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Variational Autoencoders

After Deep Autoregressive Models and Deep Generative Modelling, we will continue our discussion with Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) after covering up DGM basics and AGMs. Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are a deep learning method to produce synthetic data (images, texts) by learning the latent representations of the training data. AGMs are sequential models and generate data based on previous data points by defining tractable conditionals. On the other hand, VAEs are using latent variable models to infer hidden structure in the underlying data by using the following intractable distribution function: 

(1)   \begin{equation*} p_\theta(x) = \int p_\theta(x|z)p_\theta(z) dz. \end{equation*}

The generative process using the above equation can be expressed in the form of a directed graph as shown in Figure ?? (the decoder part), where latent variable z\sim p_\theta(z) produces meaningful information of x \sim p_\theta(x|z).

Architectures AE and VAE based on the bottleneck architecture. The decoder part work as a generative model during inference.

Figure 1: Architectures AE and VAE based on the bottleneck architecture. The decoder part work as
a generative model during inference.


Autoencoders (AEs) are the key part of VAEs and are an unsupervised representation learning technique and consist of two main parts, the encoder and the decoder (see Figure ??). The encoders are deep neural networks (mostly convolutional neural networks with imaging data) to learn a lower-dimensional feature representation from training data. The learned latent feature representation z usually has a much lower dimension than input x and has the most dominant features of x. The encoders are learning features by performing the convolution at different levels and compression is happening via max-pooling.

On the other hand, the decoders, which are also a deep convolutional neural network are reversing the encoder’s operation. They try to reconstruct the original data x from the latent representation z using the up-sampling convolutions. The decoders are pretty similar to VAEs generative models as shown in Figure 1, where synthetic images will be generated using the latent variable z.

During the training of autoencoders, we would like to utilize the unlabeled data and try to minimize the following quadratic loss function:

(2)   \begin{equation*} \mathcal{L}(\theta, \phi) = ||x-\hat{x}||^2, \end{equation*}

The above equation tries to minimize the distance between the original input and reconstructed image as shown in Figure 1.

Variational autoencoders

VAEs are motivated by the decoder part of AEs which can generate the data from latent representation and they are a probabilistic version of AEs which allows us to generate synthetic data with different attributes. VAE can be seen as the decoder part of AE, which learns the set parameters \theta to approximate the conditional p_\theta(x|z) to generate images based on a sample from a true prior, z\sim p_\theta(z). The true prior p_\theta(z) are generally of Gaussian distribution.

Network Architecture

VAE has a quite similar architecture to AE except for the bottleneck part as shown in Figure 2. in AES, the encoder converts high dimensional input data to low dimensional latent representation in a vector form. On the other hand, VAE’s encoder learns the mean vector and standard deviation diagonal matrix such that z\sim \matcal{N}(\mu_z, \Sigma_x) as it will be performing probabilistic generation of data. Therefore the encoder and decoder should be probabilistic.


Similar to AGMs training, we would like to maximize the likelihood of the training data. The likelihood of the data for VAEs are mentioned in Equation 1 and the first term p_\theta(x|z) will be approximated by neural network and the second term p(x) prior distribution, which is a Gaussian function, therefore, both of them are tractable. However, the integration won’t be tractable because of the high dimensionality of data.

To solve this problem of intractability, the encoder part of AE was utilized to learn the set of parameters \phi to approximate the conditional q_\phi (z|x). Furthermore, the conditional q_\phi (z|x) will approximate the posterior p_\theta (z|x), which is intractable. This additional encoder part will help to derive a lower bound on the data likelihood that will make the likelihood function tractable. In the following we will derive the lower bound of the likelihood function:

(3)   \begin{equation*} \begin{flalign} \begin{aligned} log \: p_\theta (x) = & \mathbf{E}_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)} \Bigg[log \: \frac{p_\theta (x|z) p_\theta (z)}{p_\theta (z|x)} \: \frac{q_\phi(z|x)}{q_\phi(z|x)}\Bigg] \\ = & \mathbf{E}_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)} \Bigg[log \: p_\theta (x|z)\Bigg] - \mathbf{E}_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)} \Bigg[log \: \frac{q_\phi (z|x)} {p_\theta (z)}\Bigg] + \mathbf{E}_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)} \Bigg[log \: \frac{q_\phi (z|x)}{p_\theta (z|x)}\Bigg] \\ = & \mathbf{E}_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)} \Big[log \: p_\theta (x|z)\Big] - \mathbf{D}_{KL}(q_\phi (z|x), p_\theta (z)) + \mathbf{D}_{KL}(q_\phi (z|x), p_\theta (z|x)). \end{aligned} \end{flalign} \end{equation*}

In the above equation, the first line computes the likelihood using the logarithmic of p_\theta (x) and then it is expanded using Bayes theorem with additional constant q_\phi(z|x) multiplication. In the next line, it is expanded using the logarithmic rule and then rearranged. Furthermore, the last two terms in the second line are the definition of KL divergence and the third line is expressed in the same.

In the last line, the first term is representing the reconstruction loss and it will be approximated by the decoder network. This term can be estimated by the reparametrization trick \cite{}. The second term is KL divergence between prior distribution p_\theta(z) and the encoder function q_\phi (z|x), both of these functions are following the Gaussian distribution and has the closed-form solution and are tractable. The last term is intractable due to p_\theta (z|x). However, KL divergence computes the distance between two probability densities and it is always positive. By using this property, the above equation can be approximated as:

(4)   \begin{equation*} log \: p_\theta (x)\geq \mathcal{L}(x, \phi, \theta) , \: \text{where} \: \mathcal{L}(x, \phi, \theta) = \mathbf{E}_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)} \Big[log \: p_\theta (x|z)\Big] - \mathbf{D}_{KL}(q_\phi (z|x), p_\theta (z)). \end{equation*}

In the above equation, the term \mathcal{L}(x, \phi, \theta) is presenting the tractable lower bound for the optimization and is also termed as ELBO (Evidence Lower Bound Optimization). During the training process, we maximize ELBO using the following equation:

(5)   \begin{equation*} \operatorname*{argmax}_{\phi, \theta} \sum_{x\in X} \mathcal{L}(x, \phi, \theta). \end{equation*}


Furthermore, the reconstruction loss term can be written using Equation 2 as the decoder output is assumed to be following Gaussian distribution. Therefore, this term can be easily transformed to mean squared error (MSE).

During the implementation, the architecture part is straightforward and can be found here. The user has to define the size of latent space, which will be vital in the reconstruction process. Furthermore, the loss function can be minimized using ADAM optimizer with a fixed batch size and a fixed number of epochs.

Figure 2: The results obtained from vanilla VAE (left) and a recent VAE-based generative model NVAE (right)

Figure 2: The results obtained from vanilla VAE (left) and a recent VAE-based generative
model NVAE (right)

In the above, we are showing the quality improvement since VAE was introduced by Kingma and
Welling [KW14]. NVAE is a relatively new method using a deep hierarchical VAE [VK21].


In this blog, we discussed variational autoencoders along with the basics of autoencoders. We covered
the main difference between AEs and VAEs along with the derivation of lower bound in VAEs. We
have shown using two different VAE based methods that VAE is still active research because in general,
it produces a blurry outcome.

Further readings

Here are the couple of links to learn further about VAE-related concepts:
1. To learn basics of probability concepts, which were used in this blog, you can check this article.
2. To learn more recent and effective VAE-based methods, check out NVAE.
3. To understand and utilize a more advance loss function, please refer to this article.


[KW14] Diederik P Kingma and Max Welling. Auto-encoding variational bayes, 2014.
[VK21] Arash Vahdat and Jan Kautz. Nvae: A deep hierarchical variational autoencoder, 2021.

Four essential ideas for making reinforcement learning and dynamic programming more effective

This is the third article of the series My elaborate study notes on reinforcement learning.

1, Some excuses for writing another article on the same topic

In the last article I explained policy iteration and value iteration of dynamic programming (DP) because DP is the foundation of reinforcement learning (RL). And in fact this article is a kind of a duplicate of the last one. Even though I also tried my best on the last article, I would say it was for superficial understanding of how those algorithms are implemented. I think that was not enough for the following two reasons. The first reason is that what I explained in the last article was virtually just about how to follow pseudocode of those algorithms like other study materials. I tried to explain them with a simple example and some diagrams. But in practice it is not realistic to think about such diagrams all the time. Also writing down Bellman equations every time is exhausting. Thus I would like to introduce Bellman operators, powerful tools for denoting Bellman equations briefly. Bellman operators would help you learn RL at an easier and more abstract level.

The second reason is that relations of values and policies are important points in many of RL algorithms. And simply, one article is not enough to realize this fact. In the last article I explained that policy iteration of DP separately and interactively updates a value and a policy. These procedures can be seen in many RL algorithms. Especially a family of algorithms named actor critic methods use this structure more explicitly. In the algorithms “actor” is in charge of a policy and a “critic” is in charge of a value. Just as the “critic” gives some feedback to the “actor” and the “actor” update his acting style, the value gives some signals to the policy for updating itself. Some people say RL algorithms are generally about how to design those “actors” and “critics.” In some cases actors can be very influential, but in other cases the other side is more powerful. In order to be more conscious about these interactive relations of policies and values, I have to dig the ideas behind policy iteration and value iteration, but with simpler notations.

Even though this article shares a lot with the last one, without pinning down the points I am going to explain, your study of RL could be just a repetition of following pseudocode of each algorithm. But instead I would rather prefer to make more organic links between the algorithms while studying RL. This article might be tiresome to read since it is mainly theoretical sides of DP or RL. But I would like you to patiently read through this to more effectively learn upcoming RL algorithms, and I did my best to explain them again in graphical ways.

2, RL and plannings as tree structures

Some tree structures have appeared so far in my article, but some readers might be still confused how to look at this. I must admit I lacked enough explanations on them. Thus I am going to review Bellman equation and give overall instructions on how to see my graphs. I am trying to discover effective and intuitive ways of showing DP or RL ideas. If there is something unclear of if you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.

I got inspiration from Backup diagrams of Bellman equations introduced in the book by Barto and Sutton when I started making the graphs in this article series. The back up diagrams are basic units of tree structures in RL, and they are composed of white nodes showing states s and black nodes showing actions a. And when an agent goes from a node a to the next state s', it gets a corresponding reward r. As I explained in the second article, a value of a state s is calculated by considering all possible actions and corresponding next states s', and resulting rewards r, starting from s. And the backup diagram shows the essence of how a value of s is calculated.

*Please let me call this figure a backup diagram of “Bellman-equation-like recurrence relation,” instead of Bellman equation. Bellman equation holds only when v_{\pi}(s) is known, and v_{\pi}(s) is usually calculated from the recurrence relation. We are going to see this fact in the rest part of this article, making uses of Bellman operators.

Let’s again take a look at the definition of v_{\pi}(s), a value of a state s for a policy \pi. v_{\pi}(s) is defined as an expectation of a sum of upcoming rewards R_t, given that the state at the time step t is s. (Capital letters are random variables and small letters are their realized values.)

v_{\pi} (s)\doteq \mathbb{E}_{\pi} [ G_t | S_t =s ] =\mathbb{E}_{\pi} [ R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma ^2 R_{t+3} + \cdots + \gamma ^{T-t -1} R_{T} |S_t =s]

*To be exact, we need to take the limit of T like T \to \infty. But the number T is limited in practical discussions, so please don’t care so much about very exact definitions of value functions in my article series.

But considering all the combinations of actions and corresponding rewards are not realistic, thus Bellman equation is defined recursively as follows.

v_{\pi} (s)= \mathbb{E}_{\pi} [ R_{t+1} + \gamma v_{\pi}(S_{t+1}) | S_t =s ]

But when you want to calculate v_{\pi} (s) at the left side, v_{\pi} (s) at the right side is supposed to be unknown, so we use the following recurrence relation.

v_{k+1} (s)\doteq \mathbb{E}_{\pi} [ R_{t+1} + \gamma v_{k}(S_{t+1}) | S_t =s ]

And the operation of calculating an expectation with \mathbb{E}_{\pi}, namely a probabilistic sum of future rewards is defined as follows.

v_{k+1} (s) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi} [R_{t+1} + \gamma v_k (S_{t+1}) | S_t = s] \doteq \sum_a {\pi(a|s)} \sum_{s', r} {p(s', r|s, a)[r + \gamma v_k(s')]}

\pi(a|s) are policies, and p(s', r|s, a) are probabilities of transitions. Policies are probabilities of taking an action a given an agent being in a state s. But agents cannot necessarily move do that based on their policies. Some randomness or uncertainty of movements are taken into consideration, and they are modeled as probabilities of transitions. In my article, I would like you to see the equation above as a sum of branch(s, a) weighted by \pi(a|s) or a sum of twig(r, s') weighted by \pi(a|s), p(s' | s, a). “Branches” and “twigs” are terms which I coined.

*Even though especially values of branch(s, a) are important when you actually implement DP, they are not explicitly defined with certain functions in most study materials on DP.

