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How Do Various Actor-Critic Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Perform on Stock Trading?

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automated Stock Trading: An Ensemble Strategy


Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is a blooming field famous for addressing a wide scope of complex decision-making tasks. This article would introduce and summarize the paper “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automated Stock Trading: An Ensemble Strategy”, and discuss how these actor-critic based DRL learning algorithms, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), act to accomplish automated stock trading by boosting investment return.

1 Motivation and Related Technology

It has long been challenging to design a comprehensive strategy for capital allocation optimization in a complex and dynamic stock market. With development of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning coupled with fundamentals analysis and alternative data has been in trend and provides better performance than conventional methodologies. Reinforcement Learning (RL) as a branch of it, is able to learn from interactions with environment, during which the agent continuously absorbs information, takes actions, and learns to improve its policy regarding rewards or losses obtained. On top of that, DRL utilizes neural networks as function approximators to approximate the Q-value (the expected reward of each action) in RL, which in return adjusts RL for large-scale data learning.

In DRL, the critic-only approach is capable for solving discrete action space problems, calculating Q-value to learn the optimal action-selection policy. On the other side, the actor-only approach, used in continuous action space environments, directly learns the optimal policy itself. Combining both, the actor-critic algorithm simultaneously updates the actor network representing the policy, and critic network representing the value function. The critic estimates the value function, while the actor updates the policy guided by the critic with policy gradients.

Overview of reinforcement learning-based stock theory.

Figure 1: Overview of reinforcement learning-based stock theory.

2 Mathematical Modeling

2.1 Stock Trading Simulation

Given the stochastic nature of stock market, the trading process is modeled as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) as follows:

  • State s = [p, h, b]: a vector describing the current state of the portfolio consists of D stocks, includes stock prices vector p, the stock shares vector h, and the remaining balance b.
  • Action a: a vector of actions which are selling, buying, or holding (Fig.2), resulting in decreasing, increasing, and no change of shares h, respectively. The number of shares been transacted is recorded as k.
  • Reward r(s, a, s’): the reward of taking action a at state s and arriving at the new state s’.
  • Policy π(s): the trading strategy at state s, which is the probability distribution of actions.
  • Q-value : the expected reward of taking action a at state s following policy π.
A starting portfolio value with three actions result in three possible portfolios.

A starting portfolio value with three actions result in three possible portfolios. Note that “hold” may lead to different portfolio values due to the changing stock prices.

Besides, several assumptions and constraints are proposed for practice:

  • Market liquidity: the orders are rapidly executed at close prices.
  • Nonnegative balance: the balance at time t+1 after taking actions at t, equals to the original balance plus the proceeds of selling minus the spendings of buying:
  • Transaction cost: assume the transaction costs to be 0.1% of the value of each trade:
  • Risk-aversion: to control the risk of stock market crash caused by major emergencies, the financial turbulence index that measures extreme asset price movements is introduced:

    where  denotes the stock returns, µ and Σ are respectively the average and covariance of historical returns. When  exceeds a threshold, buying will be halted and the agent sells all shares. Trading will be resumed once  returns to normal level.

2.2 Trading Goal: Return Maximation

The goal is to design a trading strategy that raises agent’s total cumulative compensation given by the reward function:

and then considering the transition of the shares and the balance defined as:

the reward can be further decomposed:


At inception, h and Q_{\pi}(s,a) are initialized to 0, while the policy π(s) is uniformly distributed among all actions. Afterwards, everything is updated through interacting with the stock market environment. By the Bellman Equation, Q_{\pi}(s_t, a_t) is the expectation of the sum of direct reward r(s_t,a_t,s_{t+1} and the future reqard Q_{\pi}(s{t+1}, a_{a+1}) at the next state discounted by a factor γ, resulting in the state-action value function:

2.3 Environment for Multiple Stocks

OpenAI gym is used to implement the multiple stocks trading environment and to train the agent.

  1. State Space: a vector [b_t, p_t, h_t, M_t, R_t, C_t, X_t] storing information about
    b_t: Portfolio balance
    p_t: Adjusted close prices
    h_t: Shares owned of each stock
    M_t: Moving Average Convergence Divergence
    R_t: Relative Strength Index
    C_t: Commodity Channel Index
    X_t: Average Directional Index
  2. Action Space: {−k, …, −1, 0, 1, …, k} for a single stock, whose elements representing the number of shares to buy or sell. The action space is then normalized to [−1, 1], since A2C and PPO are defined directly on a Gaussian distribution.
Overview of the load-on-demand technique.

Overview of the load-on-demand technique.

Furthermore, a load-on-demand technique is applied for efficient use of memory as shown above.

  1. Algorithms Selection

This paper mainly uses the following three actor-critic algorithms:

  • A2C: uses parallel copies of the same agent to update gradients for different data samples, and a coordinator to pass the average gradients over all agents to a global network, which can update the actor and the critic network, with the objective function:
  • where \pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t) is the policy network, and A(S_t|a_t) is the advantage function to reduce the high variance of it:
  • V(S_t)is the value function of state S_t, regardless of actions. DDPG: combines the frameworks of Q-learning and policy gradients and uses neural networks as function approximators; it learns directly from the observations through policy gradient and deterministically map states to actions. The Q-value is updated by:
    Critic network is then updated by minimizing the loss function:
  • PPO: controls the policy gradient update to ensure that the new policy does not differ too much from the previous policy, with the estimated advantage function and a probability ratio:

    The clipped surrogate objective function:

    takes the minimum of the clipped and normal objective to restrict the policy update at each step and improve the stability of the policy.

