aim is to ensure continuous monitoring in real time in order to identify optimization measures for processes, to simulate them and to continuously evaluate them after implementation.

The process mining tools from process.science are integrated directly into Microsoft Power BI and Qlik Sense. A corresponding plug-in for Tableau is already in development. So it is not a complicated isolated solution requires a new set up in addition to existing systems. With process.science the existing know-how on the BI system already implemented and the existing infrastructure framework can be adapted.

The integration of process.science in the BI systems has no influence on day-to-day business and bears absolutely no risk of system failures, as process.science does not intervene in the the source system or any other program but extends the respective business intelligence tool by the process perspective including various functionalities.

Contact person for inquiries:

process.science GmbH & Co. KG
Gordon Arnemann
Tel .: + 49 (231) 5869 2868
Email: ga@process.science

Business Intelligence – 5 Tips for better Reporting & Visualization

Data and BI Analysts often concentrate on learning a BI Tool, but the main thing to do is learn how to create good data visualization!

BI reporting has become an indispensable part of any company. In Business Intelligence, companies sometimes have to choose between tools such as PowerBI, QlikSense, Tableau, MikroStrategy, Looker or DataStudio (and others). Even if each of these tools has its own strengths and weaknesses, good reporting depends less on the respective tool but much more on the analyst and his skills in structured and appropriate visualization and text design.

Based on our experience at DATANOMIQ and the book “Storytelling with data” (see footnote in the pdf), we have created an infographic that conveys five tips for better design of BI reports – with self-reflective clarification.

Direct link to the PDF: https://data-science-blog.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/11/Infographic_Data_Visualization_Infographic_DATANOMIQ.pdf


DATANOMIQ is a platform-independent consulting- and service-partner for Business Intelligence and Data Science. We are opening up multiple possibilities for the first time in all areas of the value chain through Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. We rely on the best minds and the most comprehensive method and technology portfolio for the use of data for business optimization.


Franklinstr. 11
D-10587 Berlin
I: www.datanomiq.de
E: info@datanomiq.de