I think what makes the backup diagram confusing at the first glance is that nodes of states in white have two layers, a layer s and the one of s'. But the node s is included in the nodes of s'. Let’s take an example of calculating the Bellman-equation-like recurrence relations with a grid map environment. The transitions on the backup diagram should be first seen as below to avoid confusion. Even though the original backup diagrams have only one root node and have three layers, in actual models of environments transitions of agents are modeled as arows going back and forth between white and black nodes.

But in DP values of states, namely white nodes have to be updated with older values. That is why the original backup diagrams have three layers. For exmple, the value of a value v_{k+1}(9) is calculated like in the figure below, using values of v_{k}(s'). As I explained earlier, the value of the state 9 is a sum of branch(s, a), weighted by \pi(\rightarrow | 9), \pi(\downarrow | 9), \pi(\leftarrow | 9), \pi(\uparrow | 9). And I showed the weight as strength of purple color of the arrows. r_a, r_b, r_c, r_d are corresponding rewards of each transition. And importantly, the Bellman-equation-like operation, whish is a part of DP, is conducted inside the agent. The agent does not have to actually move, and that is what planning is all about.

And DP, or more exactly policy evaluation, calculating the expectation over all the states, repeatedly. An important fact is, arrows in the backup diagram are pointing backward compared to the direction of value functions being updated, from v_{k}(s) to v_{k+1}(s). I tried to show the idea that values v_{k}(s) are backed up to calculate v_{k+1}(s). In my article series, with the right side of the figure below, I make it a rule to show the ideas that a model of an environment is known and it is updated recursively.

3, Types of policies

As I said in the first article, the ultimate purpose of DP or RL is finding the optimal policies. With optimal policies agents are the most likely to maximize rewards they get in environments. And policies \pi determine the values of states as value functions v_{\pi}(s). Or policies can be obtained from value functions. This structure of interactively updating values and policies is called general policy iteration (GPI) in the book by Barto and Sutton.

Source: Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto, “Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction,” MIT Press, (2018)

However I have been using the term “a policy” without exactly defining it. There are several types of policies, and distinguishing them is more or less important in the next sections. But I would not like you to think too much about that. In conclusion, only very limited types of policies are mainly discussed in RL. Only \Pi ^{\text{S}}, \Pi ^{\text{SD}} in the figure below are of interest when you learn RL as a beginner. I am going to explain what each set of policies means one by one.

In fact we have been discussing a set of policies \Pi ^{\text{S}}, which mean probabilistic Markov policies. Remember that in the first article I explained Markov decision processes can be described like diagrams of daily routines. For example, the diagrams below are my daily routines. The indexes t denote days. In either of states “Home,” “Lab,” and “Starbucks,” I take an action to another state. The numbers in black are probabilities of taking the actions, and those in orange are rewards of taking the actions. I also explained that the ultimate purpose of planning with DP is to find the optimal policy in this state transition diagram.

Before explaining each type of sequences of policies, let me formulate probabilistic Markov policies at first. A set of probabilistic Markov policies is defined as follows.
\Pi \doteq \biggl\{ \pi : \mathcal{A}\times\mathcal{S} \rightarrow [0, 1]: \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}}{\pi (a|s) =1, \forall s \in \mathcal{S} } \biggr\}
This means \pi (a|s) maps any combinations of an action a\in\mathcal{A} and a state s \in\mathcal{S} to a probability. The diagram above means you choose a policy \pi from the set \Pi, and you use the policy every time step t, I mean every day. A repetitive sequence of the same probabilistic Markov policy \pi is defined as \boldsymbol{\pi}^{\text{s}} \doteq \{\pi, \pi, \dots \} \in \boldsymbol{\Pi} ^{\text{S}}. And a set of such stationary Markov policy sequences is denoted as \boldsymbol{\Pi} ^{\text{S}}.

*As I formulated in the last articles, policies are different from probabilities of transitions. Even if you take take an action probabilistically, the action cannot necessarily be finished. Thus probabilities of transitions depend on combinations of policies and the agents or the environments.

But when I just want to focus on works like a robot, I give up living my life. I abandon efforts of giving even the slightest variations to my life, and I just deterministically take next actions every day. In this case, we can say the policies are stationary and deterministic. The set of such policies is defined as below. \pi ^{\text{d}} are called deterministic policies.\Pi ^\text{d} \doteq \bigl\{ \pi ^\text{d} : \mathcal{A}\rightarrow \mathcal{S} \bigr\}

I think it is normal policies change from day to day, even if people also have only options of “Home,” “Lab,” or “Starbucks.” These cases are normal Markov policies, and you choose a policy \pi from \Pi every time step.

And the resulting sequences of policies and the set of the sequences are defined as \boldsymbol{\pi}^{\text{m}} \doteq \{\pi_0, \pi_1, \dots \} \in \boldsymbol{\Pi} ^{\text{M}}, \quad \pi_t \in \Pi.

In real world, an assumption of Markov decision process is quite unrealistic because your strategies constantly change depending on what you have done or gained so far. Possibilities of going to a Starbucks depend on what you have done in the week so far. You might order a cup of frappucino as a little something for your exhausting working days. There might be some communications on what you order then with clerks. And such experiences would affect your behaviors of going to Starbucks again. Such general and realistic policies are called history-dependent policies.

*Going to Starbucks everyday like a Markov decision process and deterministically ordering a cupt of hot black coffee is supposed to be unrealistic. Even if clerks start heating a mug as soon as I enter the shop.

In history-dependent cases, your policies depend on your states, actions, and rewards so far. In this case you take actions based on history-dependent policies \pi _{t}^{\text{h}}. However as I said, only \Pi ^{\text{S}}, \Pi ^{\text{SD}} are important in my articles. And history-dependent policies are discussed only in partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), which this article series is not going to cover. Thus you have only to take a brief look at how history-dependent ones are defined.

History-dependent policies are the types of the most general policies. In order to formulate history-dependent policies, we first have to formulate histories. Histories h_t \in \mathcal{H}_t in the context of DP or RL are defined as follows.

h_t \doteq \{s_0, a_0, r_0, \dots , s_{t-1}, a_{t-1}, r_{t}, s_t\}

Given the histories which I have defined, a history dependent policy is defined as follows.

\pi_{t}^{\text{h}}(a|h_t) \doteq \text{Pr}(A=a | H_t = h_t)

This means a probability of taking an action a given a history h_t. It might be more understandable with the graphical model below, which I showed also in the first article. In the graphical model, H_t is a random variable, and h_t is its realized value.

A set of history-dependent policies is defined as follows.

\Pi _{t}^{\text{h}} \doteq \biggl\{ \pi _{t}^{h} : \mathcal{A}\times\mathcal{H}_t \rightarrow [0, 1]: \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}}{\pi_{t}^{\text{h}} (a|h_{t}) =1 } \biggr\}

And a set of sequences of history-dependent policies is \boldsymbol{\pi}^{\text{h}} \doteq \{\pi^{\text{h}}_0, \pi^{\text{h}}_1, \dots \} \in \boldsymbol{\Pi} ^{\text{H}}, \quad \pi_{t}^{\text{h}} \in \Pi_{t}^{\text{h}}.

In fact I have not defined the optimal value function v_{\ast}(s) or \pi_{\ast} in my article series yet. I must admit it was not good to discuss DP without even defining the important ideas. But now that we have learnt types of policies, it should be less confusing to introduce their more precise definitions now. The optimal value function v_{\ast}: \mathcal{S} \mapsto \mathbb{R} is defined as the maximum value functions for all states s, with respect to any types of sequences of policies \boldsymbol{\pi}.

v_{\ast} \doteq \max_{\boldsymbol{\pi}\in \boldsymbol{\Pi}^{\text{H}}}{v_{\boldsymbol{\pi}(s)}}, \quad \forall s \mathbb{R}

And the optimal policy is defined as the policy which satisfies the equation below.

v_{\ast}(s) = v_{\pi ^{\ast}}(s), \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

The optimal value function is optimal with respect to all the types of sequences of policies, as you can see from the definition. However in fact, it is known that the optimal policy is a deterministic Markov policy \pi ^\text{d} \in \Pi ^\text{d}. That means, in the example graphical models I displayed, you just have to deterministically go back and forth between the lab and the home in order to maximize value function, never stopping by at a Starbucks. Also you do not have to change your plans depending on days.

And when all the values of the states are maximized, you can easily calculate the optimal deterministic policy of your everyday routine. Thus in DP, you first need to maximize the values of the states. I am going to explain this fact of DP more precisely in the next section. Combined with some other important mathematical features of DP, you will have clearer vision on what DP is doing.

*I might have to precisely explain how v_{\boldsymbol{\pi}}(s) is defined. But to make things easier for now, let me skip ore precise formulations. Value functions are defined as expectations of rewards with respect to a single policy or a sequence of policies. You have only to keep it in mind that v_{\boldsymbol{\pi}}(s) is a value function resulting from taking actions based on \boldsymbol{\pi}. And v_{\pi}(s), which we have been mainly discussing, is a value function based on only a single policy \pi.

*Please keep it in mind that these diagrams are not anything like exaggeratedly simplified models for explaining RL. That is my life.

3, Key components of DP

*Even though notations on this article series are based on the book by Barto and Sutton, the discussions in this section are, based on a Japanese book named “Machine Learning Professional Series: Reinforcement Learning” by Tetsurou Morimura, which I call “the whale book.” There is a slight difference in how they calculate Bellman equations. In the book by Barto and Sutton, expectations are calculated also with respect to rewards r, but not in the whale book. I think discussions in the whale book can be extended to the cases in the book by Barto and Sutton, but just in case please bear that in mind.

In order to make organic links between the RL algorithms you are going to encounter, I think you should realize DP algorithms you have learned in the last article are composed of some essential ideas about DP. As I stressed in the first article, RL is equal to solving planning problems, including DP, by sampling data through trial-and-error-like behaviors of agents. Thus in other words, you approximate DP-like calculations with batch data or online data. In order to see how to approximate such DP-like calculations, you have to know more about features of those calculations. Those features are derived from some mathematical propositions about DP. But effortlessly introducing them one by one would be just confusing, so I tired extracting some essences. And the figures below demonstrate the ideas.

The figures above express the following facts about DP:

  1. DP is a repetition of Bellman-equation-like operations, and they can be simply denoted with Bellman operators \mathsf{B}_{\pi} or \mathsf{B}_{\ast}.
  2. The value function for a policy \pi is calculated by solving a Bellman equation, but in practice you approximately solve it by repeatedly using Bellman operators.
  3. There exists an optimal policy \pi ^{\ast} \in \Pi ^{\text{d}}, which is deterministic. And it is an optimal policy if and only if it satisfies the Bellman expectation equation v^{\ast}(s) = (\mathsf{B}_{\pi ^{\ast}} v^{\ast})(s), \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}, with the optimal value function v^{\ast}(s).
  4. With a better deterministic policy, you get a better value function. And eventually both the value function and the policy become optimal.

Let’s take a close look at what each of them means.

(1) Bellman operator

In the last article, I explained the Bellman equation and recurrence relations derived from it. And they are the basic ideas leading to various RL algorithms. The Bellman equation itself is not so complicated, and I showed its derivation in the last article. You just have to be careful about variables in calculation of expectations. However writing the equations or recurrence relations every time would be tiresome and confusing. And in practice we need to apply the recurrence relation many times. In order to avoid writing down the Bellman equation every time, let me introduce a powerful notation for simplifying the calculations: I am going to discuss RL making uses of Bellman operators from now on.

First of all, a Bellman expectation operator \mathsf{B}_{\pi}: \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{S}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{S}}, or rather an application of a Bellman expectation operator on any state functions v: \mathcal{S}\rightarrow \mathbb{R} is defined as below.

(\mathsf{B}_{\pi} (v))(s) \doteq \sum_{a}{\pi (a|s)} \sum_{s'}{p(s'| s, a) \biggl[r + \gamma v (s') \biggr]}, \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

For simplicity, I am going to denote the left side of the equation as (\mathsf{B}_{\pi} (v)) (s)=\mathsf{B}_{\pi} (v) \doteq \mathsf{B}_{\pi} v. In the last article I explained that when v_{0}(s) is an arbitrarily initialized value function, a sequence of value functions (v_{0}(s), v_{1}(s), \dots, v_{k}(s), \dots) converge to v_{\pi}(s) for a fixed probabilistic policy \pi, by repeatedly applying the recurrence relation below.

v_{k+1} = \sum_{a}{\pi (a|s)} \sum_{s'}{p(s'| s, a) \biggl[r + \gamma v_{k} (s') \biggr]}

With the Bellman expectation operator, the recurrence relation above is written as follows.

v_{k+1} = \mathsf{B}_{\pi} v_{k}

Thus v_{k} is obtained by applying \mathsf{B}_{\pi} to v_{0} k times in total. Such operation is denoted as follows.

v_{k} = (\mathsf{B}_{\pi}\dots (\mathsf{B}_{\pi} v_{0})\dots) \doteq \mathsf{B}_{\pi} \dots \mathsf{B}_{\pi} v_{0} \doteq \mathsf{B}^k_{\pi} v_{0}

As I have just mentioned, \mathsf{B}^k_{\pi} v_{0} converges to v_{\pi}(s), thus the following equation holds.

\lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} \mathsf{B}^k_{\pi} v_{0} = v_{\pi}(s)

I have to admit I am merely talking about how to change notations of the discussions in the last article, but introducing Bellman operators makes it much easier to learn or explain DP or RL as the figure below shows.

Just as well, a Bellman optimality operator \mathsf{B}_{\ast}: \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{S}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{S}} is defined as follows.

(\mathsf{B}_{\ast} v)(s) \doteq \max_{a} \sum_{s'}{p(s' | s, a) \biggl[r + \gamma v(s') \biggr]}, \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

Also the notation with a Bellman optimality operators can be simplified as (\mathsf{B}_{\ast} v)(s) \doteq \mathsf{B}_{\ast} v. With a Bellman optimality operator, you can get a recurrence relation v_{k+1} = \mathsf{B}_{\ast} v_{k}. Multiple applications of Bellman optimality operators can be written down as below.

v_{k} = (\mathsf{B}_{\ast}\dots (\mathsf{B}_{\ast} v_{0})\dots) \doteq \mathsf{B}_{\ast} \dots \mathsf{B}_{\ast} v_{0} \doteq \mathsf{B}^k_{\ast} v_{0}

Please keep it in mind that this operator does not depend on policies \pi. And an important fact is that any initial value function v_0 converges to the optimal value function v_{\ast}.

\lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} \mathsf{B}^k_{\ast} v_{0} = v_{\ast}(s)

Thus any initial value functions converge to the the optimal value function by repeatedly applying Bellman optimality operators. This is almost equal to value iteration algorithm, which I explained in the last article. And notations of value iteration can be also simplified by introducing the Bellman optimality operator like in the figure below.

Again, I would like you to pay attention to how value iteration works. The optimal value function v_{\ast}(s) is supposed to be maximum with respect to any sequences of policies \boldsymbol{\pi}, from its definition. However the optimal value function v_{\ast}(s) can be obtained with a single bellman optimality operator \mathsf{B}_{\ast} , never caring about policies. Obtaining the optimal value function is crucial in DP problems as I explain in the next topic. And at least one way to do that is guaranteed with uses of a \mathsf{B}_{\ast}.

*We have seen a case of applying the same Bellman expectation operator on a fixed policy \pi, but you can use different Bellman operators on different policies varying from time steps to time steps. To be more concrete, assume that you have a sequence of Markov policies \boldsymbol{\pi} = \{ \pi_{0},\pi_{1}, \dots, \pi_{k-1} \}\in \boldsymbol{\Pi} ^{\text{M}}. If you apply Bellman operators of the policies one by one in an order of \pi_{k-1}, \pi_{k-2}, \dots, \pi_{k-1} on a state function v, the resulting state function is calculated as below.

\mathsf{B}_{\pi_0}(\mathsf{B}_{\pi_1}\dots (\mathsf{B}_{\pi_{k-1}} v)\dots) \doteq \mathsf{B}_{\pi_0}\mathsf{B}_{\pi_1} \dots \mathsf{B}_{\pi_{k-1}} v \doteq \mathsf{B}^k_{\boldsymbol{\pi}}

When \boldsymbol{\pi} = \{ \pi_{0},\pi_{1}, \dots, \pi_{k-1} \}, we can also discuss convergence of v_{\boldsymbol{\pi}}, but that is just confusing. Please let me know if you are interested.

(2) Policy evaluation

Policy evaluation is in short calculating v_{\pi}, the value function for a policy \pi. And in theory it can be calculated by solving a Bellman expectation equation, which I have already introduced.

v(s) = \sum_{a}{\pi (a|s)} \sum_{s'}{p(s'| s, a) \biggl[r + \gamma v (s') \biggr]}

Using a Bellman operator, which I have introduced in the last topic, the equation above can be written v(s) = \mathsf{B}_{\pi} v(s). But whichever the notation is, the equation holds when the value function v(s) is v_{\pi}(s). You have already seen the major way of how to calculate v_{\pi} in (1), or also in the last article. You have only to multiply the same Belman expectation operator \mathsf{B}_{\pi} to any initial value funtions v_{initial}(s).

This process can be seen in this way: any initial value functions v_{initial}(s) little by little converge to v_{\pi}(s) as the same Bellman expectation operator \mathsf{B}_{\pi} is applied. And when a v_{initial}(s) converges to v_{\pi}(s), the value function does not change anymore because the value function already satisfies a Bellman expectation equation v(s) = \mathsf{B}_{\pi} v(s). In other words v_{\pi}(s) = \mathsf{B}^k_{\pi} v_{\pi}(s), and the v_{\pi}(s) is called the fixed point of \mathsf{B}_{\pi}. The figure below is the image of how any initial value functions converge to the fixed point unique to a certain policy \pi. Also Bellman optimality operators \mathsf{B}_{\ast} also have their fixed points because any initial value functions converge to v_{\ast}(s) by repeatedly applying \mathsf{B}_{\ast}.

I am actually just saying the same facts as in the topic (1) in another way. But I would like you to keep it in mind that the fixed point of \mathsf{B}_{\pi} is more of a “local” fixed point. On the other hand the fixed point of \mathsf{B}_{\ast} is more like “global.” Ultimately the global one is ultimately important, and the fixed point v_{\ast} can be directly reached only with the Bellman optimality operator \mathsf{B}_{\ast}. But you can also start with finding local fixed points, and it is known that the local fixed points also converge to the global one. In fact, the former case of corresponds to policy iteration, and the latter case to value iteration. At any rate, the goal for now is to find the optimal value function v_{\ast}. Once the value function is optimal, the optimal policy can be automatically obtained, and I am going to explain why in the next two topics.

(3) Existence of the optimal policy

In the first place, does the optimal policy really exist? The answer is yes, and moreover it is a stationary and deterministic policy \pi ^{\text{d}} \in \Pi^{\text{SD}}. And also, you can judge whether a policy is optimal by a Bellman expectation equation below.

    \[v_{\ast}(s) = (\mathsf{B}_{\pi^{\ast} } v_{\ast})(s), \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \]

In other words, the optimal value function v_{\ast}(s) has to be already obtained to judge if a policy is optimal. And the resulting optimal policy is calculated as follows.

    \[\pi^{\text{d}}_{\ast}(s) = \argmax_{a\in \matchal{A}} \sum_{s'}{p(s' | s, a) \biggl[r + \gamma v_{\ast}(s') \biggr]}, \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}\]

Let’s take an example of the state transition diagram in the last section. I added some transitions from nodes to themselves and corresponding scores. And all values of the states are initialized as v_{init.}. After some calculations, v_{init.} is optimized to v_{\ast}. And finally the optimal policy can be obtained from the equation I have just mentioned. And the conclusion is “Go to the lab wherever you are to maximize score.”

The calculation above is finding an action a which maximizes b(s, a)\doteq\sum_{s'}{p(s' | s, a) \biggl[r + \gamma v_{\ast}(s') \biggr]} = r + \gamma \sum_{s'}{p(s' | s, a) v_{\ast}(s') }. Let me call the part b(s, a) ” a value of a branch,” and finding the optimal deterministic policy is equal to choosing the maximum branch for all s. A branch corresponds to a pair of a state s, a and all the all the states s'.

*We can comprehend applications of Bellman expectation operators as probabilistically reweighting branches with policies \pi(a|s).

*The states s and s' are basically the same. They are just different in uses of indexes for referring them. That might be a confusing point of understanding Bellman equations.

Let’s see how values actually converge to the optimal values and how branches b(s, a). I implemented value iteration of the Starbucks-lab-home transition diagram and visuzlied them with Graphviz. I initialized all the states as 0, and after some iterations they converged to the optimal values. The numbers in each node are values of the sates. And the numbers next to each edge are corresponding values of branches b(a, b). After you get the optimal value, if you choose the direction with the maximum branch at each state, you get the optimal deterministic policy. And that means “Just go to the lab, not Starbucks.”

*Discussing and visualizing “branches” of Bellman equations are not normal in other study materials. But I just thought it would be better to see how they change.

(4) Policy improvement

Policy improvement means a very simple fact: in policy iteration algorithm, with a better policy, you get a better value function. That is all. In policy iteration, a policy is regarded as optimal as long as it does not updated anymore. But as far as I could see so far, there is one confusing fact. Even after a policy converges, value functions still can be updated. But from the definition, an optimal value function is determined with the optimal value function. Such facts can be seen in some of DP implementation, including grid map implementation I introduced in the last article.

Thus I am not sure if it is legitimate to say whether the policy is optimal even before getting the optimal value function. At any rate, this is my “elaborate study note,” so I conversely ask for some help to more professional someones if they come across with my series. Please forgive me for shifting to the next article, without making things clear.

4, Viewing DP algorithms in a more simple and abstract way

We have covered the four important topics for a better understanding of DP algorithms. Making use of these ideas, pseudocode of DP algorithms which I introduced in the last article can be rewritten in a more simple and abstract way. Rather than following pseudocode of DP algorithms, I would like you to see them this way: policy iteration is a repetation of finding the fixed point of a Bellman operator \mathsf{B}_{\pi}, which is a local fixed point, and updating the policy. Even if the policy converge, values have not necessarily converged to the optimal values.

When it comes to value iteration: value iteration is finding the fixed point of \mathsf{B}_{\ast}, which is global, and getting the deterministic and optimal policy.

I have written about DP in as many as two articles. But I would say that was inevitable for laying more or less solid foundation of learning RL. The last article was too superficial and ordinary, but on the other hand this one is too abstract to introduce at first. Now that I have explained essential theoretical parts of DP, I can finally move to topics unique to RL. We have been thinking the case of plannings where the models of the environemnt is known, but they are what agents have to estimate with “trial and errors.” The term “trial and errors” might have been too abstract to you when you read about RL so far. But after reading my articles, you can instead say that is a matter of how to approximate Bellman operators with batch or online data taken by agents, rather than ambiguously saying “trial and erros.” In the next article, I am going to talk about “temporal differences,” which makes RL different from other fields and can be used as data samples to approximate Bellman operators.

* I make study materials on machine learning, sponsored by DATANOMIQ. I do my best to make my content as straightforward but as precise as possible. I include all of my reference sources. If you notice any mistakes in my materials, including grammatical errors, please let me know (email: yasuto.tamura@datanomiq.de). And if you have any advice for making my materials more understandable to learners, I would appreciate hearing it.

How To Perform High-Quality Data Science Job Assessments in 4 Steps

In 2009, Google Chief Economist Hal Varian said to the McKinsey Quarterly that “the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.” At the time, it was hard to believe. But more than a decade later, we can’t get around the importance of data. Where once oil ruled the world, data is now catching up—quickly. That calls for more and better data scientists. In this article, we’ll explain to you how to find them.

Why is it so hard to find good data scientists?

The demand for data scientist roles has increased by 650 percent since 2012, and that number will continue to grow as the amount of data—and power it holds—grows steadily, too.

But unsurprisingly, there hasn’t been an increase of 650 percent in available data scientists on the job market. Even though the job is a lot sexier—and better paid—than ten years ago, many employers are still struggling to fill their empty seats with talented data scientists.  McKinsey predicted that there would be a shortage of between 140,000 and 190,000 people with analytical skills in the U.S. alone in 2018, and even in 2022 good data scientists, data analysts, forecasting analysts, modelling analysts, machine learning scientists, are hard to find.  Add to that another 1.5 million managers who will also need to at least understand how data analysis drives decision-making, and you can see how employers can be in a bit of a pickle.

Why thoroughly screening data scientists is still crucial

Even though demand is growing much faster than the number of data scientists, companies can’t simply settle for the first data lover who’s available from Monday to Friday. It’s no longer the company with the most data that wins the game. The ones who are taking the lead are the ones that are able to get the most out of data. They can pull valuable information that helps with decision-making and innovation out of even the smallest pieces of data—and they’re right, over and over again. This is why it’s vital to check if applicants have the skills you need to derive valuable input out of data. You’ll be basing a lot of business decisions on what these data scientists tell you, so best make sure they’re right.

But what makes someone a great data scientist? Some people turn their life around and go from being a maths teacher to following a 12-week data science boot camp or online data science course and quickly get the hang of it—others are top of their class, but aren’t confident enough data scientists to inform your business on its next big move. The truth is that the skills a valuable data scientist has, will have to develop over the years. It’s not just the data literacy, hard skills and the brain for maths—they’ll also need to be able to present and communicate their findings the right way.

Finding the right data scientists using a data science job assessment

So, you’ll want to choose your data scientists carefully, but how do you do that? Resumes and portfolios might seem impressive, but how do you actually find out if someone has the skills you’re looking for—especially if you don’t have anyone on board yet that knows what to ask. The easiest and most effective thing to do, is to screen candidates early in the process, using a data science test that’s been created by a real-life expert. This will ensure that relevant questions are being asked, and you get a clear idea of who’s worth going through the hiring process with — and who isn’t. In this article, we’ll walk you through four steps that will help you set up a data science job assessment that is of real value to your hiring managers. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Choose the right platform

You could, of course, draw up an online survey and create a test in there to send out to all applicants, but these might be hard to ‘grade’—although you’ll develop a tremendous respect for teachers along the way. In many cases, it’s better to choose a dedicated platform that has tests available, and will help you swift through the results effortlessly.