An ensemble strategy is finally proposed to combine the three agents together to build a robust trading strategy. After training and testing the three agents concurrently, in the trading stage, the agent with the highest Sharpe ratio in one period will be automatically selected to use in the next period.

  1. Implementation: Training and Validation

The historical daily trading data comes from the 30 DJIA constituent stocks.

Stock data splitting in-sample and out-of-sample

Stock data splitting in-sample and out-of-sample.

  • In-sample training stage: data from 01/01/2009 – 09/30/2015 used to train 3 agents using PPO, A2C, and DDPG;
  • In-sample validation stage: data from 10/01/2015 – 12/31/2015 used to validate the 3 agents by 5 metrics: cumulative return, annualized return, annualized volatility, Sharpe ratio, and max drawdown; tune key parameters like learning rate and number of episodes;
  • Out-of-sample trading stage: unseen data from 01/01/2016 – 05/08/2020 to evaluate the profitability of algorithms while continuing training. In each quarter, the agent with the highest Sharpe ratio is selected to act in the next quarter, as shown below.

    Table 1 - Sharpe Ratios over time.

    Table 1 – Sharpe Ratios over time.

  1. Results Analysis and Conclusion

From Table II and Fig.5, one can notice that PPO agent is good at following trend and performs well in chasing for returns, with the highest cumulative return 83.0% and annual return 15.0% among the three agents, indicating its appropriateness in a bullish market. A2C agent is more adaptive to handle risk, with the lowest annual volatility 10.4% and max drawdown −10.2%, suggesting its capability in a bearish market. DDPG generates the lowest return among the three, but works fine under risk, with lower annual volatility and max drawdown than PPO. Apparently all three agents outperform the two benchmarks.

Table 2 - Performance Evaluation Comparison.

Table 2 – Performance Evaluation Comparison.

Moreover, it is obvious in Fig.6 that the ensemble strategy and the three agents act well during the 2020 stock market crash, when the agents successfully stops trading, thus cutting losses.

Performance during the stock market crash in the first quarter of 2020.

Performance during the stock market crash in the first quarter of 2020.

From the results, the ensemble strategy demonstrates satisfactory returns and lowest volatilities. Although its cumulative returns are lower than PPO, it has achieved the highest Sharpe ratio 1.30 among all strategies. It is reasonable that the ensemble strategy indeed performs better than the individual algorithms and baselines, since it works in a way each elemental algorithm is supplementary to others while balancing risk and return.

For further improvement, it will be inspiring to explore more models such as Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) or Twin Delayed DDPG (TD3), and to take more fundamental analysis indicators or ESG factors into consideration. While more sophisticated models and larger datasets are adopted, improvement of efficiency may also be a challenge.

Five ways Data Science is used in Fintech

Data science experts process and act upon data that digital resources produce. In the fintech world, data comes from mobile apps, transactions, conversations and financial standings. With this data for fintech, experts can improve the experience and success of businesses and customers alike.

Apps like PayPal, Venmo and Cash App have led the way for other fintech organizations, big and small, to grow. In fact, roughly 65% of Americans are already using digital banking in some capacity, whether it’s an app or online service. This growth, in turn, brings benefits. From personalization to integrating robotic advisors, here are five ways data scientists help fintech brands.

1. Personalization

Finance is one of the most personal industries out there as it deals with your private accounts and data. To match this uniqueness, fintechs can use data science for personalization. That way, customer service caters to individual needs.

As the fintech company gathers data from individual transactions, communications, behavior and interests, data scientists can then use said data to curate a better experience for the customer. They can advertise products and services that the customer may need to help with savings, for instance.

Contis is one example of a fintech that has integrated personalization into its services. Customers receive specific recommendations to create an efficient experience.

2. Fundraising

Fundraising had an interesting year in 2020. Amid racial justice protests and movements, crowdfunding took off on fintechs like GoFundMe and Kickstarter. These platforms helped provide funding for those who needed it. From here, data scientists can use fundraising in unique ways.

They can help raise money by targeting people who have donated in the past, or who are likely to donate based on spending habits. This data provides a more well-rounded fundraising campaign.

Then, once they do have donors, they can again use data to segment contributors by interest, demographic or engagement history. This segmentation helps advertise in a more personal, interest-specific way.

3. Fraud Detection

Cybercriminals thrive on an abundance of digital interactions. With the rise in digital banking — and the pandemic-driven shift to technology — fintechs could potentially see high rates of fraud. In fact, by the end of 2020, the United States saw about $11 billion in lost funds from credit card fraud alone.

Data for fintech brands will help address and prevent fraud like this in the future. As customers produce data from their transactions and interactions, it provides a better picture of their behavior. If there’s deviance, the data then shows potential fraud may be occurring.

