The Role Data Plays in HR Analytics

Data analytics in HR can help businesses make informed decisions for hiring, promotion and digital transformation. While human resources is typically considered a “soft” discipline, information can reveal invaluable insights that help professionals deliver tangible improvements. What role does data play in HR analytics and success?

The Value of Data in HR

Data is crucial for the success of HR analytics tools. It increases visibility into business processes and the employee experience. The information analytics reveals allows decisions to be based on proven facts rather than subjective assumptions.

For example, professional absenteeism costs an estimated $24.2 billion annually worldwide. Reducing these rates relies on identifying the most common causes of missing work among employees. Some might have a chronic illness or unpredictable family obligations. Others might struggle to maintain motivation if the workplace culture does not fit them well.

Data highlights information like this, allowing HR professionals to act on sound evidence and insights. This applies to HR-specific choices, like hiring, as well as businesswide decisions, like the best way to implement a new app or technology.

Applications for HR Analytics Tools

What are the benefits of data in HR? There are many applications for the insights gained from HR analytics tools. Most business goals and challenges are connected to HR in one way or another, so data-powered solutions can have a significant ripple effect.

Data-Driven Hiring

Refining the recruitment process is a top priority for many HR professionals. Data analytics can streamline hiring, from finding potential candidates to choosing new hires.

Important KPIs for this category include time to hire, time to fill, offer acceptance rates and application sources. This data highlights how applicants hear about the business’s job openings, how long it takes to fill open positions and how frequently first-choice applicants accept job offers. Analyzing these key data types lets HR professionals pinpoint ways to improve their hiring process.

For example, HR analytics tools could reveal that a certain job board is more likely to attract applicants who accept offers. It might refer fewer candidates than another, but data would show it attracts higher-quality candidates. HR managers could then focus on prioritizing their postings on that specific site.

More Informed Employee Management

Data analytics in HR enable employee management decisions, like promotions, to be based on hard numerical data. This can be particularly helpful since getting or missing a promotion can affect workers emotionally. If they can see why they may not have received a promotion, they may be more likely to turn disappointment into motivation to improve.

HR professionals can track KPIs like average projects completed each month, client reviews, performance over time or job review results. Analyzing all this data can highlight employees who may fly under the radar while actually outperforming colleagues. Insights like this allow HR professionals to make more informed promotion decisions.

Digital Transformation Initiatives

Employees play a core role in the success of digital transformation. Surveys show that 27% of business executives are concerned about where to focus their efforts. Applying data in HR can reveal employees’ needs and the areas where technology upgrades can best serve them.

HR professionals can also use data analytics to measure the success of digital transformation initiatives once they are implemented. For example, employee performance and satisfaction surveys might show most workers like a new software program but find it confusing to learn. The HR department could use this information to suggest more thorough training for new tools moving forward.

Artificial Intelligence for HR

Data analytics in HR doesn’t need to be a manual process. Cutting-edge AI tools are now widely available to help with the data analysis process. For example, ChatGPT, one of today’s most popular AI models, can give users instructions on how to set up data analytics programs.

While ChatGPT won’t replace professional data analysts any time soon, it can help HR professionals navigate analytics. An HR department might want a data analysis program to predict employee success. It can use ChatGPT to generate instructions on creating that specific program. This technology can even write functional code.

Artificial intelligence for HR data analysis is still somewhat limited. ChatGPT may be smart but can only work with text input and output. However, AI does make a helpful assistant. Additionally, collecting large amounts of information is central to creating and training well-optimized AI models. Compiling HR data can help prepare businesses for the future.

Data-Driven Human Relations

Data analytics and artificial intelligence for HR can revolutionize decision-making. HR analytics tools ground promotions and hiring in clear numerical KPIs. Businesses can even use data to analyze the performance of big changes, like integrating a new digital transformation initiative. It opens the door to many possibilities that can lead to an even more productive human resources department.

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