Before you start looking for platforms, make a list of absolute needs that you won’t compromise on. Ask yourself at least the following questions:

  • What types of tests are you looking for? Only hard skills, or also soft skills? If you need both, look for a platform that offers both—mixing and matching can be time-consuming.
  • Will there be tests readily available, or are you looking for a platform that allows you to create your own tests?
  • Does the platform have experience with companies like yours?
  • How are the tests presented to candidates, and how do you want the test results presented to your hiring managers?
  • And last but not least: what are you willing to spend on a job assessment platform? Do they charge per candidate, a flat fee, or would you prefer an annual subscription?

Once you’ve chosen a platform that is right for you, the fun can begin.

Step 2: Start with a hard skills assessment

For roles like data scientists, you’ll be initially focusing on whether they possess the right hard skills. Depending on the specific role, you can test core data science topics such as:


You’re expecting your future data scientist to be fluent in statistics. Depending on the level you’re hiring at, you might want to throw in a few questions that quickly test how fast someone can see through the woods in a mess of statistics, and if they can interpret them the right way.

Machine learning

For some more senior roles, machine learning is becoming increasingly important in the world of data science. If this is the case for the role you’re hiring for, test to see if someone knows how to use data to feed it to machine learning and build awesome products.

Neural networks

A big part of data science is knowing how to work with neural networks. Neural networks are a way to solve problems through trial and error, based on human and animal brains. It’s incredibly helpful if your data scientist’s brain can use them.

Deep learning

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that can be necessary in specific data science roles. It works more closely to the way the human brain makes decisions, so this will require a specific set of test questions.

Collecting data

All that data has to come from somewhere, right? Your data scientists should not only be able to read and process data, but also know where and how to get the most valuable input. For this, include some questions about data extraction, data transformation, and data loading. This can also include tests on Excel and querying languages like SQL.

Storing data

Databases should look nothing like the average teenage bedroom. Meaning that they should be nice and tidy, making it easier to extract valuable information from them. Since data isn’t just numbers, but can be anything from video to reviews, it’s crucial that you hire a data scientist who knows how to store this correctly.

Analyzing and modeling data

Data wrangling, data exploration, analysis, and modeling need in-depth understanding of math and programming, but luckily, even data scientists get some help.

Data scientists use analytical tools like Apache Spark, D3.js Python, and many, many more to analyze all that data. If you’re using a specific one in your company and want your data scientists to be able to hit the ground running, quickly test if they’re actually able to use the tools they list on their resume.

Visualizing and presenting data

At the end of the day, data scientists will have to be able to communicate their findings to other departments with people who are less data-savvy. For this, they often use tools that help them visualize data to explain it in a more easy-to-grasp way.

Test if your next data scientist is able to do that with a quick check on their skills in tools like Tableau, PowerBI, Plotly, Bokeh, or whichever one you use.

Step 3: Continue with a soft skill assessment

Your friendly neighborhood data scientist should not only be a math genius, they should possess the right soft skills too. If they’re impossible to work with, you won’t reap the benefits of their skill set. Productivity will suffer, and team morale might also take a hit. Here are some soft skills to test your candidates on:

  • Business-oriented: ultimately, your data scientist will be fueling your decision-making process. This means they’ll have to have a good head for business, on top of simply understanding the numbers.
  • Communication skills: sure, everyone in your company preferably has some of these, but since data scientists play such an important role in decision-making, you’ll want them to be able to express themselves well—and listen to what you’re asking from them.
  • Teamwork: your data scientists shouldn’t be on a little island somewhere in the company. The more they integrate with other departments, the easier it is for them to determine what your business needs from them.
  • Critical thinking skills: this one’s pretty self-explanatory, but the more critical your data scientist, the more reassurance you’ll have that data is correctly interpreted.
  • Creativity: data is less dry than it seems. From data storage to finding connections and problem-solving: it all requires some form of creative thinking.

Step 4: Follow up on the test results

If you want to make the most of your data science job assessment, it shouldn’t just be a test to see who goes through to the next round. For the candidates that ‘pass’, you can customize the questions in their follow-up interview based on the strengths and weaknesses they showed in their test. Because the test they took says a lot, but at the same time—it’s just a snapshot. Did they score remarkably high on certain skills? Ask them how they got to be so experienced in that, and what projects contributed most to that.

Did you notice that they struggled with questions about X? Ask how they are planning to improve on that and how they make sure this doesn’t impact the quality of their work for the time being—are they calling in help from a peer, or do they simply take more time to figure things out?

These types of follow-up questions steer a job interview in a much more real-life direction: it’s not a generic set of questions that any company could ask any employee, but a real conversation between you and the candidate, in which you can evaluate if they fit in the future of the company—and if your company fits in theirs.

Ready to start the hiring process?

With these tips, we’re sure you’ll get some extra reassurance that your next hire will be a great fit—not just based on their previous experience and a couple of interviews. If you want, you can keep reading about data science jobs—or simply start hiring. Good luck!

10 Best Resources To Learn Data Science Online in 2022

Today, data science is more than a buzzword. To simply put it, data science is an interdisciplinary field of gathering data from various sources and channels such as databases, analysing and transforming them into visualization and graphs. This basically facilitates the readability and understanding of the data to aid in soft-skills like insightful decision-making for any organization or business. In short, data science is a combination of incorporating scientific methods, different technologies, algorithms, and more when it comes to data.

Apart from the certified courses, as a data scientist, it is expected to have experience in various domains of computer science, including knowledge of a few programming languages such as Python and R as well as statistics and mathematics. An individual should be able to comprehend the data provided and be able to transform it into graphs which help in extracting insight for a particular business.

Best Resources To Learn Data Science

For those pursuing a career in data science, it is not just technical skills that matter, in business settings an individual is tasked with communicating complex ideas and making data-driven insightful decisions. As a result, people in the field of data science are expected to be effective communicators, leaders, and team members as well as high-level analytical thinkers too.

If we talk about applications of data science, it is used in myriad fields, including image and speech recognition, the gaming world, logistics and supply chain, healthcare, and risk detection, among others. It remains a limitless world indeed. Data scientists will continue to remain in high demand, while at the same time there is a substantial skill gap that needs to be currently addressed in the industry.

Here’s the lowdown on a few of the online resources—in no particular order—which can be checked out to learn data science. While a few of these educational platforms have been launched a couple of years ago, they would continue to hold equal relevance when it comes to resources for seeking in-depth knowledge related to everything in the field of data science.

1. Udemy

Udemy is a site that offers hands-on exercises while extending comprehensive data courses. At last count, there were about 10,000 data courses and almost 500 of which are free of cost. An individual can discover specialisations, including Python, Tableau, R, and many more. While offering real-world examples, Udemy courses are quite well-defined when it comes to specific topics.
The courses are suitable for beginners as well as experts in the field of data science.

2. Coursera

Coursera is another online learning platform that offers massive open online courses (MOOC), specialisations, and degrees in a range of subjects, and this includes data science as well. Some of the courses hosted on the platform include top-notch names such as Harvard University, University of Toronto, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, and MITx, among others. Coursera courses can be audited for free and certificates can be obtained by paying the mentioned amount. The courses from Coursera are part of a particular specialisation, which is a micro-credential offered by Coursera. These specialisations also include a capstone project.

3. Pluralsight

Pluralsight remains an educational platform for learners through insights from instructor-led courses or online courses, which lay stress on basics and some straightforward scenarios. Courses taken online will require you to exert more effort to gain detailed insights, thus helping you in the longer run. Pluralsight introduces one to several video training courses for Software developers and IT administrators.

By using the service of Pluralsight, an individual can look forward to learning a lot of solutions. An individual can even get the key business objectives and even close the skill gaps in critical areas like cloud, design, security, and mobile data.

4. FlowingData

The website, which is produced by Dr. Nathan Yau, Ph.D., offers insights from experts about how to present, analyse, and understand data. This comes with practical guides to illustrate the points with real-time examples. In addition, the site also offers book recommendations, as well as provides insights related to the field of data science.
There are also articles which an individual can browse related to gaining more in-depth insight into the correlation between data science and the world around.

5. edX

edX is an online platform, which has been created as a tie-up between Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This website has been designed with the idea to highlight courses in a wide range of disciplines and deliver them to a larger audience across the world. edX extends courses that are offered by 140 top-notch universities at free or nominal charges to make learning easy. The website includes at least 3,000 courses and has programs available for learners to excel in the field of data science.

6. Kaggle

Kaggle is an online learning platform that would be quite beneficial for individuals who already have some knowledge related to data science. In addition, most of the micro-courses require the users to have some prior knowledge in data science languages such as Python or R and machine learning. It remains an ideal site for upgrading skills and enhancing the capabilities in the field of data science. It offers extensive insights related to the field from experts.

7. GitHub

GitHub remains a renowned platform that uses Git, which is a DevOps tool used for source code management, to apply version control to a code. With over 40 million developers on its users list, it also opens up a lot of opportunities for data scientists to collaborate and manage projects together, besides gaining insights about the industry that continues to remain high in demand at the moment.



8. Reddit

This is a platform that comprises sub-forums, or subreddits, each focused on a subject matter of interest. Under this, the R/datascience subreddit has been titled the data science community, which remains one of the larger subreddit pages related to data science. Various data science professionals discuss relevant topics in data science. The data science subreddit remains insightful for individuals seeking a community that can provide related technical advice in the field of data science.

9. Udacity

Udacity Data Science Nanodegree remains an ideal certification program for those who remain well-versed with languages such as Python, SQL, machine learning, and statistics. In terms of content, Udacity Data Science Nanodegree remains quite advanced and introduces hands-on practice in the form of real-world projects. While Udacity doesn’t offer an all-inclusive course, it introduces separate courses for becoming an expert in the field of data science. Professionals who aspire to become data scientists are advised to take Udacity’s three courses namely Intro to Data Analysis, Introduction to Inferential Statistics, and Data Scientist Nanodegree. These three courses extend real-world projects, which are provided by industry experts. In addition, technical mentor support, flexible learning program, and personal career coach and career services are also offered to aspirants in the domain.

10. KDnuggets

KDnuggets remains a resourceful site on business analytics, big data, data mining, data science, and machine learning. The site is edited by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, a co-founder of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conferences. KDnuggets boasts of more than 4,00,000 unique visitors and has about 1,90,000 subscribers. The site also provides information related to tutorials, certificates, webinars, courses, education, and curated news, among others.


Ending Note

Increasing technology and big data mean that organizations must leverage their data in order to deliver more powerful products and services to the world by analyzing that data and gaining insight, which is what the term “Data Science” means. You can jumpstart your career in Data Science by utilizing any of the resources listed above. Make sure you have the right resources and certifications. Now is the time to work in the data industry.


Understanding the “simplicity” of reinforcement learning: comprehensive tips to take the trouble out of RL

*I adjusted mathematical notations in this article as close as possible to “Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction.”  This book by Sutton and Barto is said to be almost mandatory for those who studying reinforcement learning. Also I tried to avoid as much mathematical notations, introducing some intuitive examples. In case any descriptions are confusing or unclear, informing me of that via posts or email would be appreciated.


First of all, I have to emphasize that I am new to reinforcement learning (RL), and my current field is object detection, to be more concrete transfer learning in object detection. Thus this article series itself is also a kind of study note for me. Reinforcement learning (RL) is often briefly compared with human trial and errors, and actually RL is based on neuroscience or psychology as well as neural networks (I am not sure about these fields though). The word “reinforcement” roughly means associating rewards with certain actions. Some experiments of RL were conducted on animals, which are widely known as Skinner box or more classically Pavlov’s Dogs. In short, you can encourage animals to do something by giving foods to them as rewards, just as many people might have done to their dogs. Before animals find linkages between certain actions and foods as rewards to those actions, they would just keep trial and errors. We can think of RL as a family of algorithms which mimics this behavior of animals trying to obtain as much reward as possible.

*My cats will not all the way try to entertain me to get foods though.

RL showed its conspicuous success in the field of video games, such as Atari, and defeating the world champion of Go, one of the most complicated board games. Actually RL can be applied to not only video games or board games, but also various other fields, such as business intelligence, medicine, and finance, but still I am very much fascinated by its application on video games. I am now studying the field which could bridge between the world of video games and the real world. I would like to mention this in the one of upcoming articles.

So far I got an impression that learning RL ideas would be more challenging than learning classical machine learning or deep learning for the following reasons.

  1. RL is a field of how to train models, rather than how to design the models themselves. That means you have to consider a variety of problem settings, and you would often forget which situation you are discussing.
  2. You need prerequisites knowledge about the models of components of RL for example neural networks, which are usually main topics in machine/deep learning textbooks.
  3. It is confusing what can be learned through RL depending on the types of tasks.
  4. Even after looking over at formulations of RL, it is still hard to imagine how RL enables computers to do trial and errors.