If fraud does occur, data scientists can then use that instance to learn and properly recognize how data behaves during cybercriminal activity.

4. Robo-Advisors

With more people using fintech services, employees have a lot on their hands. They must properly address the customers’ needs and provide solutions. However, in the online world, employees are now getting some robotic assistance.

Robo-advisors use machine learning algorithms to interact with customers online or on mobile apps. They ask questions, understand the problems and provide solutions. They also collect data like customer goals and financial plans, which they can report back to data scientists for analysis.

Overall, roughly 75% and 46% of large and small banks, respectively, are implementing artificial intelligence to some degree. This data-driven revolution is one to keep your eye on.

5. Blockchain Governance

Blockchain governance is a somewhat newer way that experts can use data for fintech services. The blockchain is commonly known for its support of cryptocurrency services. Though crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum are on the rise, the blockchain itself is still getting its footing.

Now, fintechs like PayPal are offering crypto services, which means data scientists will be able to expand what’s possible for digital banking. As customers transfer crypto funds, data scientists can monitor their activity and get a better handle on the data that exists on the blockchain. From there, they can provide personalization and prevent fraud in the same ways as they would with standard digital banking.

A Changing Landscape

As data scientists continue to help fintech services grow, you’ll notice each of these five areas begins to become more common. Some, like personalization and fraud detection, are already key focuses for fintech companies. However, alongside robo-advisor, fundraising and blockchain, they all have room to grow through the use of data science.

Connections Between Data Science & Finance

Image Source: pixabay.com

The world of finance is changing at an unprecedented rate. Data science has completely altered the face of traditional finance management. Though data has long been a critical component to finances, the introduction of big data and artificial intelligence have created new tools that are strengthening the predictive ability of many financial institutions.

These changes have led to a rapid increase in the need for financial professionals with data science skills. Nearly every sector in finances is converting to greater use of data science and management from the stock market and retirement accounts to credit score calculation. A greater understanding of the interplay between data and finance is a key skill gap.

Likewise, they have opened many doors for those that are interested in analyzing their personal finances. More and more people are taking their finances into their own hands and using the data tools available to make the best decisions for them. In today’s world, the sky’s the limit for financial analysis and management!

The Rise of the Financial Analyst

Financial analysts are the professionals who are responsible for the general management of money and investments both in an industrial and personal finance realm. Typically a financial analyst will spend time reviewing and understanding the overall stock portfolio and financial standing of a client including:

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Retirement accounts
  • Financial history
  • Current financial statements and reports
  • Overarching business and industry trends

From there, the analyst will provide a recommendation with data-backed findings to the client on how they should manage their finances going into the future.

As you can imagine, with all of this data to analyze, the need for financial analysts to have a background or understanding of data science has never been higher! Finance jobs requiring skills such as artificial intelligence and big data increased by over 60% in the last year. Though these new jobs are typically rooted in computer science and data analytics, most professionals still need a background in financial management as well.

The unique skills required for a position like this means there is a huge (and growing) skills gap in the financial sector. Those professionals that are qualified and able to rise to fill the need are seeing substantial pay increases and hundreds of job opportunities across the nation and the globe.

A Credit Score Example

But where does all of this data science and professional financial account management come back to impact the everyday person making financial decisions? Surprisingly, pretty much in every facet of their lives. From things like retirement accounts to faster response times in financial analysis to credit scores — data science in the financial industry is like a cloaked hand pulling the strings in the background.

Take, for example, your credit score. It is one of the single most important numbers in your life, for better or worse. A high credit score can open all sorts of financial doors and get you better interest rates on the things you need loans for. A bad score can limit the amount lenders willing to qualify you for a loan and increase the interest rate substantially, meaning you will end up paying far more money in the end.

Your credit score is calculated by several things — though we understand the basic outline of what goes into the formula, the finer points are somewhat of a mystery. We know the big factors are:

  • Personal financial history
  • Debit-credit ratio
  • Length of credit history
  • Number of new credit hits or applications

All of this data and number crunching can have a real impact on your life, just one example of how data in the financial world is relevant.

Using Data Science in Personal Finance

Given all this information, you might be thinking to yourself that what you really need is a certificate in data science. Certainly, that will open a number of career doors for you in a multitude of realms, not just the finance industry. Data science is quickly becoming a cornerstone of how most major industries do business.

However, that isn’t necessarily required to get ahead on managing your personal finances. Just a little information about programs such as Excel can get you a long way. Some may even argue that Excel is the original online data management tool as it can be used to do things like:

  • Create schedules
  • Manage budgets
  • Visualize data in charts and graphs
  • Track revenues and expenses
  • Conditionally format information
  • Manage inventory
  • Identify trends in large data sets

There are even several tools and guides out there that will help you to get started!


Data analysis and management is here to stay, especially when it comes to the financial industry. The tools are likely to continue to become more important and skills in their use will increase in value. Though there are a lot of professional skills using big data to manage finances, there are still a lot of tools out there that are making it easier than ever to glean insights into your personal finances and make informed financial decisions.