*For now I would like you to keep it in mind that basically values and policies are calculated during in during RL.

And I personally believe you should always keep the following points in your mind in order not to be at a loss in the process of learning RL.

  1.  RL basically can be only applied to a very limited type of situation, which is called Markov decision process (MDP). In MDP settings your next state depends only on your current state and action, regardless of what you have done so far.
  2. You are ultimately interested in learning decision making rules in MDP, which are called policies.
  3. In the first stage of learning RL, you consider surprisingly simple situations. They might be simple like mazes in kids’ picture books.
  4. RL is in its early days of development.

Let me explain a bit more about what I meant by the third point above. I have been learning RL mainly with a very precise Japanese textbook named 「機械学習プロフェッショナルシリーズ 強化学習」(Machine Learning Professional Series: Reinforcement Learning). As I mentioned in an article of my series on RNN, I sometimes dislike Western textbooks because they tend to beat around the bush with simple examples to get to the point at a more abstract level. That is why I prefer reading books of this series in Japanese. And especially the RL one in the series was especially bulky and so abstract and overbearing to a spectacular degree. It had so many precise mathematical notations without leaving room for ambiguity, thus it took me a long time to notice that the book was merely discussing simple situations like mazes in kids’ picture books. I mean, the settings discussed were so simple that they can be expressed as tabular data, that is some Excel sheets.

*I could not notice that until the beginning of 6th chapter out of eight out of 8 chapters. The 6th chapter discusses uses of function approximators. With the approximations you can approximate tabular data. My articles will not dig this topic of approximation precisely, but the use of deep learning models, which I am going to explain someday, is a type of this approximation of RL models.

You might find that so many explanations on RL rely on examples of how to make computers navigate themselves in simple mazes or in playing video games, which are mostly impractical in the real world. However, as I will explain later, these are actually helpful examples to learn RL. As I show later, the relations of an agent and an environment are basically the same also in more complicated tasks. Reading some code or actually implementing RL would be very effective, especially in order to know simplicity of the situations in the beginning part of RL textbooks.

Given that you can do a lot of impressive and practical stuff with current deep learning libraries, you might get bored or disappointed by simple applications of RL in many textbooks. But as I mentioned above, RL is in its early days of development, at least at a public level. And in order to show its potential power, I am going to explain one of the most successful and complicated application of RL in the next article: I am planning to explain how AlphaGo or AplhaZero, RL-based AIs enabled computers to defeat the world champion of Go, one of the most complicated board games.

*RL was not used to the chess AI which defeated Kasparov in 1997. Combination of decision trees and super computers, without RL, was enough for the “simplicity” of chess. But uses of decision tree named Monte Carlo Tree Search enabled Alpha Go to read some steps ahead more effectively.  It is said deep learning enabled AlphaGo to have intuition about games. Mote Carlo Tree Search enabled it to have abilities to predict some steps ahead, and RL how to learn from experience.

1. What is RL?

In conclusion I would interpret RL as follows: RL is a sub-field of training AI models, and optimal rules for decision makings in an environment are learned through RL, weakly supervised by rewards in a certain period of time. When and how to evaluate decision makings are task-specific, and they are often realized by trial-and-error-like behaviors of agents. Rules for decision makings are called policies in contexts of RL. And optimization problems of policies are called sequential decision-making problems.

You are more or less going to see what I meant by my definition throughout my article series.

*An agent in RL means an entity which makes decisions, interacting with the environment with an action. And the actions are made based on policies.

You can find various types of charts explaining relations of RL with AI, and I personally found the chart below the most plausible.

“Models” in the chart are often hyped as “AI” in media today. But AI is a more comprehensive field of trying to realize human-like intellectual behaviors with computers. And machine learning have been the most central sub-field of AI last decades. Around 2006 there was a breakthrough of deep learning. Due to the breakthrough machine learning gained much better performance with deep learning models. I would say people have been calling popular “models” in each time “AI.” And importantly, RL is one field of training models, besides supervised learning and unsupervised learning, rather than a field of designing “AI” models. Some people say supervised learning or unsupervised learning are more preferable than RL because currently these trainings are more likely to be more successful in wide range of fields than RL. And usually the more data you have the more likely supervised or unsupervised learning are.

*The word “models” are used in another meaning later. Please keep it in mind that the “models” above are something like general functions. And the “models” which show up frequently later are functions modeling environments in RL.

*In case you’re totally new to AI and don’t understand what “supervising” means in these contexts, I think you should imagine cases of instructing students in schools. If a teacher just tells students “We have a Latin conjugation test next week, so you must check this section in the textbook.” to students, that’s a “supervised learning.” Students who take exams are “models.” Apt students like machine learning models would show excellent performances, but they might fail to apply the knowledge somewhere else. I mean, they might fail to properly conjugate words in unseen sentences. Next, if the students share an idea “It’s comfortable to get together with people alike.” they might be clustered to several groups. That might lead to “cool guys” or “not cool guys” group division. This is done without any explicit answers, and this corresponds to “unsupervised learning.” In this case, I would say a certain functions of the students’ brain or atmosphere there, which put similar students together, were the “models.” And finally, if teachers tell the students “Be a good student,” that’s what I meant with “weakly supervising.” However most people would say “How?” RL could correspond to such ultimate goals of education, and as well as education, you have to consider how to give rewards and how to evaluate students/agents. And “models” can vary. But such rewards often shows unexpected results.

2. RL and Markov decision process

As I mentioned in a former section, you have to keep it in mind that RL basically can be applied to a limited situation of sequential decision-making problems, which are called Markov decision processes (MDP). A markov decision process is a type of process where the next state of an agent depends only on the current state and the action taken in the current state. I would only roughly explain MDP in this article with a little formulation.

You might find MDPs very simple. But some people would find that their daily lives in fact can be described well with a MDP. The figure below is a state transition diagram of everyday routine at an office, and this is nothing but a MDP. I think many workers also basically have only four states “Chat” “Coffee” “Computer” and “Home” almost everyday.  Numbers in black are possibilities of transitions at the state, and each corresponding number in orange is the reward you get when the action is taken. The diagram below shows that when you just keep using a computer, you would likely to get high rewards. On the other hand chatting with your colleagues would just continue to another term of chatting with a probability of 50%, and that undermines productivity by giving out the reward of -1. And having some coffee is very likely to lead to a chat. In practice, you optimize which action to take in each situation. You adjust probabilities at each state, that is you adjust a policy, through planning or via trial and error.

Source: https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/data/9781788834247/1/ch01lvl1sec12/markov-decision-processes

*Even if you say “Be a good student,” school kids in puberty they would act far from Markov decision process. Even though I took an example of school earlier, I am sure education should be much more complicated process which requires constant patience.

Of course you have to consider much more complicated MDPs in most RL problems, and in most cases you do not have known models like state transition diagrams. Or rather I have to say RL enables you to estimate such diagrams, which are usually called models in contexts of RL, by trial and errors. When you study RL, for the most part you will see a chart like below. I think it is important to understand what this kind of charts mean, whatever study materials on RL you consult. I said RL is basically a training method for finding optimal decision making rules called policies. And in RL settings, agents estimate such policies by taking actions in the environment. The environment determines a reward and the next state based on the current state and the current action of the agent.

Let’s take a close look at the chart above in a bit mathematical manner. I made it based on “Machine Learning Professional Series: Reinforcement Learning.” The agent exert an action a in the environment, and the agent receives a reward r and the next state s'. r and s' are consequences of taking the action a in the state s. The action a is taken based on a conditional probability given s, which is denoted as \pi(a|s). This probability function \pi(a|s) is the very function representing policies, which we want to optimize in RL.

*Please do not think too much about differences of \sim and = in the chart. Actions, rewards, or transitions of states can be both deterministic or probabilistic. In the chart above, with the notation a \sim \pi (a|s) I meant that the action a is taken with a probability of \pi (a|s). And whether they are probabilistic or deterministic is task-specific. Also you should keep it in mind that all the values in the chart are realized values of random variables as I show in the chart at the right side.

In the textbook “Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction” by Richard S. Sutton, which is almost mandatory for all the RL learners, RL process is displayed as the left side of the figure below. Each capital letter in the chart means a random variable. Relations of random variables can be also displayed as graphical models like the right side of the chart. The graphical model is a time series expansion of the chart of RL loops at the left side. The chart below shows almost the same idea as the one above. Whether they use random variables or realized values is the only difference between them. My point is that decision makings are simplified in RL as the models I have explained. Even if some situations are not strictly MDPs, in many cases the problems are approximated as MDPs in practice so that RL can be applied to.

*I personally think you do not have to care so much about differences of random variables and their realized values in RL unless you discuss RL mathmematically. But if you do not know there are two types of notations, which are strictly different ideas, you might get confused while reading textboks on RL. At least in my artile series, I will strictly distinguish them only when their differences matter.

*In case you are not sure about differences of random variables and their realizations, please roughly grasp the terms as follows: random variables X are probabilistic tools for example dices. On the other hand their realized values x are records of them, for example (4, 1, 6, 6, 2, 1, …).  And the probability that a random variable X takes on the value x is denoted as Pr\{X = x\}. And X \sim p means the random variable X is selected from distribution p(x) \doteq \text{Pr} \{X=x\}. In case X is a “dice,” for any x p(x) = \frac{1}{6}.

3. Planning and RL

We have seen RL is a family of training algorithms which optimizes rules for choosing A_t = a in sequential decision-making problems, usually assuming them to be MDPs. However I have to emphasize that RL is not the only way to optimize such policies. In sequential decision making problems, when the model of the environment is known, policies can be optimized also through planning without collecting data from the environment. On the other hand, when the model of the environment is unknown policies have to be optimized based on data which an agents collects from the environment through trial and errors. This is the very case called RL. You might find planning problems very simple and unrealistic in practical cases. But RL is based on planning of sequential decision-making problems with MDP settings, so studying planning problems is inevitable.  As far as I could see so far, RL is a family of algorithms for approximating techniques in planning problems through trial and errors in environments. To be more concrete, in the next article I am going to explain dynamic programming (DP) in RL contexts as a major example of planning problems, and a formula called the Bellman equation plays a crucial role in planning. And after that we are going to see that RL algorithms are more or less approximations of Bellman equation by agents sampling data from environments.

As an intuitive example, I would like to take a case of navigating a robot, which is explained in a famous textbook on robotics named “Probabilistic Robotics”. In this case, the state set \mathcal{S} is the whole space on the map where the robot can move around. And the action set is \mathcal{A} = \{\rightarrow, \searrow, \downarrow, \swarrow \leftarrow, \nwarrow, \uparrow, \nearrow \}. If the robot does not fail to take any actions or there are no unexpected obstacles, manipulating the robot on the map is a MDP. In this example, the robot has to be navigated from the start point as the green dot to the goal as the red dot. In this case, blue arrows can be obtained through planning or RL. Each blue arrow denotes the action taken in each place, following the estimated policy. In other words, the function \pi is the flow of the blue arrows. But policies can vary even in the same problem. If you just want the robot to reach the goal as soon as possible, you might get a blue arrows in the figure at the top after planning. But that means the robot has to pass a narrow street, and it is likely to bump into the walls. If you prefer to avoid such risks, you should adopt policies of choosing wider streets, like the blue arrows in the figure at the bottom.

*In the textbook on probabilistic robotics, this case is classified to a planning problem rather than a RL problem because it assumes that the robot has a complete model of the environment, and RL is not introduced in the textbook. In case of robotics one major way of making a model, or rather a map is SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). With SLAM, a map of the environment can be made only based on what have been seen with a moving camera like in the figure below. Half the first part of the textbook is about self localization of robots and gaining maps of environments. And the latter part is about planning in the gained map. RL is also based on planning problems as I explained. I would say RL is another branch of techniques to gain such models/maps and proper plans in the environment through trial and errors.

In the example of robotics above, we have not considered rewards R_t in the course of navigating the agent. That means the reward is given only when it reaches the goal. But agents can get lost if they get a reward only at the goal. Thus in many cases you optimize a policy \pi(a|s) such that it maximizes the sum of rewards R_1 + R_2 + \cdots + R_T, where T is the the length of the whole sequence of MDP in this case. More concretely, at every time step t, agents have to estimate G_t \doteq R_{t+1} + R_{t+2} + \cdots + R_T. The G_t is called a return. But you usually have to consider uncertainty of future rewards, so in practice you multiply a discount rate \gamma \quad (0\leq \gamma \leq 1) with rewards every time step. Thus in practice agents estimate a discounted return every time step as follows.

G_t \doteq R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma ^2 R_{t+3} + \cdots + \gamma ^ {T-t-1} R_T = \sum_{k=0}^{T-t-1}{\gamma ^{k}R_{t+k+1}}

If agents blindly try to maximize immediate upcoming rewards R_t in a greedy way, that can lead to smaller amount of rewards in the long run. Policies in RL have to be optimized so that they maximize return, a sum of upcoming rewards G_t, every time step. But still, it is not realistic to take all the upcoming rewards R_{t+1}, R_{t+2}, \dots directly into consideration. These rewards have to be calculated recursively and probabilistically every time step. To be exact values of states are calculated this way. The value of a state in contexts of RL mean how likely agents get higher values if they start from the state. And how to calculate values is formulated as the Bellman equation.

*If you are not sure what “ecursively” and “probabilistically” mean, please do not think too much. I am going to explain that as precisely as possible in the next article.

I am going to explain Bellman equation, or Bellman operator to be exact in the next article. For now I would like you to keep it in mind that Bellman operator calculates the value of a state by considering future actions and their following states and rewards. Bellman equation is often displayed as a decision-tree-like chart as below. I would say planning and RL are matter of repeatedly applying Bellman equation to values of states. In planning problems, the model of the environment is known. That is, all the connections of nodes of the graph at the left side of the figure below are known. On the other hand in RL, those connections are not completely known, thus they need to be estimated in certain ways by agents collecting data from the environment.

*I guess almost no one explain RL ideas as the graphs above, and actually I am in search of effective and correct ways of visualizing RL. But so far, I think the graphs above describe how values updated in RL problem settings with discrete data. You are going to see what these graphs mean little by little in upcoming articles. I am also planning to introduce Bellman operators to formulate RL so that you do not have to think about decision-tree-like graphs all the time.

4. Examples of how RL problems are modeled

You might find that so many explanations on RL rely on examples of how to make computers navigate themselves in simple mazes or play video games, which are mostly impractical in real world. But I think uses of RL in letting computers play video games are good examples when you study RL. The video game industry is one of the most developed and sophisticated area which have produced environments of RL. OpenAI provides some “playgrounds” where agents can actually move around, and there are also some ports of Atari games. I guess once you understand how RL can be modeled in those simulations, that helps to understand how other more practical tasks are implemented.

*It is a pity that there is no E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. It is a notorious video game which put an end of the reign of Atari. And after that came the era of Nintendo Entertainment System.

In the second section of this article, I showed the most typical diagram of the fundamental RL idea. The diagrams below show correspondences of each element of some simple RL examples to the diagram of general RL. Multi-armed bandit problems are a family of the most straightforward RL tasks, and I am going to explain it a bit more precisely later in this article. An agent solving a maze is also a very major example of RL tasks. In this case states s\in \mathcal{S} are locations where an agent can move. Rewards r \in \mathcal{R} are goals or bonuses the agents get in the course of the maze. And in this case \mathcal{A} = \{\rightarrow, \downarrow,\leftarrow, \uparrow \}.

If the environments are more complicated, deep learning is needed to make more complicated functions to model each component of RL. Such RL is called deep reinforcement learning. The examples below are some successful cases of uses of deep RL. I think it is easy to imagine that the case of solving a maze is close to RL playing video games. In this case \mathcal{A} is all the possible commands with an Atari controller like in the figure below. Deep Q Networks use deep learning in RL algorithms named Q learning. The development of convolutional neural networks (CNN) enabled computers to comprehend what are displayed on video game screens. Thanks to that, video games do not need to be simplified like mazes. Even though playing video games, especially complicated ones today, might not be strict MDPs, deep Q Networks simplifies the process of playing Atari as MDP. That is why the process playing video games can be simplified as the chart below, and this simplified MPD model can surpass human performances. AlphaGo and AlphaZero are anotehr successful cases of deep RL. AlphaGo is ther first RL model which defeated the world Go champion. And some training schemes were simplified and extented to other board games like chess in AlphaZero. Even though they were sensations in media as if they were menaces to human intelligence, they are also based on MDPs. A policy network which calculates which tactics to take to enhance probability of winning board games. But they use much more sophisticated and complicated techniques. And it is almost impossible to try training them unless you own a tech company or something with some servers mounted with some TPUs. But I am going to roughly explain how they work in one of my upcoming articles.

5. Some keywords for organizing terms of RL

As I am also going to explain in next two articles, RL algorithms are totally different frameworks of training machine learning models compared to supervised/unsupervised learnig. I think pairs of keywords below are helpful in classifying RL algorithms you are going to encounter.

(1) “Model-based” or “model-free.”

I said planning problems are basics of RL problems, and in many cases RL algorithms approximate Bellman equation or related ideas. I also said planning problems can be solved by repeatedly applying Bellman equations on states of a model of an environment. But in RL problems, models are usually unknown, and agents can only move in an environment which gives a reward or the next state to an agent. The agent can gains richer information of the environment time step by time step in RL, but this procedure can be roughly classified to two types: model-free type and model-based type. In model-free type, models of the environment are not explicitly made, and policies are updated based on data collected from the environment. On the her hand, in model-based types the models of the environment are estimated, and policies are calculated based on the model.

*AlphaGo and AlphaZero are examples of model-based RL. Phases of board games can be modeled with CNN. Plannings in this case correspond to reading some phases ahead of games, and they are enabled by Monte Carlo tree search. They are the only examples of model-based RL which I can come up with. And also I had an impression that many study materials on RL focus on model-free types of RL.

(2) “Values” or “policies.”

I mentioned that in RL, values and policies are optimized. Values are functions of a value of each state. The value here means how likely an agent gets high rewards in the future, starting from the state. Policies are functions fro calculating actions to take in each state, which I showed as each of blue arrows in the example of robotics above. But in RL, these two functions are renewed in return, and often they reach optimal functions when they converge. The figure below describes the idea well.

These are essential components of RL, and there too many variations of how to calculate them. For example timings of updating them, whether to update them probabilistically or deterministically.  And whatever RL algorithm I talk about, how values and policies are updated will be of the best interest. Only briefly mentioning them would be just more and more confusing, so let me only briefly take examples of dynamic programming (DP).

Let’s consider DP on a simple grid map which I showed in the preface. This is a planning problem, and agents have a perfect model of the map, so they do not have to actually move around there. Agents can move on any cells except for blocks, and they get a positive rewards at treasure cells, and negative rewards at danger cells. With policy iteration, the agents can interactively update policies and values of all the states of the map. The chart below shows how policies and values of cells are updated.

You do not necessarily have to calculate policies every iteration, and this case of DP is called value iteration. But as the chart below suggests, value iteration takes more time to converge.

I am going to much more precisely explain the differences of values and policies in DP tasks in the next article.

(3) “Exploration” or “exploitation”

RL agents are not explicitly supervised by the correct answers of each behavior. They just receive rough signals of “good” or “bad.” One of the most typical failed cases of RL is that agents can be myopic. I mean, once agents find some actions which constantly give good reward, they tend to miss other actions which produce better rewards more effectively. One good way of avoiding this is adding some exploration, that is taking some risks to discover other actions.

I mentioned multi-armed bandit problems are simple setting of RL problems. And they also help understand trade-off of exploration and exploitation. In a multi-armed bandit problem, an agent chooses which slot machine to run every time step. Each slot machine gives out coins, or rewards r with a probability of p. The number of trials is limited, so the agent has to find the machine which gives out coins the most efficiently within the limited number of trials. In this problem, the key is the balance of trying to find other effective slot machines and just trying to get as much coins as possible with the machine which for now seems to be the best. This is trade-off of “exploration” or “exploitation.” One simple way to implement exploration and exploitation trade-off is ɛ-greedy algorithm. This is quite simple: with a probability of \epsilon, agents just randomly choose actions which are not thought to be the best then.

*Casino owners are not so stupid. It is designed so that you would lose in the long run, and before your “exploration” is complete, you will be “exploited.”

Let’s take a look at a simple simulation of a multi-armed bandit problem. There are two “casinos,” I mean sets of slot machines. In casino A, all the slot machines gives out the same reward 1, thus agents only need to find the machine which is the most likely to gives out more coins. But casino B is not simple like that. In this casino, slot machines with small odds give higher rewards.

I prepared four types of “multi-armed bandits,” I mean octopus agents. Each of them has each value of \epsilon, and the \epsilons reflect their “curiosity,” or maybe “how inconsistent they are.” The graphs below show the average reward over 1000 simulations. In each simulation each agent can try slot machines 250 times in total. In casino A, it seems the agent with the curiosity of \epsilon = 0.3 gets the best rewards in a short term. But in the long run, more stable agent whose \epsilon is 0.1, get more rewards. On the other hand in casino B, No on seems to make outstanding results.

*I wold not concretely explain how values of each slot machines are updated in this article. I think I am going to explain multi-armed bandit problems with Monte Carlo tree search in one of upcoming articles to explain the algorithm of AlphaGo/AlphaZero.

(4)”Achievement” or “estimation”

The last pair of keywords is “achievement” or “estimation,” and it might be better to instead see them as a comparison of “Monte Carlo” and “temporal-difference (TD).” I said RL algorithms often approximate Bellman equation based on data an agent has collected. Agents moving around in environments can be viewed as sampling data from the environment. Agents sample data of states, actions, and rewards. At the same time agents constantly estimate the value of each state. Thus agents can modify their estimations of values using value calculated with sampled data. This is how agents make use of their “experiences” in RL. There are several variations of when to update estimations of values, but roughly they are classified to Monte Carlo and Temporal-difference (TD). Monte Carlo is based on achievements of agents after one episode or actions. And TD is more of based on constant estimation of values at every time step. Which approach is to take depends on tasks but it seems many major algorithms adopt TD types. But I got an impression that major RL algorithms adopt TD, and also it is said evaluating actions by TD has some analogies with how brain is “reinforced.” And above all, according to the book by Sutton and Barto “If one had to identify one idea as central and novel to reinforcement learning, it would undoubtedly be temporal-difference (TD) learning.” And an intermediate idea, between Monte Carlo and TD, also can be formulated as eligibility trace.

In this article I have briefly covered all the topics I am planning to explain in this series. This article is a start of a long-term journey of studying RL also to me. Any feedback on this series, as posts or  emails, would be appreciated. The next article is going to be about dynamic programming, which is a major way for solving planning problems. In contexts of RL, dynamic programming is solved by repeatedly applying Bellman equation on values of states of a model of an environment. Thus I think it is no exaggeration to say dynamic programming is the backbone of RL algorithms.


The code I used for the multi-armed bandit simulation. Just copy and paste them on Jupyter Notebook.

* I make study materials on machine learning, sponsored by DATANOMIQ. I do my best to make my content as straightforward but as precise as possible. I include all of my reference sources. If you notice any mistakes in my materials, including grammatical errors, please let me know (email: yasuto.tamura@datanomiq.de). And if you have any advice for making my materials more understandable to learners, I would appreciate hearing it.

My elaborate study notes on reinforcement learning

I will not tell you why, but all of a sudden I was in need of writing an article series on Reinforcement Learning. Though I am also a beginner in reinforcement learning field. Everything I knew was what I learned from one online lecture conducted in a lazy tone in my college. However in the process of learning reinforcement learning, I found a line which could connect the two dots, one is reinforcement learning and the other is my studying field. That is why I made up my mind to make an article series on reinforcement learning seriously.

To be a bit more concrete, I imagine that technologies in our world could be enhanced by a combination of reinforcement learning and virtual reality. That means companies like Toyota or VW might come to invest on visual effect or video game companies more seriously in the future. And I have been actually struggling with how to train deep learning with cgi, which might bridge the virtual world and the real world.

As I am also a beginner in reinforcement learning, this article series would a kind of study note for me. But as I have been doing in my former articles, I prefer exhaustive but intuitive explanations on AI algorithms, thus I will do my best to make my series as instructive and effective as existing tutorial on reinforcement learning.

This article is going to be composed of the following contents.

In this article I would like to share what I have learned about RL, and I hope you could get some hints of learning this fascinating field. In case you have any comments or advice on my “study note,” leaving a comment or contacting me via email would be appreciated.

Coffee Shop Location Predictor

As part of this article, we will explore the main steps involved in predicting the best location for a coffee shop in Vancouver. We will also take into consideration that the coffee shop is near a transit station, and has no Starbucks near it. Well, while at it, let us also add an extra feature where we make sure the crime in the area is lower.


In this article, we will highlight the main steps involved to predict a location for a coffee shop in Vancouver. We also want to make sure that the coffee shop is near a transit station, and has no Starbucks near it. As an added feature, we will make sure that the crime concentration in the area is low, and the entire program should be implemented in Python. So let’s walk through the steps.

Steps Required

  • Get crime history for the last two years
  • Get locations of all transit stations and Starbucks in Vancouver
  • Check all the transit stations that do not have any Starbucks near them
  • Get all the data regarding crimes near the filtered transit stations
  • Create a grid of all possible coordinates around the transit station
  • Check crime around each created coordinate and display the top 5 locations.

Gathering Data

This covers the first two steps required to get data from the internet, both manually and automatically.

Getting all Crime History

We can get crime history for the past 14 years in Vancouver from here. This data is in raw crime.csv format, so we have to process it and filter out useless data. We then write this processed information on the crime_processed.csv file.

Note: There are 530,653 records of crime in this file

In this program, we will just use the type and coordinate of the crime. There are many crime types, but we have classified them into three major categories namely;

Theft (red), Break and Enter (orange) and Mischief (green)

These all crimes can be plotted on Graph as displayed below.

This may seem very congested and full, so let’s see a closeup image for future references.

Getting Locations of all Rapid Transit Stations

We can get the coordinates of all Transit Stations in Vancouver from here. This dataset has all coordinates of rapid transit stations in three transit lines in Vancouver. There are a total of 23 of them in Vancouver, we can then use it for further processing.

Getting Locations of all Starbucks

The Starbucks data is present here, we can scrape it easily and get the locations of all the Starbucks in Vancouver. We just need the Starbucks that is near transit stations, so we’ll filter out the rest. There are a total 24 Starbucks in Vancouver, and 10 of them are near Transit Stations.

Note: Other than the coordinates of Transit Stations and Starbucks, we also need coordinates and type of the crime.

Transit Stations with no Starbucks

As we have all the data required, now moving to the next step. We need to get to the transit Station locations that have no Starbucks near them. For that we can create an area of particular radius around each Transit Station. Then check all Starbucks locations with respect to them, whether they are within that area or not.

If none of the Starbucks are within that particular Transit Station’s area, we can append it to a list. At the end, we have a list of all Transit locations with no Starbucks near them. There are a total of 6 Transit Stations with no Starbucks near them.

Crime near Transit Stations

Now lets filter out all crime records and get just what we are interested in, which means the crime near Transit stations. For that we will plot an area of specific radius around each of them to see the crimes. These are more than 110,000 crime records.

Crime near located Transit Stations

Now that we have all the Transit Stations that don’t have any Starbucks near them and also the crime near all Transit Stations. So, let’s use this information and get crime near the located Transit Stations. These are about 44,000 crime records.

This may seem correct at first glance, but the points are overlapping due to abundance, so we can create different lists of crimes based on their types.


Break and Enter


Generating all possible coordinates

Now finally, we have all the prerequisites and let’s get to the main task at hand, predicting the best coordinate for the coffee shop.

There may be many approaches to solve this problem, but the one I used in this program is that I will create a grid of all possible locations (coordinates) in the area of 1 km radius around each located transit station.

Initially I generated 1 coordinate for every m, this resulted in 1000,000 coordinates in every km. This is a huge number, and for the 6 located Transit stations, it becomes 6 Million. It may not seem much at first glance because computers can handle such data in a few seconds.

But for location prediction we need to compare each coordinate with crime coordinates. As the algorithm has to check for ~7,000 Thefts, ~19,000 Break ins, and ~17,000 Mischiefs around each generated coordinate. Computing this would want the program to process an estimate of 432.4 Billion times. This sort of execution takes many hours on normal computers (sometimes days).

The solution to this is to create a coordinate for each 10 m area, this results about 10,000 coordinate per km. For the above mentioned number of crimes, the estimated processes will be several Billions. That would significantly reduce the time, but is still not less.

To control this, we can remove the duplicate values in crime coordinates and those which are too close to each other ~1m. Doing so, we are left with just 816 Thefts, 2,654 Break ins, and 8,234 Mischiefs around each generated coordinate.
The precision will not be affected much but the time and computational resources required will be reduced a lot.


Checking Crime near Generated coordinates

Now that we have all the locations, we will start some processing on it and check each coordinate against some constraints. That are respectively;

  1. Filter out Coordinates having Theft near 1 km
    We get 122,000 coordinates with no Thefts (Below merged 1000 to 1)
  2. Filter out Coordinates having Break Ins near 200m
    We get 8000 coordinates with no Thefts (Below merged 1000 to 1)
  3. Filter out Coordinates having Mischief near 200m
    We get 6000 coordinates with no Thefts (Below merged 1000 to 1)
    Now that we have 6 Coordinates of best locations that have passed through all the constraints, we will order them.To order them, we will check their distance from the nearest transit location. The nearest will be on top of the list as the best possible location, then the second and so on. The generated List is;

    1. -123.0419406741792, 49.24824259252004
    2. -123.05887151659479, 49.24327221040713
    3. -123.05287151659476, 49.24327221040713
    4. -123.04994067417924, 49.239242592520064
    5. -123.0419406741792, 49.239242592520064
    6. -123.0409406741792, 49.239242592520064

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How to make a toy English-German translator with multi-head attention heat maps: the overall architecture of Transformer

If you have been patient enough to read the former articles of this article series Instructions on Transformer for people outside NLP field, but with examples of NLP, you should have already learned a great deal of Transformer model, and I hope you gained a solid foundation of learning theoretical sides on this algorithm.

This article is going to focus more on practical implementation of a transformer model. We use codes in the Tensorflow official tutorial. They are maintained well by Google, and I think it is the best practice to use widely known codes.

The figure below shows what I have explained in the articles so far. Depending on your level of understanding, you can go back to my former articles. If you are familiar with NLP with deep learning, you can start with the third article.

1 The datasets

I think this article series appears to be on NLP, and I do believe that learning Transformer through NLP examples is very effective. But I cannot delve into effective techniques of processing corpus in each language. Thus we are going to use a library named BPEmb. This library enables you to encode any sentences in various languages into lists of integers. And conversely you can decode lists of integers to the language. Thanks to this library, we do not have to do simplification of alphabets, such as getting rid of Umlaut.

*Actually, I am studying in computer vision field, so my codes would look elementary to those in NLP fields.

The official Tensorflow tutorial makes a Portuguese-English translator, but in article we are going to make an English-German translator. Basically, only the codes below are my original. As I said, this is not an article on NLP, so all you have to know is that at every iteration you get a batch of (64, 41) sized tensor as the source sentences, and a batch of (64, 42) tensor as corresponding target sentences. 41, 42 are respectively the maximum lengths of the input or target sentences, and when input sentences are shorter than them, the rest positions are zero padded, as you can see in the codes below.

*If you just replace datasets and modules for encoding, you can make translators of other pairs of languages.

We are going to train a seq2seq-like Transformer model of converting those list of integers, thus a mapping from a vector to another vector. But each word, or integer is encoded as an embedding vector, so virtually the Transformer model is going to learn a mapping from sequence data to another sequence data. Let’s formulate this into a bit more mathematics-like way: when we get a pair of sequence data \boldsymbol{X} = (\boldsymbol{x}^{(1)}, \dots, \boldsymbol{x}^{(\tau _x)}) and \boldsymbol{Y} = (\boldsymbol{y}^{(1)}, \dots, \boldsymbol{y}^{(\tau _y)}), where \boldsymbol{x}^{(t)} \in \mathbb{R}^{|\mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{X}}|}, \boldsymbol{x}^{(t)} \in \mathbb{R}^{|\mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{Y}}|}, respectively from English and German corpus, then we learn a mapping f: \boldsymbol{X} \to \boldsymbol{Y}.

*In this implementation the vocabulary sizes are both 10002. Thus |\mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{X}}|=|\mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{Y}}|=10002

2 The whole architecture

This article series has covered most of components of Transformer model, but you might not understand how seq2seq-like models can be constructed with them. It is very effective to understand how transformer is constructed by actually reading or writing codes, and in this article we are finally going to construct the whole architecture of a Transforme translator, following the Tensorflow official tutorial. At the end of this article, you would be able to make a toy English-German translator.

The implementation is mainly composed of 4 classes, EncoderLayer(), Encoder(), DecoderLayer(), and Decoder() class. The inclusion relations of the classes are displayed in the figure below.

To be more exact in a seq2seq-like model with Transformer, the encoder and the decoder are connected like in the figure below. The encoder part keeps converting input sentences in the original language through N layers. The decoder part also keeps converting the inputs in the target languages, also through N layers, but it receives the output of the final layer of the Encoder at every layer.

You can see how the Encoder() class and the Decoder() class are combined in Transformer in the codes below. If you have used Tensorflow or Pytorch to some extent, the codes below should not be that hard to read.

3 The encoder

*From now on “sentences” do not mean only the input tokens in natural language, but also the reweighted and concatenated “values,” which I repeatedly explained in explained in the former articles. By the end of this section, you will see that Transformer repeatedly converts sentences layer by layer, remaining the shape of the original sentence.

I have explained multi-head attention mechanism in the third article, precisely, and I explained positional encoding and masked multi-head attention in the last article. Thus if you have read them and have ever written some codes in Tensorflow or Pytorch, I think the codes of Transformer in the official Tensorflow tutorial is not so hard to read. What is more, you do not use CNNs or RNNs in this implementation. Basically all you need is linear transformations. First of all let’s see how the EncoderLayer() and the Encoder() classes are implemented in the codes below.

You might be confused what “Feed Forward” means in  this article or the original paper on Transformer. The original paper says this layer is calculated as FFN(x) = max(0, xW_1 + b_1)W_2 +b_2. In short you stack two fully connected layers and activate it with a ReLU function. Let’s see how point_wise_feed_forward_network() function works in the implementation with some simple codes. As you can see from the number of parameters in each layer of the position wise feed forward neural network, the network does not depend on the length of the sentences.

From the number of parameters of the position-wise feed forward neural networks, you can see that you share the same parameters over all the positions of the sentences. That means in the figure above, you use the same densely connected layers at all the positions, in single layer. But you also have to keep it in mind that parameters for position-wise feed-forward networks change from layer to layer. That is also true of “Layer” parts in Transformer model, including the output part of the decoder: there are no learnable parameters which cover over different positions of tokens. These facts lead to one very important feature of Transformer: the number of parameters does not depend on the length of input or target sentences. You can offset the influences of the length of sentences with multi-head attention mechanisms. Also in the decoder part, you can keep the shape of sentences, or reweighted values, layer by layer, which is expected to enhance calculation efficiency of Transformer models.

4, The decoder

The structures of DecoderLayer() and the Decoder() classes are quite similar to those of EncoderLayer() and the Encoder() classes, so if you understand the last section, you would not find it hard to understand the codes below. What you have to care additionally in this section is inter-language multi-head attention mechanism. In the third article I was repeatedly explaining multi-head self attention mechanism, taking the input sentence “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.” as an example. However, as I explained in the second article, usually in attention mechanism, you compare sentences with the same meaning in two languages. Thus the decoder part of Transformer model has not only self-attention multi-head attention mechanism of the target sentence, but also an inter-language multi-head attention mechanism. That means, In case of translating from English to German, you compare the sentence “Anthony Hopkins hat Michael Bay als einen großartigen Regisseur bewundert.” with the sentence itself in masked multi-head attention mechanism (, just as I repeatedly explained in the third article). On the other hand, you compare “Anthony Hopkins hat Michael Bay als einen großartigen Regisseur bewundert.” with “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.” in the inter-language multi-head attention mechanism (, just as you can see in the figure above).

*The “inter-language multi-head attention mechanism” is my original way to call it.

I briefly mentioned how you calculate the inter-language multi-head attention mechanism in the end of the third article, with some simple codes, but let’s see that again, with more straightforward figures. If you understand my explanation on multi-head attention mechanism in the third article, the inter-language multi-head attention mechanism is nothing difficult to understand. In the multi-head attention mechanism in encoder layers, “queries”, “keys”, and “values” come from the same sentence in English, but in case of inter-language one, only “keys” and “values” come from the original sentence, and “queries” come from the target sentence. You compare “queries” in German with the “keys” in the original sentence in English, and you re-weight the sentence in English. You use the re-weighted English sentence in the decoder part, and you do not need look-ahead mask in this inter-language multi-head attention mechanism.

Just as well as multi-head self-attention, you can calculate inter-language multi-head attention mechanism as follows: softmax(\frac{\boldsymbol{Q} \boldsymbol{K} ^T}{\sqrt{d}_k}). In the example above, the resulting multi-head attention map is a 10 \times 9 matrix like in the figure below.

Once you keep the points above in you mind, the implementation of the decoder part should not be that hard.

5 Masking tokens in practice

I explained masked-multi-head attention mechanism in the last article, and the ideas itself is not so difficult. However in practice this is implemented in a little tricky way. You might have realized that the size of input matrices is fixed so that it fits the longest sentence. That means, when the maximum length of the input sentences is 41, even if the sentences in a batch have less than 41 tokens, you sample (64, 41) sized tensor as a batch every time (The 64 is a batch size). Let “Anthony Hopkins admired Michael Bay as a great director.”, which has 9 tokens in total, be an input. We have been considering calculating (9, 9) sized attention maps or (10, 9) sized attention maps, but in practice you use (41, 41) or (42, 41) sized ones. When it comes to calculating self attentions in the encoder part, you zero pad self attention maps with encoder padding masks, like in the figure below. The black dots denote the zero valued elements.

As you can see in the codes below, encode padding masks are quite simple. You just multiply the padding masks with -1e9 and add them to attention maps and apply a softmax function. Thereby you can zero-pad the columns in the positions/columns where you added -1e9 to.

I explained look ahead mask in the last article, and in practice you combine normal padding masks and look ahead masks like in the figure below. You can see that you can compare each token with only its previous tokens. For example you can compare “als” only with “Anthony”, “Hopkins”, “hat”, “Michael”, “Bay”, “als”, not with “einen”, “großartigen”, “Regisseur” or “bewundert.”

Decoder padding masks are almost the same as encoder one. You have to keep it in mind that you zero pad positions which surpassed the length of the source input sentence.

6 Decoding process

In the last section we have seen that we can zero-pad columns, but still the rows are redundant. However I guess that is not a big problem because you decode the final output in the direction of the rows of attention maps. Once you decode <end> token, you stop decoding. The redundant rows would not affect the decoding anymore.

This decoding process is similar to that of seq2seq models with RNNs, and that is why you need to hide future tokens in the self-multi-head attention mechanism in the decoder. You share the same densely connected layers followed by a softmax function, at all the time steps of decoding. Transformer has to learn how to decode only based on the words which have appeared so far.

According to the original paper, “We also modify the self-attention sub-layer in the decoder stack to prevent positions from attending to subsequent positions. This masking, combined with fact that the output embeddings are offset by one position, ensures that the predictions for position i can depend only on the known outputs at positions less than i.” After these explanations, I think you understand the part more clearly.

The codes blow is for the decoding part. You can see that you first start decoding an output sentence with a sentence composed of only <start>, and you decide which word to decoded, step by step.

*It easy to imagine that this decoding procedure is not the best. In reality you have to consider some possibilities of decoding, and you can do that with beam search decoding.

After training this English-German translator for 30 epochs you can translate relatively simple English sentences into German. I displayed some results below, with heat maps of multi-head attention. Each colored attention maps corresponds to each head of multi-head attention. The examples below are all from the fourth (last) layer, but you can visualize maps in any layers. When it comes to look ahead attention, naturally only the lower triangular part of the maps is activated.

This article series has not covered some important topics machine translation, for example how to calculate translation errors. Actually there are many other fascinating topics related to machine translation. For example beam search decoding, which consider some decoding possibilities, or other topics like how to handle proper nouns such as “Anthony” or “Hopkins.” But this article series is not on NLP. I hope you could effectively learn the architecture of Transformer model with examples of languages so far. And also I have not explained some details of training the network, but I will not cover that because I think that depends on tasks. The next article is going to be the last one of this series, and I hope you can see how Transformer is applied in computer vision fields, in a more “linguistic” manner.

But anyway we have finally made it. In this article series we have seen that one of the earliest computers was invented to break Enigma. And today we can quickly make a more or less accurate translator on our desk. With Transformer models, you can even translate deadly funny jokes into German.

*You can train a translator with this code.

*After training a translator, you can translate English sentences into German with this code.


[1] Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, “Attention Is All You Need” (2017)

[2] “Transformer model for language understanding,” Tensorflow Core

[3] Jay Alammar, “The Illustrated Transformer,”

[4] “Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 14 – Transformers and Self-Attention,” stanfordonline, (2019)

[5]Tsuboi Yuuta, Unno Yuuya, Suzuki Jun, “Machine Learning Professional Series: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning,” (2017), pp. 91-94
坪井祐太、海野裕也、鈴木潤 著, 「機械学習プロフェッショナルシリーズ 深層学習による自然言語処理」, (2017), pp. 191-193

* I make study materials on machine learning, sponsored by DATANOMIQ. I do my best to make my content as straightforward but as precise as possible. I include all of my reference sources. If you notice any mistakes in my materials, including grammatical errors, please let me know (email: yasuto.tamura@datanomiq.de). And if you have any advice for making my materials more understandable to learners, I would appreciate hearing it.

5 AI Tricks to Grow Your Online Sales

The way people shop is currently changing. This only means that online stores need optimization to stay competitive and answer to the needs of customers. In this post, we’ll bring up the five ways in which you can use artificial intelligence technology in an online store to grow your revenues. Let’s begin!

1. Personalization with AI

Opening the list of AI trends that are certainly worth covering deals with a step up in personalization. Did you know that according to the results of a survey that was held by Accenture, more than 90% of shoppers are likelier to buy things from those stores and brands that propose suitable product recommendations?

This is exactly where artificial intelligence can give you a big hand. Such progressive technology analyzes the behavior of your consumers individually, keeping in mind their browsing and purchasing history. After collecting all the data, AI draws the necessary conclusions and offers those product recommendations that the user might like.

Look at the example below with the block has a carousel of neat product options. Obviously, this “move” can give a big boost to the average cart sizes.

Screenshot taken on the official Reebok website

Screenshot taken on the official Reebok website

2. Smarter Search Options

With the rise of the popularity of AI voice assistants and the leap in technology in general, the way people look for things on the web has changed. Everything is moving towards saving time and getting faster better results.

One of such trends deals with embracing the text to speech and image search technology. Did you notice how many search bars have “microphone icons” for talking out your request?

On a similar note, numerous sites have made a big jump forward after incorporating search by picture. In this case, uploaded photos get analyzed by artificial intelligence technology. The system studies what’s depicted on the image and cross-checks it with the products sold in the store. In several seconds the user is provided with a selection of similar products.

Without any doubt, this greatly helps users find what they were looking for faster. As you might have guessed, this is a time-saving feature. In essence, this omits the necessity to open dozens of product pages on multiple sites when seeking out a liked item that they’ve taken a screenshot or photo of.

Check out how such a feature works on the official Amazon website by taking a look at the screenshots of StyleSnap provided below.

Screenshot taken on the official Amazon StyleSnap website

Screenshot taken on the official Amazon StyleSnap website

3. Assisting Clients via Chatbots

The next point on the list is devoted to AI chatbots. This feature can be a real magic wand with client support which is also beneficial for online sales.

Real customer support specialists usually aren’t available 24/7. And keeping in mind that most requests are on repetitive topics, having a chatbot instantly handle many of the questions is a neat way to “unload” the work of humans.

Such chatbots use machine learning to get better at understanding and processing client queries. How do they work? They’re “taught” via scripts and scenario schemes. Therefore, the more data you supply them with, the more matters they’ll be able to cover.

Case in point, there’s such a chat available on the official Victoria’s Secret website. If the user launches the Digital Assistant, the messenger bot starts the conversation. Based on the selected topic the user selects from the options, the bot defines what will be discussed.

Screenshot taken on the official Victoria’s Secret website

Screenshot taken on the official Victoria’s Secret website

4. Determining Top-Selling Product Combos

A similar AI use case for boosting online revenues to the one mentioned in the first point, it becomes much easier to cross-sell products when artificial intelligence “cracks” the actual top matches. Based on the findings by Sumo, you can boost your revenues by 10 to 30% if you upsell wisely!

The product database of online stores gets larger by the month, making it harder to know for good which items go well together and complement each other. With AI on your analytics team, you don’t have to scratch your head guessing which products people are likely to additionally buy along with the item they’re browsing at the moment. This work on singling out data can be done for you.

As seen on the screenshot from the official MAC Cosmetics website, the upselling section on the product page presents supplement items in a carousel. Thus, the chance of these products getting added to the shopping cart increases (if you compare it to the situation when the client would search the site and find these products by himself).

Screenshot taken on the official MAC Cosmetics website

Screenshot taken on the official MAC Cosmetics website

5. “Try It On” with a Camera

The fifth AI technology in this list is virtual try on that borrowed the power of augmented reality technology in the world of sales.

Especially for fields like cosmetics or accessories, it is important to find ways to help clients to make up their minds and encourage them to buy an item without testing it physically. If you want, you can play around with such real-time functionality and put on makeup using your camera on the official Maybelline New York site.

Consumers, ultimately, become happier because this solution omits frustration and unneeded doubts. With everything evident and clear, people don’t have the need to take a shot in the dark what will be a good match, they can see it.

Screenshot taken on the official Maybelline New York website

Screenshot taken on the official Maybelline New York website

In Closing

To conclude everything stated in this article, artificial intelligence is a big crunch point. Incorporating various AI-powered features into an online retail store can be a neat advancement leading to a visible growth in conversions.

Bag of Words: Convert text into vectors

In this blog, we will study about the model that represents and converts text to numbers i.e. the Bag of Words (BOW). The bag-of-words model has seen great success in solving problems which includes language modeling and document classification as it is simple to understand and implement.

After completing this particular blog, you all will have an overview of: What does the bag-of-words model mean by and why is its importance in representing text. How we can develop a bag-of-words model for a collection of documents. How to use the bag of words to prepare a vocabulary and deploy in a model using programming language.


The problem and its solution…

The biggest problem with modeling text is that it is unorganised, and most of the statistical algorithms, i.e., the machine learning and deep learning techniques prefer well defined numeric data. They cannot work with raw text directly, therefore we have to convert text into numbers.

Word embeddings are commonly used in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks because they are found to be useful representations of words and often lead to better performance in the various tasks performed. A huge number of approaches exist in this regard, among which some of the most widely used are Bag of Words, Fasttext, TF-IDF, Glove and word2vec. For easy user implementation, several libraries exist, such as Scikit-Learn and NLTK, which can implement these techniques in one line of code. But it is important to understand the working principle behind these word embedding techniques. As already said before, in this blog, we see how to implement Bag of words and the best way to do so is to implement these techniques from scratch in Python . Before we start with coding, let’s try to understand the theory behind the model approach.

 Theory Behind Bag of Words Approach

In simple words, Bag of words can be defined as a Natural Language Processing technique used for text modelling or we can say that it is a method of feature extraction with text data from documents.  It involves mainly two things firstly, a vocabulary of known words and, then a measure of the presence of known words.

The process of converting NLP text into numbers is called vectorization in machine learning language.A lot of different ways are available in converting text into vectors which are:

Counting the number of times each word appears in a document, and Calculating the frequency that each word appears in a document out of all the words in the document.

Understanding using an example

To understand the bag of words approach, let’s see how this technique converts text into vectors with the help of an example. Suppose we have a corpus with three sentences:

  1. “I like to eat mangoes”
  2. “Did you like to eat jellies?”
  3. “I don’t like to eat jellies”

Step 1: Firstly, we go through all the words in the above three sentences and make a list of all of the words present in our model vocabulary.

  1. I
  2. like
  3. to
  4. eat
  5. mangoes
  6. Did
  7. you
  8. like
  9. to
  10. eat
  11. Jellies
  12. I
  13. don’t
  14. like
  15. to
  16. eat
  17. jellies

Step 2: Let’s find out the frequency of each word without preprocessing our text.

But is this not the best way to perform a bag of words. In the above example, the words Jellies and jellies are considered twice no doubt they hold the same meaning. So, let us make some changes and see how we can use ‘bag of words’ by preprocessing our text in a more effective way.

Step 3: Let’s find out the frequency of each word with preprocessing our text. Preprocessing is so very important because it brings our text into such a form that is easily understandable, predictable and analyzable for our task.

Firstly, we need to convert the above sentences into lowercase characters as case does not hold any information. Then it is very important to remove any special characters or punctuations if present in our document, or else it makes the conversion more messy.

From the above explanation, we can say the major advantage of Bag of Words is that it is very easy to understand and quite simple to implement in our datasets. But this approach has some disadvantages too such as:

  1. Bag of words leads to a high dimensional feature vector due to the large size of word vocabulary.
  2. Bag of words assumes all words are independent of each other ie’, it doesn’t leverage co-occurrence statistics between words.
  3. It leads to a highly sparse vector as there is nonzero value in dimensions corresponding to words that occur in the sentence.

Bag of Words Model in Python Programming

The first thing that we need to create is a proper dataset for implementing our Bag of Words model. In the above sections, we have manually created a bag of words model with three sentences. However, now we shall find a random corpus on Wikipedia such as ‘https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag-of-words_model‘.

Step 1: The very first step is to import the required libraries: nltk, numpy, random, string, bs4, urllib.request and re.

Step 2: Once we are done with importing the libraries, now we will be using the Beautifulsoup4 library to parse the data from Wikipedia.Along with that we shall be using Python’s regex library, re, for preprocessing tasks of our document. So, we will scrape the Wikipedia article on Bag of Words.

Step 3: As we can observe, in the above code snippet we have imported the raw HTML for the Wikipedia article from which we have filtered the text within the paragraph text and, finally,have created a complete corpus by merging up all the paragraphs.

Step 4: The very next step is to split the corpus into individual sentences by using the sent_tokenize function from the NLTK library.

Step 5: Our text contains a number of punctuations which are unnecessary for our word frequency dictionary. In the below code snippet, we will see how to convert our text into lower case and then remove all the punctuations from our text, which will result in multiple empty spaces which can be again removed using regex.

Step 6: Once the preprocessing is done, let’s find out the number of sentences present in our corpus and then, print one sentence from our corpus to see how it looks.

Step 7: We can observe that the text doesn’t contain any special character or multiple empty spaces, and so our own corpus is ready. The next step is to tokenize each sentence in the corpus and create a dictionary containing each word and their corresponding frequencies.

As you can see above, we have created a dictionary called wordfreq. Next, we iterate through each word in the sentence and check if it exists in the wordfreq dictionary.  On its existence,we will add the word as the key and set the value of the word as 1.

Step 8: Our corpus has more than 500 words in total and so we shall filter down to the 200 most frequently occurring words by using Python’s heap library.

Step 9: Now, comes the final step of converting the sentences in our corpus into their corresponding vector representation. Let’s check the below code snippet to understand it. Our model is in the form of a list of lists which can be easily converted matrix form using this script: